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Everything posted by snag

  1. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
  2. Hope my son and I have the same memory
  3. Gadzooks!
  4. Greetings, Greetings, Been busy lately. More to come. I wasn't going to post until October but I got all excited..... I found a new spot for pike today, Lakeside. Got out for lunch this afternoon and caught a couple smallies and 2 surprise pike. I was tubing for smallies when this dude bit me off. That's the tube in his mouth: Soon afterward I caught this guy with one of Clive's (aka Mepps) spinners: Lure: Rockstar (the Clash) Length: long Weight: getting heavy The Toronto smallies have (not) enjoyed Clive's lures either: Since I located a couple bass holes last year in T.O. I've noticed that the small 1 to 2 pound regulars have put some size and weight on. A crowd was here for this one (there was a swarm of black flies on my face) Here's a bunch of flukes Brunch of Loogans, I met up with Highdrifter and Wild Billy last week to show them a honey hole. We all caught a few bass each, had some great follows and lost a couple. They were very trusting. The spot required a short kayak paddle and all i had was 1 inflatable kayak. I proposed that we attach my line to the 'yak and go to the island one at a time. Luckily, there was enough line to reel the kayak back and forth from the mainland! Here's Fidel taking line, I was worried that with the effort of getting there that we might not catch anything and a mutiny would ensue. 10min. later Here's the 1st one of the day. Fidel feeling the fishes pain, Fishing makes me happy! I lost some pics of Fidel with another "smallie" but I think he and Billy have some extras. Fidel had his fly rod (11-13'?) Fish on, Billy brought a net which was good because the rocks were wet and slimy Here's Billy with a fish that he's failed to share because he's selfish and conceited. Later that day, somewhere else, on a grub spinner ROCKSTAR!! I owe Clive a descent intro to the gifts he sent. However, my computer time has had to take a back seat for summer fun! I received this package last winter/spring and even though I have not been out as much as I've wanted, they've produced! Here's the package with a love note and lures, These are beautiful lures! The really cool thing is that each one is customized on the inside of the spinner: My top producer for multiple species so far. THE CLASH! So, now you'll know what I'm talking about every time a ROCKSTAR reference comes up! Thanks again Clive! last but not least, Why do you cops keep pulling me over? adios, S.
  5. Beauty job there! Fishing doesn't look too shabby?
  6. Welcome, With your ethics, you'll fit right in!
  7. Go with noisy baits!
  8. Awesome as always Bunkaroo. Way to seal the deal. I have to say that I envy those kids and i think it's great that they will have such treasured memories for the rest of their lives. Out of curiosity, what were you listening too? Cheers, S.
  9. Outstanding! I didn't think a bucktail would do that well late in the day.
  10. Hazels got a great voice. That song sounds awesome with a female harmony too. I'd like to hear you do a Bruce Cockburn tune.
  11. Nice job boys, I'm always sad to see the topwater action fade.
  12. Turducken of the sea!
  13. I accidentally came across a picture of Lucid holding a pike whilst surrounded by some refuse and a beer can in.....Toronto?? Huh, I thought, can't be?? So I went down to O.P. one day at lunch with no intention of fishing and found a dead pike. The next day I go back and Lucid, FishheadRic and Highdrifter show up. Ric tells me about this site. I told him I've never bothered with any kind of sites (Thought only losers and geeks used them ) I believe that was early March 2005. To my amazement, Fidel proceeded to put on a few extra layers of clothes and jumps into the water in his float tube! To the annoyance of everyone, I decided to join.
  14. Your number 1! party on dude!
  15. Drooooooooooooooooooool
  16. Ooutstanding!
  17. Well done!!! Feels good to be rewarded when trying a new tactic.
  18. Nice one! (keep scrubbin' Rich)
  19. C'mon Lundboy,
  20. WTG Carole!!! Hey Cliff, In your defence, last year you seemed to be the net guy. Perhaps his and her nets for xmas is in order??
  21. Congrats, That's a beauty. The vertical will cause some grief (pssst hold the sign in yer teeth!!). 8lb. line!!! Amazing.
  22. Hey Kemper, Are you in Guelph? The Albion will ease your pain! Can't wait to see the pics. My bro' and I may hit Guelph lake soon.
  23. I think it's great that you provided him (and your family) with such a great experience near the end. A perfect send-off; No idea of the limited timeline, Enjoying a great outing, Pure joy revealed in the pictures. That's the way to go.
  24. Dang Dawg, Our paths are curvaceous! (Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr) At least Billy will serenade you. One of these days our paths will cross. Have fun y'all!!!!!
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