Gotta love politics,
The right has failed to produce credible dirt on Obama.
The Bush administration produced a plethora of deceit prior, present and likely, post office.
I have studied Obama as much as time allows.
and I'll be shocked if he comes close to W's failings.
I'll never understand why Cheney and puppet boy weren't impeached?
Watch some Bush interviews before he gained office and you'll be horrified by blatant ignorance.
Juxtapose it with Obama and you'll feel relieved.
I'm critical to the max.
I abhor right/left, left/right.
Centre is key.
In addition. The race issue is moot. A perk historically, but secondary.
Should've happened a long time ago.
The Democrats may drool and the Republicans make lemmings look optimistic.
The intelligent man got the job.