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Everything posted by bassjnkie

  1. Yes the Gulp containers suck, but the product works. I just put the bait in a ZipLoc twist lock container. It works great.
  2. My favorite catches: Not a big fish but lots of fun on a 1Lb leader.
  3. I thinks she's going to see what the actual price of you fishing stuff is.
  4. If I can't make it, your the first in line.
  5. I agree with Syn 100%, bring the reel in and see how it feels with your rod choice. If it doesn't feel right in you hands, remember thats 8 -12Hrs of casting, your going to be hurting. I've done it, never again. All the places I've brought my reel to, they had no problem with me putting them on the rod.
  6. Cool I won!! PM sent. Sorry Fisher.
  7. The center drags disappeared as fast as they came out. I managed to get the Suveran 2000, 3000, 4000 and the cheaper CD6 3000. Now they are in my collector reel collections. They are bullet proof with a wicked drag.
  8. Same here: North American Carp Angler, OOD and a few Match fishing mags from the UK.
  9. Slow day with a nice fish. WTG!! You guys have been hammering them latley. Nice.
  10. I use both and I really see no difference except, as mentioned storage.
  11. I love my Bass Pro Extreme 7'6" extra heavy non tele flipping stick (broom stick). I also use it for bigger pike with no problem at all. $119.99, but they always go on sale.
  12. Sorry I didn't understand what was going on in the beginning. It was a bad shot, but that's not the argument. So, YES the media thrive on this type of occurrences and blow it all out of proportion and the innocent one gets the....... Harassing and threatening the non accused is wrong, but the media portrayed both parties as criminals. Now I understand and agree. Sorry again.
  13. This can go either way, but I have to say that's careless. I am an avid coyote hunter I've been doing it for years to help out farmers. If I can't distinguish if it's a dog or a coyote I just don't shoot, plain and simple. Yes the dog shouldn't have been there, but that no excuse. Good thing they didn't hit any vitals on the dog.
  14. If you taking the 400N there is a service station after Major Mackenzie. It' in the back of the Petro, Fish Ontario, here is the # I don't remember what they open, 905.832.4566. Hope this helps, Daniel.
  15. Thank you, that is what I was looking for. I'll call Terry it says after 6:30pm, thanks again.
  16. I'm looking for a list of hut operators on Simcoe, I did some searches online and on this forum with no results. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  17. It's not an exit, it's a service station entrance and the store is in the back. It's 400 North between Major Mackenzie and King Side road. You can't miss it.
  18. I guess it depends who's having a good day at BPS. I found a Daiwa reel online in the LeBaron catalog, I printed it out, it didn't even say LeBaron on the print out and they honored it no questions asked. As for Fishing World they have some great people working there, but I usually go to Bill's Baits.
  19. Way to go Lorne. The first fish of the year is always the best!!
  20. I cut out Timmies coffee/food a year ago, I was spending $10 a day, $300 a month. Now I have more $$$ for fishing and hunting, I don't drink, but if I can only cut out smoking.
  21. I saw it on JP's show, but am skeptical about this new upgraded/version. I heard a couple years back that the original line wasn't that good.
  22. # 1 on picture: If you click the QUOTE button on the post a plus sign will show, meaning you can add multiple quotes from different posts by just clicking the quote button. After you chose the ones you want go to the bottom an click the add reply button, you should see the quotes. # 2: Click the reply button in the post and just that quote will show up in you post, no need to click the reply button on the bottom. Hope this helps.
  23. I have the Albright Bugatti 7/8, I bought it for bass and pike. I have to say it works really well for the price. Handles good size bass no problem. If I buy another reel, I'll go with Islander.
  24. I use the Triple Surgeons Knot or the Double Uni knot and never had the knots slip.
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