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Everything posted by bassjnkie

  1. Great report, nice fish!! WTG!!
  2. Checked out the Lebaon.ca site, click the 2009 in-progress and the fishing section is done. There are alot of new items and they sell the Falcon line of boxes, finally. Great stuff new reels, even the new Curado for you shimano fans, shhh I'm really thinking of getting one. Check it out, if this was posted already, sorry. Daniel
  3. Garmin is the way to go, They are more accurate and use more satelites then other companies, hence accuracy. BillM said it, Garmin is most popular for a reason. Daniel
  4. Corn on the cob, may be.....whole cob........yes.........make a hair rig big enough............got it.............thanks for the idea, time to cast for the toxic avenger. LOL
  5. Coffee cups, napkins, busted trees, 80lb mono, and now an owl hanging by its feet. COME ON. Are people bloody savages, may be a little bit brain dead. Seeing these pictures, ya I will give Essa $40. That Owl pic really ticked me off.
  6. When I buy the bass pro lazer eyes, I change the clevis and rings. I had blades fly off while casting. I had problems with corrosion, as mentioned salt and vinegar works the best. Mike like others have said, make sure to dry them out before storing. Daniel
  7. I guess you have to have the passion to watch Fish O Mania. I don't disagree with everyone, I could get boring at times. Pole fishing for carp is actually fun. For me I find Musky, fly, salmon, fishing flats, deep sea and the bass tourney shows boring. Linder is an ok show, Charlie Moore, scott martin, roland martin, Jimmy Huston are the shows I like most. Lunkerville is a joke, and I am not keen on the Hook and Look show. Daniel
  8. I watch it every Wed. at 10am. I fish the same style, with an elaticated pole, float or feeder with rod and reel. For me I watch it to pick up new methods of fishing and landing the fish. If your into hard core carp fishing, like me, you don't watch it to follow the standings. The quys fishing are champions and their tecniques change every match they fish. I actually picked up a lot from Fish O Mania. Yes it's boring once in a while. Lunkerville really does suck!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. The caddy is not heaviley padded at all. Truthfully, it's like wrapping you rods in a sheet. I think the browning one has more protection. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...0004000_100-4-2
  10. I AM SOOO GLAD!! I stopped fishing rivers/trout 4 years ago. I have to agree that $40 is bull. How about a protest I will sign it, and i am sure we can get alot more to sign just on this board. Here's a thought, don't fish it and save your $40 for gas to another trib. That's life, quick buck Daniel
  11. Nice mix of fish, cute bass!!! First one is not a carp, if I am not mistaken is some sort of sucker. Anyways great catch!!
  12. Thanks for the link. Looks like my reels are getting an upgrade. Nice winter project. Thanks again, Daniel
  13. Primrose trout farm used to sell trout roe. If you close to there give em a call. Click to email [email protected] 1 519-925-3846
  14. Heres another, with wheels. It the airline model http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&hasJS=true
  15. Way too expensive, but this will do the trick http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...t20325&rid=
  16. You can't fight the fish with the line in the linedancer. Ever fish you have to remove the line. I made mine from a coat hanger.
  17. The new Curado looks like a nice/good reel. I do love My Daiwa viento (cast plastic a mile), The advantage hstal is a great reel, cheapest price is LeBaron. The revo sx I like it, but it's not for me. I have 2 Daiwa tierras that are well built, cast smooth and very quiet. Make sure you get something that balances your rod. Daniel
  18. I agree. I have about 8gigs on 2 DVDs and I do it weekly http://www.goclickfree.com/ waste of money. They have seperate cd's for backing up from pics to music and they sell a storage device $159.99, just get an external hard drive and copy and paste.
  19. I am really not a salmon/trout guy. I normally use flies and artifical baits under a float. I knew a guy years ago that got his roe from Primrose trout farm, something like $5 a jar cured. Why kill the fish for roe. Just my 2c Daniel
  20. Sorry to hear. I feel your pain, my cat die of liver failure. Sorry again for your loss Daniel
  21. Good Job guys. Nice fish!!
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