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Everything posted by mirogak

  1. I have always wanted to make a fish soup, never had one, how is it? What fish makes the best soup?
  2. If anyone on this board had done it, thought it would certainly be you or Mr. Borger ... I guess the reason why this is possible is because if they are in open water and they get spooked, they hide in these holes (their homes) and here they probably don't have much reason to be spooked, they already feel safe ??? And the quarters are probably so tight that they can't see much and if they do see or feel something, they think its other trout? I think the guy in the video eludes to this point as well.
  3. Next time I fail with a rod I got my hands to rely on Miro
  4. That stove cracked me up ...
  5. Just breathtaking pics ... nice report. Glad you went and I dream of my trip out west sometime soon.
  6. Haven't fished for quite some time and miss it greatly. Missed the boat on specks but would like to get one last decent try at walleyes. I am thinking the water must have turned over by now at Rice ... anybody fished it lately?
  7. Been a while since I have seen a report of this quality. Beautiful pics - just loved it. Thanks for making my Friday.
  8. Cool pics - I still don't get the finger/toe?
  9. I got Go Pro Hero for the first, and Canon Rebel T3 for the second, and I am quite content with both, especially my Canon. But I am told that there are better options than the Go Pro.
  10. interesting post ... lol
  11. Sorry to hear about your loss. Sometimes in this fast pace of life we forget what we should cherish the most, and unfortunately, that realization often comes when its too late. Lately I have been telling myself that 'soon' I will spend more time with my parents and 'really' communicate with them. I could go on and on ... but my heart and condolences go out to you and your family members. God bless.
  12. So thats what them splake look like ... not too far from me brookies. Nice report. And yes how did they taste?
  13. I am in too ... I even gave it my fav color in Outlook - greeeeeeen
  14. <iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/SxetF7o4aYI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  15. Very nice - glad to see you and the family enjoying as best as possible.
  16. Dang - this is in the GTA! Mr. Borger, MJL and Spiel are in, count me in too....
  17. Nice tip - bookmarking!
  18. Oh really - good thing I didn't go last weekend but I am playing this weekend. Eeeha.
  19. Good work bud. My good deed for the week: Went hiking in the woods, with the kids, to check out the fall colors and I heard cries for help. Turns out a woman had tripped and fallen down to the banks of a creek. She had broken her ankle. Carried her up to the banks and then called 911.
  20. nice place and fishing ... cool dog too.
  21. Exactly what I was looking for - posting on my FB right away. Thx for sharing.
  22. Lol - LMAO - nice reply Top Water!
  23. lol
  24. great pics and fish - thx for sharing with us.
  25. Nice trouties
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