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Everything posted by northernpike56

  1. I sell a lot of stuff on kijiji, any time I have something thats taking up space/I know I will never use again, it gets posted up for a good price and sold to some guy within a few days. Here's what I have found out through my kijiji experience: The weirder the item you are selling, the weirder the buyer will be. Case in point: sold my second acoustic guitar on kijiji, buyer was a guy looking for a cheap starter acoustic for his kid. Sold a bunch of creepy old porcelain dolls that were my great grandmothers, buyer was an equally as creepy guy who looked like he was trapped in the 1970's!!!!!! Also, if you can, it is always best to meet people in busy public places (gas station etc), unless you absolutely have to let them come into your house
  2. When I buy an outboard for my canoe is will be a 4 hp 2 stroke guarenteed
  3. 2 strokes are faster. In a 14 ft aluminum dingy I have done 41 km/h with nothing but me, the motor, and gasoline (I only weigh 140 lbs though). This was with a merc 15 hp 2 stroke.
  4. Thanks guys, ive never even tried fishing spencer smith. Could be a really cool place to try out !
  5. Hi guys !! Do you think fish like brown and rainbow trout are still willing to bite on lures like spinners and spoons casted from the pier at this time of year, or is it better just to cast out some roe and let it sit on the bottom. I still havent caught one yet this fall due to me starting university !! Thanks Matt
  6. That was late september though. But might be worth a try?
  7. I had one really good day off those 2 islands that are right beside eachother. About 15 feet of water vertical jigging a minnow
  8. Also most likely smallmouth bass and walleye near the mouth because thats what they have in the saugeen.
  9. Probably anywhere near the mouth good for trout and king salmon. With those rivers I like to look at a road map, find where it crosses any road, then pull off and fish that spot. If it is a bigger urban road, usually there will be a parking lot nearby to park and walk down. Ive done that many times as well
  10. Awesome thanks so much guys, the battery tender I have is one of the "smart" ones with a 2A, 4A, and 6A option, and will float the charge when it detects the battery is fully charged. I use it on my car that I don't drive during the winter. It sounds like maybe I should look into getting a 10 or 15 amp one that is "smart" and will maintain the charge
  11. Hi guys, I just got a 12 volt trolling motor from a friend for my canoe, but I dont have a marine battery for it yet. 2 questions for the pros out there: 1.) is one full size marine battery good enough for a couple hours of use of the trolling motor? It is 32 lb thrust. 2.) in terms of charging the marine battery, can I just hook it up to my battery tender for my car, and set the battery tender to 2 amp trickle charge and charge it that way, or do I need to buy a designated battery charger for whatever marine battery I decide to buy? Thanks, Matt P.S. Any other tips would be appreciated as well (long term storage of batteries, good brands, etc etc)!!
  12. Ive caught a couple with huge tumors as well...... Why is it that they're like the only fish that gets them, and does that affect consumption?
  13. Only 97.9 in Oshweken when I was there, thought it would be lower
  14. Baby pike. They tend to have different variations in markings depending on where they live
  15. +1 for clay bar (and wax if he has the time). I have always used meguiars clay bar kits that come with everything you need, do the whole car while youre at it. It will look gorgeous after a good clay bar and wax.
  16. Binbrook is really good for bass and crappie, but do NOT eat the fish out of there!!!! One of the most polluted waters in ontario. I don't really fish in that area too much but there are quite a few other spots. Lots on the grand river all the way from brantford to dunnville
  17. Ok, from what it sounds like, I'm best off to play it safe and have them look at the rim tomorrow. I tried using an engine degreaser on it and its like it removed a small layer of finish from the wheel. So they look even weirder right now.
  18. What my rims should look like: What my rims actually look like (can not get any of this stuff off):
  19. Hi guys I went to clean the rims on my car today (a weekly procedure using a hose and an old rag), but this time there appears to be road grime and break dust actually baked into the finish of the rim. I tried the "rim cleaner" solutions that you buy in the bottle, and have used a lot of pressure with the rag, but this road grime wont come off. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how i can remove this grime from the finish of the rim? Im seriously freaking out here Matt.
  20. Edit also i live in burlington and i drove to oakville bronte a few days ago some open water but it seemed way too muddy and fast for fishing?
  21. Hi guys I'm wondering if there are any spots with open water in burlington/hamilton area that I could fish at tomorrow after school for whatever bites. Anyone know if the carp trap at cootes paradise is open or did that freeze over this year with the "polar vortex" as well? Thanks a lot Matt.
  22. Thanks guys, sounds like I may be best to stick with bayfront then because its pretty well known, and safe too. Plus a nice variety of fish to catch
  23. Hi guys i am wondering if anyone has tried fishing at princess point (cootes paradise at the carp trap), or at the RBG property in hamilton harbor where grindstone creek empties in. I remember playing hockey at both of these spots as a little kid but that was like 10 years ago and for the most part I remember both being pretty shallow. Has anybody ever tried fishing at these spots before? On a side note i was fishing at bayfront in hamilton a few weeks ago and caught 8 perch on a minnow and split shot rig. I havent been back but i could probably walk out farther now to the deeper water
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