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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Thx for your help folks. That sounds like good stuff, Brian, but i balk at the price. But thx for you generous offer to get a a discount. I found this at H Depot. I don't need very much for my project so I'll try this and use it sparingly-----'stitch weld' the pieces together maybe. I might need 2 of these. http://www.homedepot.ca/product/lepageltsupgtreglt-supgt-superltsupgtreglt-supgt-glue-all-plastics/973100
  2. I have a couple of small ice-fishing related projects that(ideally at least) would involve gluing polyethylene. Normal glues will not work on this. I have searched on-line for suitable products, Some recommended products: Loctite Plastix, 3M Spray 72 or 90, Weld-On 600 made by the IPS Corporation. Supposedly Home Depot and Rona carry some of these products, but local stores don't seem to have them and I can't seem to be able to order on-line and have it delivered, unless I order from the US and pay a steep delivery charge. Any ideas or suggestions? Thx
  3. Make sure you check with York Region Police to ask them if the ice is safe before you go!!!
  4. but how would you fit one of these in????
  5. I thought they'd be trolling a big spoon behind, hoping to hook a salmon!!
  6. Here's the one I see all the time in my area: Side street intersects with main street. Stop signs on side, none on main. Driver arrives at stop, waiting for traffic to clear on main to make a left turn. In the meantime I arrive at stop waiting to go thru. When traffic clears driver waits for me thinking I have the ROW-----but I don't! I wait a few secs in case he/she just has slow reaction time. Then one of us waves the other on. It would be nice and make for better traffic flow if the drivers knew that the 'left is last' rule is just a tie breaker for the case when both drivers arrive at the same time.
  7. But bear in mind that 90% of drivers consider themselves above average!! I wish that was a joke, but it isn't!!
  8. I thought it must be right---it was in the paper!!!!!
  9. "Labelle has already indicated he is appealing the conviction." the 'bottom line' from that article.
  10. Well, she's appealing the verdict!! I rest my case!
  11. Yep---food is very very cultural. e.g British navy explorers starved in the Arctic rather than 'go native' and eat Inuit food.
  12. ??? She didn't sound too repentant to me!!!
  13. In Amsterdam pickled herring on a bun is sold like from carts like hot dogs in TO. Now if some local guy was looking for a new way to make money...............well, maybe not!!
  14. 20 yrs with no licence might be better----but you can't fix stupid!!!
  15. ?? What's the price of tea in China these days???
  16. Here's another hockey joke: The Leafs!!!!
  17. If I changed my name to Chris would you take me with you?? Pretty please!!
  18. Sounds like the old joke about guys in a resytaurant. One guy orders tongue, the other guy says he wouldn't eat anything an animal used to eat. When the waiter came he ordered eggs!!
  19. An ad for this popped up on top of the OFC site. Anyone have one of those? Looks like it might be good for ice fishing, a change from the tip-up flags and the mess of line lying on the ice.. http://www.lightinthebox.com/electronic-led-light-fish-bite-sound-alarm-alert-bell-clip-on-fishing-rod-black_p1532060.html?currency=CAD&litb_from=paid_adwords_DISPLAY&gclid=CNj_lonXysICFe1cMgodNyUAxA
  20. Lobster is dead easy!! But just cook it and eat it. Try it w/o the butter first. You may like it better that way.
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