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Everything posted by bassjnkie

  1. A relative did it, it's pretty simple. Let us know how it goes Brian.
  2. Nice work, wish I had the patience.
  3. I am pretty sure your forced to use a PVR. I tried a million ways to record on a VCR.
  4. Has there ever been charges pressed on a poacher not caught in the act, but with a picture for proof or sending a licence plate #? Just curious if it works.
  5. I have Lowes, Rona and HD a couple minutes from me. I normally go to Lowes or Rona, better layout, organized, great service and friendly staff. HD has a bunch of monkeys working there starting from management. Price wise and quality its pretty close between Rona and Lowes. HD is a little over priced.
  6. Was at BPS yesterday looking for a few rods, lucky I didn't buy, didn't see those though. EDIT: Just called Bass Pro, they don't have those rods and will not be carrying them at all.
  7. I wouldn't fire any shots in the Simcoe County Forrest right now, lot's of camo bow hunter out there. I shoot on private land, it's a little safer. Go ask framers from hwy 88 and up, they are pretty good farmers with lots of land that will let you set up a practice range for a few hours. There is a range in Stoney creek, Silverdale, $20 for the day.
  8. You can use elastics as a float stops, but the problem is it won't go though the eyes if your fishing deep. I use the Thill string stops available in most shops. Put you mainline line through the tube, push the string off the tube onto the line, pull the tag ends tight, trim, put the supplied bead and finally thread the float on.
  9. The rut is defiantly on around my area. I wish my trail cam would work properly, time for a new one. Brian keep the photos coming. That's a big 6.
  10. That's a sweet looking reel. Let us know how the field test goes.
  11. I use the same jigs under a slip float.
  12. For my clothes I use Sports Wash available basically anywhere, UV so it won't fade the camo. I also spray homemade cover sent before walking to the stand.
  13. Thanks everyone. From the replies I decided to go with the Islander (new or used) or the Tournament Drifter and upgrade the bearings. Thanks again for all the great info.
  14. I bought a pair of Irish Setter gortex/leather 3 years ago and I put them through hell and they look and fit like the day I bought them. My dad has Rocky all gortex and loves them. Both are very comfortable and extremely warm. The Irish Setters are a tad heavier than the Rocky's. I hunt jack rabbits a lot and walk fields for hours with no problems. Hope this helps.
  15. Thanks Mike, Angling Specialty, I totally forgot to check them out today. They close at 9 think I'll check it out.
  16. Just got back, I went to see the SST-2 and SST-3 and they are both nice reels. The 3 is lighter than I thought and the 2 is the perfect weight. Stone I was thinking about the Islander, but can't find anyone that sell them. Buster I am looking to buy new for now, but I could be interested buying used. Can you send me a picture of the reels.
  17. I found my answer for point value, 2% back on everthing and 4% back on BPS brands. Here's the link: Point Value I just signed in to my BPS account online and it show the point and the $ value you can save. You might have to sign in, so if the link doesn't work here's a screen shot:
  18. Sorry to heard that, hope everything is ok. I will keep my eye open for the Jeep.
  19. Thank for the heads up Fang, I went about 20mins a go and picked one up it even has my name on it cool. Oh, Ya I tested the card out to, LOL. When I was there I forgot to ask what the value of the points are, does anyone know? Thanks
  20. I had 2 entry level float reels in the past that I never gave them a chance because I had no time, so I sold them. I figure I have a lot of time to figure out the reel now, so I am looking for one. The problem is I know nothing when it comes to these reels and to me they all look and function the same. I went to a bunch shops and got 10 different suggestions and I'm still confused. What do you suggest? I don't want a super light reel like the SST3 but I'm not looking for a heavy reel. It's going to be used for everything from small trout to big carp using light lines. So far the No.1 suggestion is the SST2.
  21. I love the day by day, picture and video report, since I was unsuccessful for the tag this year. Pat shot a 6 point this morning at 80yrds. Hunting is not easy as you mentioned, by it very rewarding. Nice mushroom by the way.
  22. That's some impressive spec. The Tru Glow scopes are really nice.
  23. You said it was a PSE, what model is it?
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