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Everything posted by northernpike56

  1. this is how I've heard is the best way for the turtle, I want to start trying it next year with the medium sized ones I catch. I've heard that they cannot actually snap you if you hold them this way and it puts zero stress on the tail!!!
  2. bad hold, yea I know lol
  3. I catch them with my hands all the time lol, plus I have a ton of experience getting hooks out of the really dumb ones that decide to go for my lures. Long pliers are a must!
  4. Is it true that you can keep a snapping turtle with just a sport fishing license (as long as you have caught it in season and by a legal method, and are planning to report the harvest to the MNR)? I was looking through the hunting regs and it seemed to say that it was legal, but I've always thought you'd need a small game license to keep one. Thoughts??
  5. Mariner 2M 6A1 039007, says made in Japan. I found a pdf document online, and it says that the motor should either be a 1982 or 1983 Japanese sourced!
  6. To rub it in even more, I got it for 250 bucks! My sportspal canoe I got for 500 bucks and it is in mint condition. Kijiji is amazing, you just gotta keep your eyes peeled for the real deal. I looked at the motor more closely, and the model is a Mariner 2M 6A1. Seems to be a fairly common little motor as a google search yielded a ton of results
  7. Cool Thanks!!, next time I'm out in the garage I'll pull off the cowling and write down what the serial number for the model is. Can't seem to find it on the surface of the motor
  8. As someone who is partially Mohawk, I have to say that this type of thing kind of gets on my nerves at times. Not everyone who is native goes around stealing cars and boats for a living. It kind of seems like everyone is fine with being racist towards people of native descent, but god forbid you make a joke about someone being black/muslim/whatever. Just my $0.02. Back to the original topic, I can't imagine working so hard for something and then just having it taken away like that. Hopefully the boat is found and returned to the guy who rightfully owns it.
  9. Hi guys, I bought a Mariner 2 hp 2 stroke outboard for my aluminum sportspal canoe off kijiji this weekend, it looks like it's in mint condition. I was shown how to start it up, and what fuel mixture I should be using (50:1), but other than that, I know absolutely nothing about the motor. If/when in the future I need to buy parts to replace on it, or even just a new spark plug every so often, how would I go about determining what to buy, and who to buy it from online? I know these motors are fairly common, so there must be an abundance of guys working on them and used parts of sale. If anybody has any insight on what this motor actually is (model), I'd love to get any advice from you guys! Thanks, Matt Picture of my new motor!
  10. Has anybody ever tried driving a small front wheel drive car (2010 mazda 3 with snow tires) on lake simcoe or does it just sound like a dumb idea? Also where is the best access spot to drive out (or walk out) on cooks bay from the Gilford side? Thanks a lot, Matt.
  11. Those things creep me out, I caught one on nippising when I was little lol
  12. oh yea for sure, I feel like its good knowledge to have as well as if you get really good at doing standard maintenance you will save so much money over your life, especially if you love cars lol. We figured miata would be the easiest because its rwd (which apparently is the simplest setup for a car) as well as the vehicle is so small and light. Miata's are a blast btw, I don't care what anyone says, they're hilarious to drive!! Thanks again for everyone's input here, this is exactly why I love forums
  13. I have also done sparkplugs on an inline 4 engine and I'm going to change a clutch on a miata with a friend, just thought I'd throw that out there its pretty useful knowledge to have
  14. Kind of, I had my uncles help with the tools and expertise LOL. We have done stuff like brakes and coolant flush together too, its pretty cool stuff
  15. I'm pretty sure she stopped her car IN the passing lane, and even though I don't ride, I have some friends that do ride and they say that four wheels are more maneuverable than two when sudden reactions are needed. The car that was able to swerve out of the way, was not able to stop, so how would the motorcycle be able to outmaneuver it?
  16. Because if you just plowed right into a deer at 120 kph you'd probably be dead too, if you mow over a couple ducks at 120 the worst possible thing that could happen is you need a new bumper. No humans killed
  17. Thanks guys, new crank sensor and changed the oil at the same time. Codes cleared and she runs perfectly
  18. I think 10 years of no driving is good. I think all of us have seen people do dumb things like tailgaiting or weaving on the 401, but for someone to be so stupid that they stop their car in the passing lane is just ridiculous. I'm only 18 but this was one of the very few news stories I heard that really upset me. I can't imagine what it would be like to just watch your family die literally right infront of you.
  19. great pics, the salmon skull and brown trout are my fav
  20. Hi guys, my car (2008 BMW 335i) has been stalling a lot at slow speeds recently, and has a lot of trouble starting up, I get the code for a faulty crankshaft sensor on it. Does anyone know approximately how much this costs in parts/labour to fix? Just so I get a rough idea of what the repair bill will be... Thanks, Matt.
  21. Caught a canadian goose once
  22. Wow.
  23. If its legal, then theres nothing you can do/should say to the guy, imo.
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