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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. At a G Bay trib yesterday. Just a tiny bit of ice in the background.
  2. post the pic on myccr.com and someone will know.
  3. Just ask your garage for the balancing weights they put on tires. Be careful with the melting., though----make sure you have proper protection for breathing
  4. not much left on G Bay either http://coastwatch.glerl.noaa.gov/modis/modis.php?region=h&page=1&template=sub&image=a1.15101.1825.LakeHuron.143.250m.jpg
  5. After today's winds I doubt it very much. Save your gas, unless you are out looking for a pink shirt!!
  6. One lake, eh? Maybe a good idea---depend on who you ask!!
  7. Probably not good now, though. The ice is still hanging around. For shore fishing, the area around the C'wood grain elevator was ice free today, but if the winds shifts to the West it will probably jam up again.
  8. I've seen a few suckers here on the river. They weren't catching anything though because the water is very muddy!!
  9. I buzzed by there today and it's a different story. The East wind has blown the ice offshore. Nobody fishing, though.
  10. Agreed that CAN be the case. But with a white shirt to reflect a lot of the sun and a very loose fit so that it doesn't stick to my back it works quite well. I sometimes dip it in the water. The evaporation from a cotton shirt lasts for a while and has quite the cooling effect.
  11. I think some of you must have these already.
  12. How much of this UPF clothing is hype? I have never gotten sunburned thru a normal shirt.
  13. I do some canoeing in the summer sun and what I found works best is a white dress shirt 1 or 2 sizes too big from Goodwill or Sally Ann. Not very fashionable but I don't GAS.
  14. Not to worry. SE winds on Mon will take it back out. It'll prob melt before it can drift back in. Did you check the pump house?
  15. FB lets me have better contact with my extended family who are scattered from Ont to the East coast. I see pix of b'day, anniv., Xmas celebs as well as some of the fish my bros catch (banter back and forth about the fish pic ). Pix of our grand childrens' fun times etc. I don't accept 'friend' requests from casual acquaintances: I think some of those are generated by 'the system' rather than originating with the alleged initiator. My fishing buddy sent me a request so I explained to him that my FB is a family thing. The way I see it if you are younger than 30 you brag about how many FB friends you have, if you're over 30 you brag about how few.
  16. Leftover Xmas eggnog, maybe-----drinking it on Easter??
  17. Enough there for a full dinner, never mind lunch!!
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