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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. This is getting downright silly. Defending the totally inexusable!!!
  2. OK, I know this is a bit off topic, but since a lot of Leaf fans hang out here, I thought I'd ask the question. My friend has a Leaf jersey signed by the captain---Phaneuf. He'd like to sell it but is not sure what would be a reasonable price. My suggestion (as a non-Leaf fan) to give it to Goodwill wasn't met with enthusiasm. He's convinced that people will pay maybe 3 digits for it. What do you think?.
  3. and now Charlie Sheen(of all people) who's now in town says Ford is unfit to be mayor!!!!
  4. Oh, I don't think there were any serious neigh sayers re the OPS report. Just guys kidding about the off-the wall sense of humor.
  5. Can't call yourself a real Canadian if you don't like winter!!!
  6. Actually, no. Or at least nothing even close to what he claims! Imagine the nerve of him---stretching the truth re the $$ he's saving! http://www.thestar.com/yourtoronto/robford/2013/11/08/deconstructing_mayor_rob_fords_fiscal_record.html
  7. Great report. I'd be feeling my oats too if I'd caught some of those!!
  8. He had a piece of foam wrapped around the cable, so he could just drop it in as well.(Once the foam was adjusted for the ice thickness, which was easy to do)
  9. How essential is an ice transducer? I was out on Simcoe at 100 ft last year with a friend. He had a fairly basic Humminbird with a reg transducer. He could see his jig/lure.
  10. 5-6 of us were fishing off Oro last winter but not catching anything. There were a few unoccupied holes quite close to us. 2-3 more guys came trudging out, ask us how we were doing, we told them, they proceeded to fish the holes right near us!! More amusing than irritating!
  11. Regardless of his obnoxious behavior I wish him well in getting help and hope re recognizes his need before it's too late.
  12. Very well put. You're political leanings are quite different from mine but I respect that. That has nothing to do with the Rob Ford case. Now if you were to bellow and curse at me like Ford seems to do, my respect would go out the window.
  13. C'mon, guys---you are trying to excuse the inexcusable!!
  14. So yesterday he says he has nothing further to hide, then today this video comes out. Yet another lie!!!
  15. I was there a few days ago and made a small purchase. I was pleased with the service and plan on going back. If you value your time as much as money you'll pay a premium to save the time it takes to go to a 'big box' store---not just for fishing, but for hardware as well for e.g.
  16. Now, there's an understatement if I've ever seen one!!
  17. Then I can only conclude you've been smoking the same stuff!!
  18. I went looking for 3-in-1 oil was on the third clerk before 1 knew what it was?!!
  19. Slogan for other candidates in next eletion:"I promise to do better than Rob Ford". It's 1 election promise they'll find easy to keep!
  20. so how heavy was that big one anyway? Far bigger than that what I've caught.
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