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Everything posted by Deano

  1. It can be a sport, but the day I start looking at what I do as a sport, I'll be quiting. Fishing is my time to get away from the chaos and enjoy life.
  2. Quality, not quantity. Funny thing nowadays, most are so afraid of death that every time one occurs, they want to do everything possible to save anyone else from it, but in the process, they take away the quality of everyone else.
  3. My daughter has been looking for 2 months now, there hard to find here also, as for most stores, they haven't been to helpful. I got a PS3 and love it, games, blue ray, put pictures and all my CD's on it.
  4. Learn to fish on my own, fished alone as a kid, pedaled my bike 12 miles to go fishing and no one else ever wanted to go. And still to this day like to fish alone, but my son does come with me often and the dogs all the time. So I don't have a fishing mentor, but believe I was just born to fish.
  5. Deano

    Niagara Falls

    Great shots Evster, the clouds in the second one are just awesome.
  6. Brings back memories for sure, I've been hearing many of these songs a lot lately, I got my son ROCK BAND for the PS3 and he's been playing it steady. He's able to play on expert mode already. Lots of the those songs are on it. Funny cause two weeks ago I hadn't heard those songs in years. Good job Cliff
  7. Great shots Dan, cold but peaceful.
  8. Nice pics Brandon. The 30 foot pool, there is a Geocache near there, but I never found it, somewhere near the stairs.
  9. Deano

    3 from today

    Great shots Brandon. I was there last year, the greenish hue to the water coming down the mountains is so beautiful. I drank a handful of water from there.
  10. Thou art a photographer. I find with snow, you have to use highlight smoothing a lot to hide that halo look. Are you looking for polar bears? LOL
  11. Deano


    Yeah Lesnar and Silvia would of been a better fight, as would Nogera and Mir. These big guys need to learn to finish a fight, they know how to hit, but if the guys not out, there lost to figure a way to finish. Need to work on there ground game more. Still was a pretty good night of fights.
  12. Deano


    Not really sure how it's gonna play out, but I really wanna see this fight, should be interesting.
  13. Great shots Dan. I haven't made a HDR pic in a month now, hopefully will have the time again soon.
  14. Congrats, Brandon, hope it's first of many. I got an email for the use of one of my pics, but as my luck would have it, it was from some P3TA like group. Damn.
  15. Great shots Evster, should of rolled up the road another 20 feet to eliminate those power lines from the pic. But what an awesome sky.
  16. Deano

    Frosty pics

    Awesome winter scenes, I like when the snow/frost makes the snow formations on plants and objects, really cool.
  17. Deano


    Awesome colors on that bird, a better background, other than bright white, would really make those pics awesome.
  18. Deano

    Port dover

    Great shots, the first one really stands out, super clear B&W's are awesome. Been following the posts lately, just haven't had the time to reply. Also like your video of the big waves, nature is so awesome.
  19. I use one also, excellent mounts, no vibrations. I always remove it when not in use. Not good to leave on the windshield for days, especially in the hot sun, it'll almost melt to the windshield. Have mine for over a year and it still works great.
  20. And to add to all that, all our resources are becoming owned by foreign companies. With the natural resources in Canada, we should have no taxes, the profits from our resources would be more than enough to keep us a rich nation, but to make a quick buck, everything is sold out and a few live the high life. And the countries buying all our resources are getting richer from it, allowing them to keep buying more.
  21. Nice Jacket, I like the Bud ones better though. Got the new Tshirt (88 Dale Jr) for Christmas from my daughter. I guess it's time to start the new apparel. Soon we'll see what the new team brings.
  22. If your really just looking for a hobby or some way to occupy your time, I'd suggest you get a GPS and get into Geocaching. Not only do you get to look for hidden treasures, the real treasures are the places that you'll get to see. You'll see places around your neighborhood that you never knew existed, and even find new places to fish. You can move on to other towns, Provinces, and even countries if you like. Ive seen so many places in Ontario that I did not know about, and the natural beauty around is awesome, Ontario really is "Yours to Discover". If you want to see more about it, go to Geocaching.com Not trying to sound like a commercial, but it is a great way to get outdoors and explore.
  23. Try adding carrots to your recipe when cooking fish, carrots absorb the fishy taste and help remove it from the fish. Shoot the carrots out after cooking, don't eat them. As for what doctors say about people health, these are the same people that got kids on all kinds of medications, because they have bad behavior. We think we have an unhealthy public now, wait till all these kids grow up addicted to drugs since they were 2.
  24. I also paid top dollar for mine when I bought it Dan, but Garmin is awesome with warranty and if you have any problems, you can deal with them directly through there web site. I wouldn't even waste my time with where I purchased mine, they'd probably tell me to contact Garmin anyways. Maps, rechargeable batteries, lighter plugin and ram mounts will all be extra expenses, but they'll be worth every penny. They totally make the garmin unit shine for all uses.
  25. "What is this Champix you speak of?" Curious also, I don't smoke but the wife does.
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