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Everything posted by snag

  1. I've downsized to wrapping my baseball hat in foil. Some signals get through but they're managable.
  2. Had the best Lunch hour of fishing that I’ve had for a loooong time!! If only I was at this spot all day! Could’ve been historical! It was spring hungry pike in February! Oddly, Both large pike Inhaled the lures and I was fishing them unusually fast for this time of year Made a nice hike in, I’ve run into this older Eastern European angler a couple times. I thought I had the place to myself, but he appeared after my first 3 pike of the day. He knows all the spots and shared some great stories. Sadly, after some conversation, he’s seen a decline in pike numbers in the last 10 years. In addition, we both noticed a strange disappearance of perch too? Hopefully, it’s just natures cycle………. We walked across the ice to another spot where he caught a few that morning. (He didn’t want his pic taken and made me promise that I would not share, or post his spots) The previous Friday I hit this spot and caught a nice one. Here is the one and only shot. I lost her, thank my goodness Well, fortunately/unfortunately I didn’t have her hooked well and after a few shakes she was off. You see, as I was fighting her, I looked around at the shoreline and realized I couldn’t get close enough without slipping on the icey rocks! I promised I'd be back, better prepared...... 3 days later, The day was such a nice day and if my calculations were correct, The pike should be on! Headed out to find the hospitable shoreline Looks O.k. but don't be fooled. The rocks that are visible either have clear ice on them or are under 6" of water. I still got 2 soaker's trying not to fall right in. First cast produced a plastic replica of discouragement. (even with nice scenery, Toronto fishing reminds you exactly where you are!) Second cast was a shocker! This first one hit around 12pm. A nice fatty with a great fight. (It was so bright that the photos got pretty washed out at certain angles.) Then I tried a new spot on a point 10min. later This next one was the biggest. Definitely in my top Toronto 5. (crap photo, sorry) My line starts peeling and I can feel the weight. As she gets closer I can see she’ inhaled the lure. So now I have a big fish that will need surgery. With the tools ready, surgery was a bloodless success and she was back in pronto! I was impressed with myself because all 3 trebles were stuck deep in her mouth. Then another 10-15min. later I get another hit!! This was a bit smaller but a great fighter too. Again, this one inhaled the lure. Surgery went well, there was a bit of blood but all gill rakes were intact. She swam off strong. It’s important to have your tools accessible! I had to get back to work so my friend and I went back to his spot where he caught a few that morning. We had a couple nice follows but they had stopped feeding at that point. My friend said he was coming back again for the evening feed to get some more. I wished him luck, thanked him, shook hands and departed. What an Hour! (Well it was actually 40min.) This guys day, Not so good...... Caught this guy walking with a box covered in tinfoil on his head. Lundboy? See you later, Alligators.
  3. (he throws them from his plane onto p3ta rallies!)
  4. DouG is gracious, Captain. Please be considerate. Welcome aboard.
  5. What's the green stuff?
  6. That's pretty cute Ryan. However, Gobies are a "gateway" fish. Actually, I did teach my neice and nephew how to catch them. Let's just say there are some fat seagulls out there! Congrats!!
  7. Is that Scotch Guard Roy?
  8. Very sad news Lew. Take care of yourself and the family. Grant
  9. No rush here Ricola, Not like I can do much with anything till soft h20 appears! I await with baited breath (been dying to drop that line!)
  10. Now you tell me! I'm a gonner
  11. Nice one Ramble on! Sweet creepy stalking a board member GCD
  12. This game is fixed!
  13. 1st, From what I hear, You need all the mm's you can get. (that's not candy, though it does melt in your hand too) 2nd, If you did all the "Thinking", or as they say in your neck of Banjoland: "Thankin", I would have blasted that commie snow back to Snovakistan with a 12 guage by now. 3rd, Go drink a MGD, GCD. (BTW, thats .00000000000000000000000000000000000000000005 alcohol content Captain America) My snowman scores more than you do.
  14. Blue slime, Float suit burlesque! This is a family site! Well done IF
  15. Thanks Cliff, Regardless, I told my wife that I'm staying home Monday and Tuesday. I think I can justify the $'s to my boss. Unless he believes I can make money spending 4hrs each day in the car?
  16. Inside OP is impossible. Parking is very hard and the tickets are obscene. $60-$100 seems to be the norm. OP have become more active in removing unwanted cars to increase their business. I have reduced my fishing there due to this. Park further away, Bike it, Or use public transit. Once you win the parking ticket lottery, you'll be prudent!
  17. Me too, My son is loving the tunnels. We built a couple snowmen and he's giddy over snow angels. It's hard to get a 2 1/2yr. old to keep his mits on!
  18. Sure do. We go up to 3250kW.
  19. Funny boys. Back in the day, I owned a 68 VW Van. Wifey and I bought it in 1990 and moved back from rainy, depressing B.C. What a great van! Interestingly. When it rocked; Nobody knocked. Must've been the timing belt I gained an appreciation of "Air cooled" engines. I still sell them to this day in the form of generator sets. Now that I'm older; Everything knocks.....
  20. Hahaha, I did that when I was a kid. We even did the snowball in the freezer trick. Gave my brother a concussion in July with it. He's still not "right" these days.
  21. What's the OFC discount these days? 10% still??
  22. Where? WHERE?????????????????????? Seriously, I have built a "snow wall" on either side of the driveway that I can't hurl snow over and I've run out of real estate! If I push it onto the road the plow pushes in back onto me or my neighbour! At least my car is safe, LOL.
  23. Flies open. "Uh Oh, Hot Dog!" Well done. My first Simcoe whitie was a snag. Go figure. You look completed.
  24. Globalwarmist!
  25. Post a new thread! Well done!
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