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Everything posted by bassjnkie

  1. I forgot my favorite bait. The Heddon prop (looks like the spook with a prop) and the Rapala skitter prop (frog colour) Nothing special to these baits, just rip 3-4 time on the surface, and pause for 10 seconds. Then repeat. Basically like the Hula popper. Great selection GBW.
  2. I would add some senkos or senko type baits.
  3. That is a great selection. Someone above said it, buy as you need it. But what you have there will defiantly get you into pike. Word of advice, most of the time when a pike hits the spinner bait, the bait really bends out of shape.
  4. For bottom fishing with a 6'6" rod, go with a sliding 3/4 or 1oz egg sinker, then tie on a swivel, then a 3-5" hair rig. Hook sizes can vary, #4 are all-around, #6 worked good. Put a couple kernels of corn on the hair and your set. For the float a # 8-12 hook is good, with 2 kernels straight on the hook. Hope this helps Daniel
  5. Looked like a great day Greg, nice turn out. Sorry I couldn't make the event.
  6. That sucks that you lost your rod and reel. Look into a free spool reel.
  7. There are puck you put in the tackle box that suck up the moisture, apparently they really work. Here's a link. http://fishing.flambeauoutdoors.com/otdrs_...accessories.asp I just let them air dry, by the time I get back to the launch they go back in the box.
  8. For a braid I only use Power Pro. For mono, it's Big Game which is very abrasion resistant or Suffix Elite mono. I've tried them all over the years. As mentioned above, what are you targeting?
  9. May be the e-mail should be pinned, so future OFNers that don't know won't make a mistake, breaking the law.
  10. I think I will post this email after all. Enjoy Hi Daniel, We do recognize the increasing popularity of carp fishing and the economic benefits it presently generates and the potential it has in the near future. Under the Ontario Fishery Regulations (http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/showtdm/cr/SOR-2007-237) there is a list of fish species for which the regulations apply, in addition to a list of baitfish. The common carp is present in the same list of fish species as the most popular "sport" fish such as walleye and lake trout and therefore is not considered a coarse fish under the regulations. In addition, carp are listed in the Ministry of the Environment's Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish for lakes where this species is present (http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/envision/guide/). The annual fishing summary is a plain language translation of the Ontario Fishery Regulations. Where fisheries management requires seasons and limits to insure sustainability of a species or to properly manage fishing opportunity, species are listed in a species table in the summary. Given that presently there is no sustainability issue with carp populations in Ontario, we do not feel the need to list them in the species tables; however, we do manage non-angling methods of carp fishing opportunities with seasons, the same as lake whitefish and lake herring. Through the promotion of angling opportunities and organizations like yours, public education is the best tool to profile the common carp and its fishery. Sorry, once again, for the delay in responding to your request. I trust this answers your questions. Jason Borwick, M.Sc. Management Biologist, Aurora District Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources 50 Bloomington Rd. W. Aurora, ON L4G 3G8 Tel: 905-713-7404 Fax: 905-713-7361 E-mail: [email protected]
  11. Never mind.
  12. KTL is a distributor in Canada, don't know if that help.
  13. Just to add. The p350, as it says on the company site comes with a XFT extended extra full turkey choke. Did you buy the gun used? Check the link: http://www.stoegerindustries.com/firearms/...r_p350_pump.php
  14. I really wouldn't want to shoot without a choke, it's a pain to re-thread. For the turkey choke, check out Bass Pro, or Epps in Orillia, but call first. The pattern you have isn't the worse I've seen considering it's at 40 yards with a full choke, BUT it could improve with a proper turkey choke. H.S. and Primos make nice ones. 40 yards is a great starting point to shoot, at least if the tom isn't interested, your confident enough to take it at 40. Like others said, calling is the most important, if you can get the bird at 20 yard, the pattern you have will shrink considerably. I shoot a Benelli supernova with Primos Jelly Head choke and Win. 3 1/2" #4, compared to the full choke it's like night and day. This is the choke me and my dad use, we tried 3 and this one worked best on my Benelli and dad's Beretta. http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...__SearchResults If you can find it for your model, which they probably make, you won't regret it. But, H.S. are less expensive. Hope this helps.
  15. Hey Greg, like I said yesterday, as of right now I can't make it, but if plans change I'll be there. I'll see you next weekend I'll probably take the keepnet and more floats. BTW, love the reels I bought yesterday. Thanks
  16. My buddy has 2. I used them for a couple outings and they are impressive. That's a good price to.
  17. I have the same one, you have to by the receiver puck. Here's a link http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...__SearchResults If you have the puck, then just plug it in and it will recognize it. BTW doesn't work indoors.
  18. Thanks everyone, I bought the hooks yesterday, but I'm going to order the rod or get the ST. Croix as mentioned above. Thank Victor for the FC info, I will stick to mono, or may be a length of Snake Bite. LOL Thanks again Daniel
  19. I'm about your weight and my Tracker boat seats put up with a lot in the past 5 years. I had the Wise seats in my first boat, for the money they took a lot of punishment. Contact Leisure Marine, they know their stuff. http://www.leisuremarine.com/service.html
  20. I never used circle hooks, what size do you recommend? or should I just buy different sizes and test them? Thanks Can anyone suggest a rod?
  21. Talk about hilarious inventions, check out the link: http://www.coveryourbass.com/
  22. I have a lot of carp gear that I know will handle a there cats, but I rather have a separate setup to target them. I have the reel which is a Abu C4, but I was just wondering what rod to pair it with, any suggestion would be great? For the main line I am not worried, I have lots of egg and bell sinkers hanging around, for bait I have an idea what to use. Do you suggest I use a mono, or fluorocarbon leader? Lastly, what hook size and brand do you recommend? Any help will be great. Thank you
  23. My favorite spot I went to Sat and Sun, was packed with crappie and perch and the waters had no visibility. I caught mostly crappie on Sunday, many were very good size for this time of the year. Then I went back every night this week, with very few crappie caught. If your headed to Brad, I would hold off for a bit, a buddy called me this morning he said they haven't come in yet, but a couple small ones were caught from a boat.
  24. I nomally use size 10 - 16 Kamasan for trout and match/float carp fishing. I've also use the Raven specialist and sledge hooks, Drennan and Fox match hooks with good results. You can find the Kamasan at Fish Ontario at the HWY400 service station, Raven at Bass Pro, Drennan and Fox online. Hope this helps.
  25. My dog used to eat it. I talked to my vet, she said to give the dog 1/2 a dried fig a day until he stopped. I did it for 2 day and he never touched it again. I was told the fig on the way out has a very bad bitter taste. Just a suggestion.
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