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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. My white and my crayfish pattern Big "O"s are my faves at any time of year. A wacky worm near weeds or timber works quite well esp on sunny days, My bud used to swear by watermelon but have used diff colors---pink, etc. The advantage of pink is that you can see your bait better and watch it being gulped on occasion.
  2. You seem to do pretty good year round, what with all those 'catch and cook' fish!!?
  3. Apart from guns and spray(which can 'backfire' and spray you) there are also bangers sold in outdoor stores. That's what I carry on our canoe trips. I had spray but replaced it with bangers when it expired---too concerned about improper use(heard too many stories of mishaps). Any bears we have seen have been quite shy. An aggressive male that attacks humans is quite a rarity. Nothing short of a gun would prob deter it.
  4. No O'leary fan here either but let's not hang him w/o a fair trial.
  5. Maybe they should have painted the car to look like a lion???
  6. Nice fish indeed. I liked your crack of dawn shots at the beginning!!!
  7. Harry was finally a groom and was very excited about his upcoming marriage. He was on his way out of the office when his boss came over to him with an outstretched hand, "Congratulations Harry! I just wanted to tell you I've been married for twenty two years, and I am sure that you will always remember this day with the fondest of memories, as the happiest day of your life. "But sir", said Harry, a little bit confused, "I'm not getting married until tomorrow!" "Yeah, I know," said his boss.
  8. You'd be pushing your luck,IMO, even with a transom mount. A canoe can turn and flip very quickly when going against current. My suggestion---learn to pole like the natives showed the voyageurs. Quite commonly practiced in Maine these days. A great skill for a wilderness guide to have. You will impress your clients!!
  9. I ordered a chicken and an egg on Amazon. I’ll let you know.
  10. They seem tohide in the shade of the pads when the sun is out and the water temp is warm. Cools off mid Sept, IMO
  11. know that lake---the one with all the trees along the shore?
  12. The China bowl is calling you!!! Haven't seen Hippie Bob yet though!! (in joke, folks)
  13. I think we need to help newbies with tips/techniques etc but not location. Locations are best left to PMs once some familiarity and creds are established
  14. So did you get any tips from that son of yours???
  15. The flies are no good up your sleeve---you gotta tie them on the end of your line!!
  16. My first marriage lasted nearly 20 years but it felt a lot longer with the wind chill factor!!
  17. You mean as in "I showed him everything I know and he still don't know nuttin'" ??
  18. So if you had said "I got a boat for my wife" I'd say "Good deal"??
  19. Are you guys talking about reg lead or tungsten jigs used for walleye etc, or something special for bass. Also, what's a typical trailer? thx
  20. Great fish, Brian. Maybe he can give you a few tips!!
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