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Everything posted by huntervasili

  1. Well I think that on Tuesday afternoon I am gonna takeoff and go to Whitemans creek in Paris Anyone interested in meeting for a couple hours I will probably fish timm atleast 8 but maybe later depending on how I feel, weather, bite etc? I would most likely be in paris about 345-400 PM me or post on here if anyone is interested... I fly fish BTW and it will be all trout fishing for me anyway... Bill
  2. Thats pretty interesting... funny how fishing for food can lead to a scientific discovery
  3. Yip its fixed and a great video... WTG hes definately HOOKED for life now
  4. Great Report... looks liek you had a great time out there, even though the weather didn't want to cooperate... Thanks for sharing
  5. From what I have heard the GPSMAP 76CSx is supposed to one of the best if not the best available marine handheld... Thats what I think I am gonna have to get.... anyone know where I can get one of these for a decent price
  6. Awesome reports... Glad to see youe hard work and effort payed off
  7. I know eh.... it was a group of young kids wasn't it?
  8. drove rigt over it at brant st.... I was wondering what the devil was up too
  9. Saw it in the paper today... It sure is Legit and a HUGE hog
  10. Well be thankful your ok... you can buy a new vehicle but cant buy new muscles or pay to regain movements... Good Luck with the car BTW
  11. Yup... tehy like to hiss at you and can be pretty aggressive... Never had on attack me but his and chase yes... they will give you a good bruise with their bite though... My little brother once got attacked by a VERY large swan and it bit him on the back of the leg giving him a huge welt... scared him soo much he didn't wanna fish the lake anymore lol...
  12. Awesome Pikers Steve... Thanks for sharing
  13. Like Usual great report Solo and thanks for sharing...
  14. My Deepest condolences to both you and your family as well as to Ed's family Regards, Bill
  15. lol... thats funny... better make sure the tires are on the right side and make sure i have 2 transmissions
  16. Great report... i will be looking forward to seeing your pics when you figure that out
  17. Thanks for sharing looks liek yo had a good time
  18. Great report Mike... Glad to see ya didn't drive all the way there for nothing... looks like you caught a bunch of fish and had a great fry after too... I caught a couple of those white bass or perch when I was out for walleye this past weekend too... they are full of eggs or at least the ones I saw were... thanks for sharing the report with us Bill
  19. Damn I have work to do... but I guess i will burn some time in here instead
  20. awesome... I was pretty sire I wanted the 76 CS or CSX... I think thats about the best one you can get for what I need though correct? as well where should I pick it up... seen it for 450us at most places and 350 at one place I think... does it come preloaded with any nautical charts or do I buy them like previous units? WHich is the best map to get for water and that for ontario? thanks
  21. Well I wanted to check out what everyone thought would be the best choice for a GPS... I currently have a Garmin Rino 120 and was pleased with it for the uses i previously needed it for. I am looking at upgrading to a colour handheld and am thinking th Garmin GPSMAP 76CSX or 76CS but am open to other brands and models. I want to use it for both land navigation and for nautical uses... Definately needs to be able to get new maps on it particularily nautical charts and road maps, and needs to have most options available on a gps... I have really only looked at garmins but as mentioned am willing to look at other models. Thanks in advance for any help you all may have Bill
  22. Great report, looks like ya had some fun out there... I cant wait to start fishing for smallies on the grand... Those river bass are definately stronger and the current adds to the fight cause they'll use it to their advantage
  23. Thnaks to the countless others who also keep us going when we aren't fortunate enough to head out... Reading some of the reports allows us to see what a lake is like and what a great time is had by many... Although there may be a little work involved in posting a report I enjoy doing it in hope that others will enjoy reading it and seeing the pictures, and sometimes the pics. I post my reports in hope that others too will do the same as i know some of my reports have contained such things as a couple dink perch or a couple baby bows or browns... and hope that others will contribute even if they think it is "unworthy" as it is by no means so... Hope to see more and more reports as the seasons progress and open up... Tight lines and good fishing to everyone... Bill
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