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Everything posted by northernpike56

  1. ^ next time you put a fish on a stringer, put a go-pro camera on the canoe beside it, would make for some really cool footage to watch
  2. but imagine cleaning 400 of them :S
  3. when I say triploid I mean a rainbow trout that has been genetically altered so that it can not produce, I think they don't even have reproductive organs. People created these because they can grow way more rapidly and become more fat than a real rainbow trout because they don't expand their energy growing reproductive organs, and don't generally have any interest in spawning. Since they cannot reproduce, there wouldn't be as great of a consequence if a bunch of them were to escape. That's just what I can remember, and if you do a quick google search on them, similar info comes up, I also remember reading something like that they had an extra chromosome, although they're not like a fish with down syndrome, its just in the way that their eggs were fertilized in the lab. Maybe someone who knows a bit more about genetics/the fertilization process can comment on this, I'm really not too sure.
  4. although, thats not too close, but you can catch well over 200 there in a day- one time I saw this guy who kept asking me to take the bullhead I was catching, so eventually I started putting them in his bucket (one of those huge white construction ones, it had a cover on it, so I lifted it off and it was legit full of 3-400 bullhead, no water or nothing, it was the funniest thing I've seen there.
  5. bellwood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. I certainly would not describe those ponds as 'cold', and am kind of surprised to hear that you even caught triploids after July, seeing as they don't appear to be very hardy fish. I think the conservation authority stocks them starting at trout opener, weekly, for about a month and a half, then stops, and lets them get fished out. This is what a park worker told me, so I don't have any online info to back it up, just word of mouth.. So basically, to answer your question, no, they don't stock anymore this year, and I would think that the majority of the population would be dead/fished out (except for the few odd stragglers that possibly have survived). also, @shasta in response to your PM, this should help out as well, But basically if I were you and wanted to take some little kids fishing, if you had your heart set on catching a domesticated rainbow trout, there are a lot of fish-farm style places where you can actually go and catch your fish, then you usually weigh it and they charge you by the pound. If you don't want to pay the high prices, there are a lot of little ponds and whatnot that have panfish and bass in them, actually I remember seeing a lot of small sunfish when I was at 50 point pond.
  7. yes but why would someone want to eat a snapping turtle? they are full of fat soluble chemicals, no?
  8. I have never caught a pike in there, nice catch! lots of bass though all along those lily pads.
  9. +1 again 6'6M shimano/st. croix rod, shimano sahara 2500FD
  10. Yes! It is about 10 ft downstream from a big wooden swing bridge. Thanks for the help, im going to try that spot tonight at dusk doing exactly what you said. Oh ya also i was fishing the mainlake today vertical jigging around an island got what i thought was the biggest walleye ever on, turned out to be a 5 lb channel cat lol
  11. I am going to Vernon in August, Fox lake empties into it. Apperently fox lake has a lot of walleye in it snd they are super easy to catch at dusk with live bait but thats all ive heard
  12. Hi guys, I've been staying on sparrow lake for the last couple days and found what looks like a good shore fishing spot on the severn close by. What do you guys think the best way to catch the walleye in there would be? I can also boat there but i prefer to stay in the lake. Slip floats + minnows after dark, any suggestions? Thanks Matt.
  13. Yep we've been attaching the line about 3-4 feet under a bobber with a glowstick so far, and no snags yet. Will start experimenting with different bait options tonight thanks
  14. I caught a 7 lb one last night as well as a 7 lb bowfin and lost one tonight. All on dead suckers
  15. Hi guys, Whats the best way to catch channel cats in a lake in water 6-8 feet deep with a lot of weeds at night? We have been just suspending dead sucker minnows etc about 3 ft under a float on a treble with a leader and seem to be getting a decent mixed bag of cats and bowfin. Does anyone have any tips/suggestions for catching more channel cats? Better baits etc Thanks
  16. my dad sent me this article a couple days ago, really cool to read through if you haven't yet. Especially if you love nirvana and soundgarden like me.
  17. also, some places when I am at a cottage, if I see a spot that might be decent (usually a rock face or something) I will go diving to check it out a few hours before I fish it. I have even seen a few smallmouth cruising around these said ledges, and they don't even seem to care that you're there with them. pretty cool to watch, and gives you a very good idea of what the depth and structure is like underwater
  18. I think I would do pretty good (well, normal for me) without electronics b/c I never use them (even though I do own a fishfinder). Usually to do well for species like walleye or something I stick to very obvious places where I think they might be at very obvious times. (ex. 10-20 feet out from points at dusk)
  19. my friend goes to kipawa every year as well. he claims (and has pics to back it up) that it is also a very good lake trout lake when the walleye arent biting. I know he also uses jigheads a lot of the time and also trolls for walleye too. nice report!
  20. and obviously the walleye too
  21. nice pike and brook trout
  22. for me, probs when I caught a seagull (ON ACCIDENT) and some old guy started screaming at me lol
  23. I like console, ever driven a high performance boat? lots of fun. but ya tiller is probs better for fishing/trolling, plus more room for fishing stuff
  24. There could possibly still be a few brown trout left in the upper reaches of 16 mile around there, and I think that there could be a few left swimming in the reservoir. And as far as I know, they don't stock trout there anymore but it would be really nice if they did, I think the lake could hold them year-around, given that its fed by 3 coldwater creeks. There are a lot of rainbow smelts downstream of the dam now, the steelies make it all the way up from lake ontario and try to jump the dam into kelso lake. I've seen em. And no ski jumps, they don't even allow power boats on the lake now.
  25. yes colder water and smaller fish, but surprisingly there are actually a decent amount of them in there. I wouldn't be surprised if there were a couple of brown trout swimming around at the bottom near the dam, because as you said, it does get fairly deep and cold.
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