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Everything posted by eman

  1. Is there any good shore fishing in Lindsay?
  2. Looks like n awesome 3days. Did you win a shimo contest?
  3. Nice sunset silhouette fish release shot
  4. Haha, I went to Bellwood on Saturday with two buds. We chucked Different lures all day for pike, and tried drifting spin rigs for pickerel. Almost 5 hours fishing and we caught jack. Bellwood sucks and I'll never go back. Guelph was our other option, and I've always caught something there. We did have four scrawny pike nip at our baits but no hook-ups.
  5. Mass marketing and tackle companies want you to think you need a special technique rod n reel for everything to make you better. Sure, I can see some of the benefits but I'm old school and think you can't get anyway with a few rods (ml, m, mh) for majority of applications.
  6. Great search lure when fishing new waters cause just about nothing will bite. I have caught smallies and pike the most.
  7. And then one will released live into a watershed. Then a total takeover will begin.
  8. Beauties!
  9. Looks like it has grill marks?
  10. They are awesome for pike (big n small). I have had medium success for bass but that's probably because I use top waters as a search bait or bass are active. Also, think weeds, you can usually pull spinners through pretty thick weeds. I always use a 3 inch grub single or double tail for extra action and trailer hooks get added for short strikes.
  11. I have an Ipad, really cool. I haven;t checked for any free apps or fishing games....any suggestions?
  12. i was there shore fishing in August....water level was super low. Still managed to catch one nice bass on a frog.
  13. very surprised with your bait selection. How can the bass even see those lures at night, unless they all had rattles?
  14. Serve it with Flava beans and some Chianti. Jokes aside, you should eat it and document what happens. No seriously, I read an article a few years back stating Hamilton Harbour was in the top 20 most toxic freshwater sites in North America, which eventaully led to the environmental cleanup project ongoing.
  15. I've landed quite a few pike using a LeBaron 4" craw - orange claws, natural brown body. Fishing for bass in weeds.
  16. whats the ratio of smallies to largies in the Kawarthas? I know that question is fairly general (what lake, what location, etc.) 50-50, way more smallmouth, just general thoughts. I have only fished the Kawarthas once from a houseboat (caught one smallie)
  17. thanks for the help. I will look into all these with the Mrs. The Birches and fern resort look like something she'd be interested in.....and I can sneak off and do some fishing. cheers
  18. I haven't tried the Trigger X, the price and amount of packaging turns me off. On another note; I noticed the Linders "Linder's Fisihng Edge" has switched from Berkely to Trigger X the past season. I'm totally shocked by this because as long as I can remember the Linders have been preachin the superiority of Berkley products. Does anyone know who makes Trigger X? I wonder if Rapala has created this company as a side project. That could explain why the Linder's switched. I'm a Berkley guy moslty, but have had success with Yum, BPS, Zoom, Gambler and LeBaron. Stikeking not so much. I beleive shape, profile and colour are the biggest factor. Flavour and Salt should help the fish hold on longer and increase your chance to set the hook. We should take survey top 5 plastics and see who comes out on top.
  19. great work and congrats!
  20. hello Mike, welcome! Wheres your location? Even though I've never fished for steelhead or salmon I've been reading lots of post, storing great information and will hopefully try it someday. I'm a bass guy myself, but pike and pickeral are welcome!
  21. looks like you know what your doing!, nice fish!
  22. hey everypone, just wondering if anyone had suggestions for cottages or resorts rentals for Thanksgiving weekend? Even websites or small lakes or areas will help narrow down my search. Was possibly thinking Couchaching or Muskoka. My wife wants to go upnorth to spend a quiet weekend and enjoy some hiking in fall, and of course I would like to get away for a little fishing. I have a canoe so a small lake would be bette,r but I could always rent a boat. Since I'll be spending the thanksgiving saturday with the inlaws it will only be two days (sunday and monday) A resort might be a cheaper otion because I'll have to pay the whole weekend for a cottage. All suggestions and comments welcome. thanks in adavce
  23. white spinner - never would have tossed that. Maybe an inline Bluefox
  24. how do you class turnover? when the surface water temp is cooler than the deep. Why does it go murky....dieing vegitation?
  25. WD40 sprayed on lures is the ultimate fish attractant!
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