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Everything posted by OutdoorDan

  1. Way to come across two poachers and manage to come out the bigger ass.
  2. Those are some expert helicopter skills for that smooth landing. Great video.
  3. Open the PDF file and print it? Seriously?
  4. Cool, thanks for the info, Boss!
  5. Come on man it's the first link in the google results he posted.
  6. Fantastic.
  7. That's about a 2 and a half hour drive from where he is moving to....
  8. I live less than a 10 minute drive from the credit and it looked especially scary yesterday. Makes we wish I had a kayak (and a helmet).
  9. What Raf said. I don't think a decision between simcoe and GBay is even close -- you get more variety and less people on GBay and on top of that it's closer to home for you.
  10. Video temporarily unavailable
  11. This was my first thought.
  12. While it's good that at least something is being done about the salmon population, this is a joke. There are endless opportunities for charging snaggers or people that harvest roe without basically any effort, you just got to the right places and there is no need for an investigation. Also it seems like whoever wrote this article picked pretty dumb people to collect their commentary from.
  13. That is definitely something to brag about! Nice fish!
  14. Nice fish!
  15. It gets more viscous than its original state but it doesn't really harden. It's remains flexible so it will be effective even if the crack slightly changes shape due to moisture/temperature. I don't remember since it was stuff that a neighbour had left over after we helped him redo a flat roof. I believe it was some brand from Home Depot, I'll try to find out.
  16. I've seen similar problems at my parent's old home and roofing seal (what they use on flat roofs) did the trick. It's good because it maintains its elasticity. By no means a permanent solution, but it should get you through the winter.
  17. Heh, sounds about right unfortunately.
  18. This coupled with your screen name is brilliant.
  19. That's funny! Does Canada have any "castle laws" (aka you can shoot unwelcome people that intrude your house) like some of the states?
  20. Yeah it wasn't a big pike at all, you can see with the cheapo CT multitool beside it. The frog's leg itself left a bulge in the stomach! P.S. -- pike was tasty!
  21. Thanks, Dana! As for the spare spools being expensive, yes, but it's still better than buying a new reel and I'm too used to having a spool of mono and braid for the same reel.
  22. I don't fish for muskie but checked these out of curiosity 82$ what the...
  23. I often hear them (I assume) but don't really see too many. That leg looked huge to me!
  24. Do you use a fluoro leader? Also, why so light?
  25. The weather forecast calling for somewhat choppy weather, I decided to go shore fishing in a small, secluded (from the wind) part of a river and got myself a few pike. One of them swallowed my bait entirely, and I decided that gutting the fish to get it out would be easiest. In the process, I noticed how bulky the stomach was -- so naturally I had to see what's in there and what the fish are eating. That is when I pull out a half-digested frog - with the left leg completely intact and still attached to the skeleton. This thing was huge! It's thigh was the size of my thumb, and aside from the fact that it was covered in stomach acids looked extremely tasty. Maybe the French did get something right after all? So come on out, there's gotta be a few here - who's eaten these things? Oh and mandatory picture below.... WARNING! Could be gross to some...
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