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Everything posted by SirCranksalot

  1. Here's 1 reason why I distrust that site----might be a good bargain, but 6 grand?????????
  2. This is about as big as I have caught. I'd like to have a better pic but when I tried to hold it up it jumped out of the canoe ---T'was a big laugh.The story was better than a pic! No steel leader---per MNR there were no pike listed for that lake!😃
  3. thx guys---I don't think I have ever ordered from Ali. I have ordered a few cheap items from China with free shipping---e.g.a fish bite alarm for about $5 delivered!! May have been Ali
  4. I get promos from them for deals that seem too good to be true---also with 'orig price' unbelievably high.Has anybody at all used them or heard of them? thx
  5. I'd like to see a few of their asses dragged into court over these types of incidents. Per the CBC prog,many schools are not reporting it to the bd as they are req'd to do. e.g.some reported zero incidents!! yeah, right!!
  6. Looks like any action taken by the school was quite ineffective. There was a CBC prog on a nite or 2 ago about bullying incl a case in Collingwood in which a kid was badly beaten. Once again,the school didn't seem to do much. The VP,in particular, was quite unhelpful. Dereliction of duty.IMO.
  7. Why not just reg a reg rubber lined rain coat----the kind that commercial fishers use. That 'breathability' stuff is way overblown IMO(And get yerself a Sou'Wester to keep the rain off you neck!!
  8. I think it's more a matter of genes than luck. But bear in mind that peers have a big influence. Maybe the good kids hung out with a good crowd and the other kids with 'punks in training'. Parental influence is quite big but is also limited. It has been my own first hand experience that easy going kids are more easily swayed by peer pressure whereas the 'strong-willed kids'(who parents often complain about) are less likely to do so
  9. No canoeists here? The most portable boat of all!!
  10. I have been told that the ticks that carry Lyme disease are very small and hard to see.
  11. I have seen these for sale on a website---never heard of them before. Any opinions?
  12. Remember, just because you're not paranoid doesn't mean they are not out to get you!!
  13. Not true---not by a long shot. Something like 99% of scientists have similar views.
  14. But likewise F=ma for the bigger boat. So, if that 36' boat were to run into a big ocean cruiser, the people on the cruiser would feel very little acceleration----barely even notice. Ya think 1 of us might be called as an expert witness??
  15. It seems to me that if a boat has no lights then it is automatically at fault. The second, smaller, boat could also be at fault, of course, if it was going too fast. As CB says, it sounds unlikely thatb a boat going 17 km/hr could have resulted in 2 deaths.
  16. No kidding?? Wacky or Texas/ I normally use quite a big hook in a Senko when going for bass but quite a small hook---like everyone else seems to do----when going for bows.
  17. I guess the computer knew you were an Italian Canadian, eh? Re crankbaits----I have hit a couple of bows in the river on a Big O but they spat the hook. Never heard of using soft plastics such as swimbaits. Would they work in rivers, I wonder?? Maybe a Senko worm??????????
  18. I guess it depends on the lake---we caught some quite shallow in a small lake last Thur.
  19. Obviously there are pluses and minuses everwhere, but we love it here in Wasaga. Best of both worlds, IMO. We moved here upon retirement. I can get to Muskoka to fish as a day trip summer and winter. We can get on the 400 quite easily well above most of the traffic. River fishing spring and fall, down rigging in summer if you are into that. The whole area from Midland to C'wood offers similar advantages.
  20. My white and my crayfish pattern Big "O"s are my faves at any time of year. A wacky worm near weeds or timber works quite well esp on sunny days, My bud used to swear by watermelon but have used diff colors---pink, etc. The advantage of pink is that you can see your bait better and watch it being gulped on occasion.
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