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Everything posted by grimsbylander

  1. Hey I had one of those! LOL great unit back in the day. I remember the money talk with my wife at the time...$700 was a BIG chunk of cash at the time. Hint, push and hold the zoom button until it beeps repeatedly, it is a bottom lock feature I found quite handy. Dave
  2. Very sorry for your loss. How very fortunate for you and your family to have such a wonderful man as part of your family....and how fantastic for him to have family that cared about him for what is gave back to you all.
  3. lplp, good on you for trying something different. If you enjoyed it, it was hardly a waste. There may be other species which may taste just as good prepared like that, but hey, it's your fish enjoy it as you please!
  4. Wow! What a beautiful fish...you must still be smiling. I HAVE to go and target muskie soon. After 20+ years of fishing bass and walleye I hate to admit it but I've never caught a muskie. Yep, never. I see a fish like that and I think it's time I get some basic muskie tackle and lake tips from some of the masters on the forum. Congrats again. Dave
  5. If only we could add sound as well as pictures...."Tonight we dine in hell!!"
  6. I'm assuming the "pb" is short for "probably bait" in this case?
  7. Wow! I'm impressed boys! I was kinda expecting not so warm and fuzzy responses. Best of luck Nitro and please let us know how you made out. I've heard great things about that area of Quinte but never been fortunate to get there. Like the crew said "we love pics". Have fun.
  8. Hahahaha THAT was funny! Poor Leona!
  9. That was a great video...looks like a very health stock of walleye in your area. Welcome to the site Jigs. Dave
  10. Unfortunately, I guess you're right. Good advice on watching what gets posted too.
  11. Your right on the money Dave. The hard part is getting the message out to the knuckleheads who do this kind of thing. My guess is that no one reading this is one of those people. All we can do is lead by example and leave it cleaner than we found it. I'm sure we've all picked up garbage that doesn't belong to us. Not sure if that gets the knuckleheads thinking about cleaning up their act or worrying less because someone else will look after the mess. I hear so many times about good people getting fines for seemingly small infractions like faded license plates, a burnt out light on the trailer, etc. With all the boneheads out there doing stuff every single day, you'd think more people would get nailed for the dumping, no licenses, over limits, on and on. Now I'm all worked up! hahaha
  12. Niche market businesses are usually more immune to the outside influences of competition and copying. That said, I wish them all the best and though there is always market share for a true quality boat, the US economy is struggling still and boat prices reflect that. Great looking boats in the pics.
  13. The town is upgrading the water main on my street today and my wife just called to tell me there is a 6 foot wide by 8 foot deep trench across the end of my driveway. HA! try stealing my boat now!!! Anyone want to take me fishing???LOL
  14. I have two pairs of H2optix...one pair with grey lenses and the other pair with amber. The colour makes a big difference on overcast days vs. sunny days. As far as brand goes, it depends on the type of fishing you do. If your trolling in 120 feet of water, you're looking for UV protection as a main function. If you're sight fishing for bass in 6 feet of water, UV is important but quality of the lense comes into play much more. I keep a backup pair of "polarized" glasses from BPS in my bag and there is no comparison to the more expense H2optix when sight fishing. Out in deep water, I couldn't care less. IMHO.
  15. Bring on the heat!!!! I HATE winter. The amount of days we have that are exceptionally humid are nothing compared to the overcast, cold days of a long winter. Does everyone forget the crappy spring this year? It freaking rained until the end of June. So now we have a great reason to be on the water, do no yard work and come home to a couple cold ones....Ahhhh enjoy it folks, we'll all be talking snow tires soon enough.
  16. Hey thanks Bob...the parts and service certainly important.
  17. Just out of curiousity, any opinions on a LOWRANCE LCX-19c?? I assume it's an older model but is it worth a look buying a used unit?
  18. How much I want to spend has nothing to do with it. I'm more interested in how much I NEED to spend. First I need to understand what's available, then determine what I need for my type of fishing. Only then can I price them out and decide. Spending any amount of money is a waste if it's not the right product for your needs. From what I've read, GPS is almost not an option. Especially when fishing big water such as Erie. The Lowrance units seem to be quite popular and well respected. I'll look at the HSD5, 7 and 10, compare the features and spend what I need to. If I think I'll be happy with the 5, I'll buy it.
  19. All great advice...thanks everyone. I think I'm going to look at the HDS-5 and build from there. That will give me options later on with maps and like Drifter suggested, I can move it to the bow if I want to upgrade again. Thanks again.
  20. I just looked up the 16FX out of curiousity...you can actually buy that boat with a 25hp outboard on it!? really? They sell a boat with a hull weight (before batteries/fuel/people, etc) of 995lbs that is rated for 75hp max with a 25hp? Hmmm Safety and ethics are in question.
  21. I need to think about setting my "new to me" boat up with some decent electronics and since it's been a hell of a long time since I bought some, I thought I'd put it out there and get some advice. Now I know we're going to have the Lowrance guys, the Humminbird guys, etc. and that's fine, but I'm not too fussy on brand and more interested in learning what's available, what's a must have and what's fluff you just for and never use. Money is an object...isn't it always? But I don't know a Nav chip from a tostito chip. Right now there is a basic Lowrance unit at the console and a basic Eagle unit on the trolling motor. I'm trying to avoid rushing out and buying something for the bow and later wishing I'd done it different when I go to get one for the console. Does this make sense?? Ok, I'm ready...hit me Dave
  22. Most likely just a lost bowhunter...shoot three times in the air, wait, take three more shots, wait....
  23. Hey great info Slayer and thanks. No such thing as too careful on big water.
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