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Everything posted by snag

  1. I must be OLD! LOL!
  2. Beats me, I'm not a chatter. (2 1/2 yr. old and slow fingers, ya know?) However, me gramma from New Brunswick was a teacher. She outlived many of her students. She was born in 1889. Married to a soldier, who became a Major, who became a Senator. She lived to see the invention of the: Automobile Airplane Train (high speed) Radio Cinema Television Computer Internet She also was involved in; WW1 WW2 She died 104 yrs. old What a life.
  3. Wow!
  4. Time to do what you've been told, RELAX. Sink into it. CHILL Take YOUR time. Now, take some moooore. Let your body settle, heal and rejuvenate. Invest your strength for tomorrow.
  5. you'll never starve there! Well done!
  6. Between the 2 of you. We'll have enough gas till 2013!
  7. Well done folks! That fruit loop looks like it jumping in, not falling out! Nice eyes lady.
  8. Looks like a great time! You know the laughs were good when the face turns purple! Ian will remember that trip for a long time! Cheers!
  9. I'm with Riz
  10. Yup, he's ready! Now watch your tackle box supplies diminish......................
  11. I've fallen and I can't get up!! The smoke in mouth shows dedication Well done!
  12. Looks like a strong team all around! Congrats!! Sick kids has been very good to us. Congrats again!!
  13. In a tutu!
  14. Just wait LIMEY! I hear Santa is 2 months behind in your neck of the woods!!
  15. Oops, Phew, Cheers Doug.
  16. DO TOO!
  17. Urine, I'm not kidding. Obviously for emergency. We p'd on my dads Pinto for years before it got rear-ended and blew up. Then the doors opened.
  18. Gotta love politics, Well, The right has failed to produce credible dirt on Obama. The Bush administration produced a plethora of deceit prior, present and likely, post office. I have studied Obama as much as time allows. and I'll be shocked if he comes close to W's failings. I'll never understand why Cheney and puppet boy weren't impeached? Watch some Bush interviews before he gained office and you'll be horrified by blatant ignorance. Juxtapose it with Obama and you'll feel relieved. I'm critical to the max. I abhor right/left, left/right. Centre is key. In addition. The race issue is moot. A perk historically, but secondary. Should've happened a long time ago. The Democrats may drool and the Republicans make lemmings look optimistic. BUT, The intelligent man got the job. Period. Whew,
  19. What Darsky said about the trout. Billy, (I know you will, but) get the right licence. The authorities are much more pro-active than here and the Adirondaks is policed thoroughly. There are some great camp sites right beside the mountain streams and rivers. Have fun!
  20. Sweet!
  21. When I'm alone in a canoe, I stand 60% of the time while casting. My body doesn't like sitting for long periods. I can cast and see better standing. Of course the canoe has to be the proper rocker, though my balance is good in most. Safety is key. I've never tipped.
  22. Very cool Terry!! Perch are like fresh water piranha. The tunes match the vid nicely. That day was brutal (my parents live near there) GOOD CALL Cheers, S.
  23. Skol
  24. C and C Are Angels in disguise!
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