The weather forecast calling for somewhat choppy weather, I decided to go shore fishing in a small, secluded (from the wind) part of a river and got myself a few pike.
One of them swallowed my bait entirely, and I decided that gutting the fish to get it out would be easiest. In the process, I noticed how bulky the stomach was -- so naturally I had to see what's in there and what the fish are eating. That is when I pull out a half-digested frog - with the left leg completely intact and still attached to the skeleton. This thing was huge! It's thigh was the size of my thumb, and aside from the fact that it was covered in stomach acids looked extremely tasty.
Maybe the French did get something right after all?
So come on out, there's gotta be a few here - who's eaten these things?
Oh and mandatory picture below....
WARNING! Could be gross to some...