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Everything posted by bassjnkie

  1. Perfect works great on my Android Magic. Thanks
  2. I check the site often throughout the day. The current site work great with my Android. A mobile mods would be cool though.
  3. I use the Bass Pro medium blue double sided worm binders. I have 3 now with 30 bags in each. Finess Bag
  4. I dealt with Loomis a few times for repair/replacement and never had a problem with the reps. Like Spiel said give them a call back, you will most likely get someone else that can help you better.
  5. For snaggy areas with rocks of tree clutter, I use 30Lb PP. 50Lb will do just fine, It's not that hard to break it, a couple wraps around the handle and make sure to pull straight back with the tip pointing at the sinker. Most of the time with the pulling the egg sinker will pop out of the rocks.
  6. I have to say good job, I like it. It is also easier to navigate with my phone, which is a bonus.
  7. Last year I bought the Bushnell Trophy in camo 10x42. Awesome clarity, shock proof, fog proof, lightweight. I bought them on sale for $199.99. The best thing about Bushnell is lifetime warranty and the repair center is in Thornhill. I have to add this, I brought a 25 year old rifle scope to Bushnell cause is was getting dark. I walked in showed the guy the scope and within 10mins I walked out with a brand new scope. That's great service.
  8. #1 is Monster Maize from New World Carp, canned corn works well and boiled/favored field corn. Boilies work, but most of the time you have to introduce them in the area before you get a run.
  9. Our prayers are with you, Jack.
  10. They had a no tax sale during the same time as the Fishing and Boat show.
  11. Flyer prices are CAD. The actual site prices are US.
  12. I've always used bib pants, rain gear or hunting clothes. I find them more comfortable. Just my opinion. Actually I in the market for a new pair.
  13. Very sad. like you said there's a reason they say, "Don't try this at home".
  14. He got Bob Dylan first try. Pretty cool
  15. My uncle has those on his 12'. They are bright and work really good.
  16. to funny!!
  17. I was confused at first, but it's pretty cool. There is a big jump in Niagara and you don't need the winch. Kidding.
  18. Great day, great fish and most important big smiles!!
  19. Great to hear it went well.
  20. Bronte Tackle carries the Korean whips, there really nice, but not the same quality as the 3 you got. Bet you can't wait to test them out.
  21. Let me say those are great whips. I've been whip fishing for carp for many year now. I can't get enough of the bend of the whip. Were the whips imported by someone you know, cause there way overpriced here.
  22. I don't know about Shimano, but it's probably the same, Daiwa reels come with extra spools, but I always buy an extra right from Daiwa, the last spool I bought was $27 for my Tierra 2500. Try calling Shimano directly and see if they sell them. Here is the number for parts. Shimano American Corporation 877-577-0600. Hope this helps
  23. Are you looking for this thread, scroll down to AG post. http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...c=30309&hl=
  24. I paid $350 to put down my 4 year dog last year at the vet. I'm a hunter and could not see myself shooting my pal. But that's me.
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