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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Wow! That's the wimpiest dog I ever heard of!!
  2. At first I wondered where the camera was mounted---then it became totally obvious when the shaking started!! I'm not much of a dog person, but a choc Lab is #1 in my books. Super friendly and playful.
  3. "Life takes twists and turns. We deal with them the best we can." Truer words were never spoken!!!
  4. Yesterday's sat pic https://worldview.earthdata.nasa.gov/?p=geographic&l=VIIRS_SNPP_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor(hidden),MODIS_Aqua_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor(hidden),MODIS_Terra_CorrectedReflectance_TrueColor,Reference_Labels(hidden),Reference_Features(hidden),Coastlines&t=2017-04-18&z=3&v=-81.04508858860976,44.28384648433211,-78.23258858860976,45.75601445308211
  5. Whether you were OOS fishing or not, the way pic and comment(or lack thereof) were posted left you way open to criticism.
  6. Yeah, really I posted it as a joke. Surprised it turned into a discussion. I didn't think there were 2 sides to discuss!!! No matter what you think of the guy's character, it's obvious that the so-called 'overbooking' resolution was very badly handled. The flight was actually not 'overbooked'---UA decided that they need 4 seats to get employees to the destination. Did they really need to board everybody before they figured that out. Morons!!!
  7. I am hoping the comedians can get ahold of this one!! https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2017/04/14/i-was-pretty-calm-the-whole-time-says-canadian-stung-by-scorpion-on-united-airlines-flight.html
  8. You mean a guy would voluntarily suffer a concussion and have his front teeth smashed just for the $? Given that both he and his wife are doctors suggests that they were Ok already with $. That's a classic 'blame the victim' argument if I've ever seen one! IMO, those United bustards should pay, and pay, and pay again. Looks good on them!!
  9. New United Airlines Mottos: "Drag and Drop" "We put the hospital in hospitality" "Board as a doctor, leave as a patient" "Our prices can't be beaten, but our passengers can" "We have First Class, Business Class and No Class" "Not enough seating, prepare for a beating" "We treat you like we treat your luggage" "We beat the customer. Not the competition" "And you thought leg room was an issue" "Where voluntary is mandatory" "Fight or flight. We decide" "Now offering one free carry off" "Beating random customers since 2017" "If our staff needs a seat, we'll drag you out by your feet" "A bloody good airline"
  10. Good for you for helping the dad and the 2 new recruits to the fishing world. One would hope that those 'old guys' would have learned enough sense by now to give the kids a little space---maybe even help them a bit as you did. From my experience, nothing beats the excitement on a kid's face when he or she lands even a minnow size fish!
  11. We went out to see Manchester by the Sea. Both thoroughly enjoyed it.
  12. If I am allowed to have an opinion here I have to say---very well put, Mr. Float!
  13. You mean I can't have an opinion different from yours. Since when do we live in a dictatorship???
  14. I sure do miss Mike's posts!! How can we get him back?
  15. eggzakly!! White hens produce white eggs, brown hens brown eggs. Just like people!!
  16. I saw a Youtube video like that too, but I just tie the floss directly to the line. I just use slip bobbers for ice fishing, though, and maybe the floss would slide when casting.
  17. Wow!! The only time I've seen walleye that plentiful was on a remote trip out of Nakina! Re bobber stops---you can make your own from dental floss or ust tie a rubber band around the line and snip off the excess. Check out Youtube. Mind you, if I'm near a store that sells those little football shaped plastic jobbies, I'll buy those.
  18. I think he has something to do with pro hockey. I could be wrong though---it might be the Leafs!!
  19. Makes me shudder!!! Canoe,cold water, river, a kid--that makes it too dangerous already! Add booze and it's criminally negligent. Good call! I just have a canoe but my rule is the same!
  20. I guess I'll be the odd one out here-----it seems like a reasonable solution to a problem. A problem created, no doubt, by fishermen---albeit a small minority. It's quite likely that some councillors wanted a complete ban and the new rule(and sign) represents a compromise.
  21. I have 2 pumps as well, but even then I have had probs. The float switch got stuck on one because it lay idle for a long time and gummed up or rusted a bit. It's hard for me, at least. to test it with water because any water I dump in the sump to try to test it will immediately drain out. I'd have to undo the piping and use a big bucket of water somehow. I put my pump up on a brick and don't see a prob with that. It doesn't necessarily mean it cycles more often. It can mean that it cycles less---it allows me to set the 'on' level to a higher elevation and I can keep the 'off' level to the same elev as it was w/o the brick.
  22. http://www.canadianfieldnaturalist.ca/index.php/cfn/article/view/1194/1187
  23. Yup, learned that the hard way a few years back.
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