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Everything posted by bassjnkie

  1. He probably eats them. There is a group of 6 that catch them out of season in a spot in Keswick, they leave with a couple buckets full. Yes I confronted them, they don't understand and I did call the reporting center and no one showed up. Plus, 6 people fill a couple buckets quick and then they leave.
  2. I've been cleaning reels since I was 16, the firsts couple times drove me crazy. Now I'm cleaning everyone's reels for family and friends. Wiser's video is the perfect demonstration for cleaning reels, only difference I use Reel Butter. BTW, going to a dealer could cost a pretty penny if you have a few reels, call first.
  3. I use the triple surgeons knot for my shock leader to braid, fishing for carp. I've landed 30's with the knot.
  4. Browning reel? From Bass Pro, right? I am 90% sure they will replace it for you. Give them a call.
  5. I can only suggest The Daiwa Tierra, Exceller or even the TD Pro that is only sold at BassPro. Daiwa drags are really good. Shimano makes some nice reels, but I never used them.
  6. Nice catch!! Rick JB's has some spools left, last time I was there.
  7. Looks like you had a great time, lots of fish and some big bass. WTG!!
  8. What size were the ones you released? Sounds like a great time.
  9. I like Rice Lake for bass. But I have to say my fav. is Simcoe.
  10. I like the diamond files. Actually, Rapala came out with the diamond file, I never tried it though.
  11. I don't think it's the treble. I use both single and treble and the same thing happens to me once in a while.
  12. Sorry to hear that, losing a combo always sucks.
  13. I use my live well for storage most of the time. I just plug the bottom drainage hole.
  14. 777, This will happen when fishing around rocks, boulders, zebra mussels, but it sounds like a bad batch of line, 30# just doesn't snap that easily. I had a bad batch of 50# PP. It happens.
  15. I know ways to do it for my uses. But for your application give the RV stores a call. they use the setup you need in house boats and RV's. All that is requires is a selector switch, which you turn one way for battery and the other to the converter. And of course power plugged in to the converter via a plug.
  16. Let me understand. You are hooking up the power so you can run the boat, eg. using lights through the 125v connection, not the battery. If that's correct you will need a 125V to 12v converter.
  17. I use the same ones and never had a problem like that. Was it breaking off at the knot or higher up?
  18. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I use the slip float all the time for panfish. Use a sting stop and it should pass the eye no problem. I've casted with the stop at the reel in 25 FOW. Just a word of advice the float is free on the line, meaning your line breaks the float is gone. I set it up like this, stop, float, swivel, to a lighter than main line leader to the hook, so if you leader breaks the swivel will save the float. Hope I didn't confuse you. Daniel
  20. I have a buddy that used the pistol grip for crankbaits.
  21. Looks like a tele flippin stick. Push the blank towards the handle, if it goes in then you got a flippin stick.
  22. Ya I think a pictures should help.
  23. Pictures would help. Also can you spin the reel seat.
  24. Jokco, is there an engraving on the lip? If, so what does it say? Never mind the bugs you have there are vintage, no question about it. The lip and the bulging eye give it away. I can't tell you the actual year, but I looked around and they go for $10 - $20 each, depending on the conditions and if the hooks are original.
  25. I do some collecting, mostly reels. $10.50 for the 2 Jitters is a good deal. They aren't worth huge $$$, but they are in great condition for their age, you can easily double your investment. Great find, Ebay is a great place.
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