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Everything posted by bassjnkie

  1. What happened to the "love of the rage"? Personally I get my heads sent to me for testing. I tried the Rage and here is my review, sorry it's late but I can't argue with a big Rage fan. There are no broad heads that fly exactly like field points "FP". I have tried the Montec, spitfires, Rage and so on. I personally don't like mechanical, sometimes open in flight and times never open, testing the Slick Tricks, I noticed they can very close to my FP even at 50 yards. I am glad you learned that the Rage will not be dead on to PF. My testing of the Rage showed, shooting at 290 FPS, that 10 Yards are close to FP, 20 yards are off by 4", 30 yards off by 7" and it gets worse the farther you shoot. The Montecs, well ain't any better. Spit fires are ok, but they don't always open. When I stared shooting at bow at 15, I was taught by a archery pro, he said "sight in what you are using for hunting, FP's don't equal the same arrow flight". Meaning if you are using broad head, then practice with them and you will be sure of a perfect shot. Sorry for the late review, but it seemed the Rage were your best friend. I wasn't looking to argue. Daniel
  2. I tested many heads on the market, including the rage heads when they came out. They pack a punch even with the slowest FPS bow. I know many people that use them with no complaints. Personally I love my Slick Tricks, but I like to try something different from time to time. BTW great buck. Perfect entrance and shot. Congrats Daniel
  3. Hella sweet!!
  4. I see it this way, bows are fun in the rivers, but a 20+lb carp in 30' of water, digging strait down, now that's a thrill. Eating your lunch and the drag start screaming, that fun. To all his/her own. Daniel
  5. Thanks for the PM's and for the great info. Daniel
  6. So for the past two week I have been talking to a couple guys regarding my high end bass, walleye and crappie equipment due to no time. Well I sold them yesterday, all customs, high end reels and so on. My specialty is carp fishing, but I like to go for bass, walleye and pan fish, but I don't think I am going to spend hard core money on those three. I have a boat that I want to use for walleye trolling, in with the new, and I was wondering what rod and reel, also dipsys or boards? I was looking at the Daiwa heartland rods, and the Daiwa line counter. Any help will be appreciated, Daniel
  7. Thanks for the heads up. Last time I went I bought nothing due to my Dad. I guess i will make up for it tomorrow, poor bank account. Thanks Daniel
  8. I use my baitcasters for baits from spinners to senkos, actually most baits. I get a better hook set over spinning, they are able to handle heavy braid with no issues, I also find they have better cranking power when ripping a fish out of heavy cover. And so on.... For the brand, go either Shimano or Daiwa, like mentioned don't cheap out, buy once and it will last forever. Hope this helps, Daniel
  9. I agree that all plastic based reels are not crap. You mentioned plastic moulding for military. If you were to make a reel to military specs, plastic, and I am sure ballistics, that reel will cost a fortune. Damn I want one already. LOL
  10. Agree 100%
  11. your right lets mention the models I had 2 epixor bait runners. I sold them, cheap construction, twists under pressure, and to top it all off the runner switch fails to engage most of the time. I had the same problem with 2 avenger bait runners, sold them. Bait casters: Can't remember the name, it's the higher end model $150 of something. Poorly built compared to other reels in the price range, noisey gears, terrible drag, not the greatest bearings, etc... I sold them a week later. Personally I will never purchase an Okuma again. BUT, BUT, BUT, I am not in any way saying Okuma makes the worst reels, they are just entry level. Daniel
  12. Yes. Here you go. Click zone 16 http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsF...L02_163615.html
  13. I am an avid hunter, and boot are a big deal. My dad has the Rocky full gortex boot 1000 grams thinsulate, I have the Irish Setters gortex with nice leather pattern 800 grams thinsulate. Both boot are really warm, and very durable. Both purchased at bass pro. Daniel
  14. Welcome to the board!!
  15. Kemper, I would never put my personal fishing style in the hands of Okuma or even Quantum. Okuma is an entry level reel with no back bone, whether it be bass, pike or even carp. They are very nice reel, but that's it. I started bass fishing at 13 year old, and got my first baitcaster a couple years later. I tried them all over the years, and the only ones that could handle the punishment of 50-80# braid, solid hook sets, ripping bass out of slop, is Shimano and Daiwa. I had a couple quantums given to me, with the only intent but to punish them. Drag locked, crazy solid hook sets, fish flying out of the thick cover and truthfully most of the reels skipped a beat. I still own my old Shimanos and Daiwas and I will never take them for granted. If the style I mention is like your, you won't be happy with anything other than the top two companies in the market. To you personally: Would you buy a 12" ugly stick and a southbend center pin for steels. Won't be reliable or really worth it. You are really not destroying the reels, they are supposed to be used without worries.
  16. Just buy a new rod, actually the islander will look better on a Loomis 13' 4" Daniel
  17. You do have the right attitude and it's great you can accept your son the way he is. Major thing here is to talk to your son and nicely explain to him that you are comfortable with his choice and the dating. But the affection part (kissing, snuggling, etc... around the family needs more time to get used to. I am sure he will understand. Hope this helps Daniel
  18. Used a buddies Islander a couple months ago, all I can say is "I want one". Spins great, yes it is build like a work horse, and handles great. Daniel
  19. Caddy CTS, ohhh the memories. But I try not to remember the fines.
  20. Distance for the gun but, short season, with the bow, more time and area opportunities.
  21. My dad has shoulder problems, he can't pull back even 50# draw. But he loves his crossbow. Daniel
  22. I been doing archery 3d and deer hunting for about 8 years. For the hunting part, before I say anything else, misfish is 100% correct for the gutting, It would suck if you get a deer and can't gut it. I was fortunate to brought up with this stuff. Now, you have to take the hunters ed course which covers a lot of topics and will answer a lot of your questions, the test is mostly common sense. Second, you have to decide between compound bow, long bow, recurve or crossbow? I have my compound for hunting and 3d, I have a longbow for fun, my dad uses the crossbow, way too easy for me, I like a challenge. Now I know you want either a crossbow or a compound. Crossbow, it's like holding a gun, can be loaded while sitting in your stand or blind. You can mount a scope, quiver for your arrows. Modern crossbow can reach 60 yards target, but for kill shot I prefer under 50 yards. Compound, Not a point and shoot weapon. You will need a lot of practice, meaning you cant buy it and go shoot a deer. Very accurate, like the crossbow. The bow sting is usually good for 1500 flights. Unlike the crossbow, you have to bring the bow to full draw, crossbow is ready. Hope this helps, Daniel
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