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Everything posted by snag

  1. Man those are nice fish!
  2. What Mr.PB above said! Congrats!
  3. It hides my Gynecomastia (Moobs) You have 2 brains?
  4. It's true, I suck lately. Brainsnag I must meditate on my suckiness. I will draw inspiration from both of your grand arse-osities.
  5. Very impressive! I really need a boat........
  6. Woulda worked when I wuz 30 too!
  7. Well Red, I've seen you sun burnt to a commie "pink" shade. .....and you catch lotsa fish,... so the answer is, Yes.
  8. GET A HOTEL!!!!
  9. Nobody likes a braggart!
  10. And avoid southerners with moonshine!
  11. Ouch! Are we talking about reproduction, Casanova? Now that's cool. A definite feeling of rewarding your efforts there. Thanks Dan! More people "otter" recycle. Look at it's face. It looks proud, LOL. (uh, look like an otter?)
  12. Whatever, don't you work?????? Oh, right.......................... Thanks Bunk, Glad you liked it. How 'bout you fly me up there and show me the town Look forward to your next novel with pics! Popular opinion here. Wish the trash hogs had a brain. Thanks for veiwing the post y'all, Ciao'
  13. Yup, No pain, no gain. Pain is good
  14. Love yer posts, Brilliant, really. Sweet piece o' heaven there mate! I don't think many have the knack for the vids like you.
  15. Dang Rich, Thought that was my signature move! Sugar packet is one hardy soul. My wife looks at those conditions and falls into fetal position! Nice one!
  16. ..........back....... away........ slowly....................
  17. With all the missed follows I've had this year, I think I am a banana!
  18. It's a baby Narwhal guitar, Red
  19. Brilliant as always ! Poor Doug. When ya gotta go, ya gotta go. (good thing it gets caught on camera!) Well done!
  20. Ditto. Nice job man!
  21. Any time now????????????
  22. Must be a lot of competition there too. Good cooperation Thanks dude! Love that garguitar, LOL
  23. Great write up! Now that CCMT has hopefully exhausted his PB's, perhaps you can be the new PB king!!!! Awesome job!
  24. Ya beat me to it! He was a mean dude. He had messed up face near the end that would turn your blood cold!
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