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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. About 2/3rds of Canadians already pick up their mail from a nearby box already. I don't see what's the big deal. Just stop there on your way home every couple of days. Most every household has someone going by, or very near, their mailbox frequently. Why should taxpayers continue to subsidize the delivery costs of the 1/3 of Cdns who still receive home delivery?
  2. Yeah, right. It rained a lot where I grew up but, yunno, it was a dry rain!!!
  3. You can buy good quality bags at MEC or Sojourn in Barrie(or order from MEC on-line)
  4. If you and your son don't mind going with a couple of old geezers( 60+), we are looking at going to Bisco. One of our 4 some from last year dropped out and one other guy is lukewarm and wouldn't mind being 'cut from the line-up". PM me if interested. If not.........noooo prob!
  5. Yeah!! A buddy and I walked 3 K out last year----he's over 70 and I'm getting close.
  6. You guys rather catch those wet rags they call pickerel of walleye???
  7. Terrorist is just a label. How else could the terrible acts of the apartheid regime be stopped?
  8. Went to a farm to get eggs today. Saw this sign: "I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned."
  9. What a brave man. What a life! A real hero. RIP.
  10. Reminds me of that old line---My wife says if I go fishing 1 more time she's gonna leave me. Boy, I'm sure gonna miss her!"
  11. Ah, you learn something new every day, but sometimes wish you hadn't!!
  12. Totally lose interest in fishing?? Might not be terminal but it might as well be!!!
  13. Or which side of the bookstore---fiction or non-fiction!
  14. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mV7_y31IpqI
  15. Kijiji is not much different from anything else. The weird walk among us! I think you an usually tell on a phone call if you are dealing with a straight up guy/gal or someone trying to jerk you around. When we last moved it was quite useful in giving away a bunch of 'student grade' furniture. We could have gotten a few bucks I guess if we wanted to deal with a bunch of e-mails and phone calls. On a lighter note---I put something up for free not long ago. Somebody asked me if I could deliver it to Innisfil at 5PM that day!! Everyone's a comedian!!!
  16. not true, but it's what Ford would like you to believe.
  17. all of them were in a cooler, so they must have been pretty small!
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