At our farm we have a chicken coop, surrounded by a 6 foot fence and never had a problem of them jumping over. They would just dig under, but the fence starts underground.
Thanks, sounds like it a good bow. I will let my buddy know. For me I think I will put an AlphaMax under the tree this year, I love the cam and 1/2.
Thanks again
I have been using a bow for many years now, Hoyt, Bow tech and so on. Now my bud wants to buy a bow and is looking at a Diamond. Anyone use them? Any reviews, good or bad? Are they low end or high end?
Daiwa is great, I have many of their reels. This year for chits and giggles, I was using a Tierra 2500 for 20+lb carp and 6lb mono. Put it this way, 6lb test many 20+lb carp, I can defiantly say, great reels.