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Everything posted by bassjnkie

  1. Canadian Carper? What? Never had that screen name. Problem? People that don't stay out of others affairs. I'm done with you, and I will stop posting on this thread, as 15+ ofners PM me to tell me I am wasting my time even posting. People know what you are about. Canadian Carper?
  3. I know your stuff Mike. Can I say it, Tackle Tart
  4. Thanks for the suggestions. Dear Photoz, I understand you are getting to an age, where you have nothing better to do than complain. I am half you age, I have more assets than you will have when you die. I have something to show in life, and you have Jealousy. You really better say off the back, or I will make a complete fool out of you. Every value is true, oh ya plus my brand new boat, look up the boat cover post so you can see it's, if you think I'm lieing. You are a waste of breath, with nothing better to do with you life. Like I said, your F$%&^ing with the wrong person. GO GET A BLOODY LIFE!!! MJL and eveyone else, the value that was said is correct. I will explain PHOTOZ value, I don't like to be called a liar. I don't have very expensive Euro carp gear in Canada, the match stuff is high up there. I have a Tracker V-16 DLX side console with a 50 4 stoke. I am a crazy collector, I do have the 2 Stellas mentiond, I have many special issue reels, I have collected all the Cargem collection from the Sea 66 to the little Mingon, I have a few Green abu zebcos, I have very rare reels here and in Italy. The value of $25,000 that was said is actually more, considering all the carp/Match equipment I have collected in Italy, ever seen Fish O Mania, exactly like that. I really hope this clears thing up, and I hope you can understand I was not shooting my mouth. Daniel
  5. Wicked job to all team Canada. To Mike, you rule awsome job
  6. I guess it's ok, they even have a Cavitron bass boat. The secret is the holes in the blades. I was reading in a mag, years ago, about bending a regular buzzbait wire and drilling holes in the blades. I did just that and it worked quit well, made noise, came in stright and made bubbles. Same concept as the one you boat, so I think it will work well
  7. MODS please remove PHOTOZ post with the value of my equipment. I don't think it is fair to me to have it shown for all to see.
  8. Thanks for the info. Has a strong/smooth drag thats what I looking for. I was going to ask if it's solid, but I will find out tommorrow at LeBaron. I had a couple of Sedona's their great, I will look into the Spirex. Thanks
  9. I remeber everything I say. Remeber this one, just to clear things up, I under estimated the value of my equipment, it is alot more. Oh ya, can you please keep things to yourself, I really don't think everyone on this board should know the value of my stuff. I have to give you this, you have alot of nerve posting this. Nothing better to do EH! Victor how do you like the saros?
  10. You got me, I do have 2 stellas 2500 but I need a little more line, like a 3000, but I want a reel that I can punish a bit. Thanks everyone, I wanted to try different company like Pfluger. I did come to a decision though, yes Shimano, either the Shimano Stradic FI, Shimano Stradic MgFB, or even the Shimano Saros F, please give me some feedback on these reel if you use them, GCD I got your vote!! Photoz, how do you know what my carp and match gear is worth.
  11. I like my Daiwa reels, but I am willing to buy something else. I need at least 200yrds of 10lb mono, a good front drag (very important), and a solid body/frame. Price range I am not sure of, but please suggest something reasonable. I am not a Shimano guy, but I know there are a lot of Shimano lovers out there, so suggest away. These are some reels I was looking at online. 1 - Daiwa® Exceler 3000 2 - Pflueger® President 6740X 3 - Pflueger® Supreme XT 9040XT 4 - Pflueger® Supreme 8040MGX Thanks in advance for the suggestions Daniel
  12. I have a 50 4 stroke, it has little vibration, not much. My steering has no play.
  13. I agree. But all forums are the same. May be we should make a new category called Off Topic, but it's not up to me.
  14. Rich how about a pic or two.
  15. I really hope your kidding ? I found that on a site and copy and pasted it. I will contact the owner of the site to apologize to Bly
  16. I have my plug on the outside, never had a problem. You might want to invest in this type of plug, http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...0003000_200-3-5 I have used this for all my boats. If the one you have flips opened your done, the screw type I feel is more secure. Just my 2c Daniel
  17. Welcome aboard!!! Bunch of great people here!!!!
  18. Found this: Michigan: Designed for steelhead fishing (wading), the handle has a fly grip on the front fore grip and a small four (4) inch rear grip. The Michigan handle allows an angler to utilize the vast majority of the rod without him worrying about the handle splashing in the water nor hitting him in the ribs.
  19. Something has to be up. My boat is dry after every outing, unless it's raining hard. Fill it with some water and you will find your problem.
  20. If your talking about the Curado 300, I held one for the first time yesterday. Smooth, quiet, hold enough line. SHHH! I am not a shimano fan. For the abu`s they are all nice reels, I personally use the blue C4 and it`s great. The reel profiles are for ergonomics. Daniel
  21. I had motorguide on all my boats for 10years, never had a problem. Service was not an issue either, I bring my motors to Aikman's for warranty, fast service.
  22. I agree with Kemper. 1000yrds or line kinda gives you one option. I have 10 or 12 carp/match set-ups which covers every situation, if I were to buy 1000yrds, than I only covering one situation. Same with my bass, pike, muskie and walleye gear. Different line for different situations. Hope this helps, Daniel
  23. That is what I have been doing for 10years. I have a windstar FWD, has no problem on a ramp with 1600lb behind it.
  24. I don't know, it's kind of scary to me to pull the trailer, knowing the bearing is shot. It takes 30min or so to change them.
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