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John last won the day on December 24 2024

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About John

  • Birthday 03/22/1953

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    Beautiful Rockwood, Ontario
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    It says to check length. I would say about average..........

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All Knowing Angler

All Knowing Angler (8/10)



  1. Was a teen in UK. Fave cars were 1964 MGB and 1970 3000E Ford Capri, both owned by Mom and Dad lol. Capri was pretty much the quickest car available in UK at that time. Wasn't really into " muscle cars" when I came to Canada in 1973.
  2. T is for Terrific. Well done!
  3. Beautiful! Champagne all the way!
  4. Wow, absolutely beautiful!
  5. We have been with the same company for the past 30+ years. We have 2 recent vehicles, a boat a trailer and house and contents insured through them. Every now and again I get upset at rate increases and shop around. I have found (so far) that I could maybe save 2 or 300 a year by switching but have a level of comfort with our current broker/insurer in that the 2 or 3 claims we have made were handled swiftly and professionally.
  6. Have fun Cliff. Great work Brian.
  7. My kinda build Chris. Awesome!
  8. Welcome, thank you for the introduction.
  9. Well, Drive Clean was a debacle from the get go. Those of us who owned auto repair and testing facilities will attest to it. I won't go into the details as it's been discussed ad nauseam! However, safety inspections are quite another thing. Annual, or even bi-annual inspections are long overdue, say after the vehicle is 3-5 years old. I would see infractions, (many very serious), on a weekly basis. Dangerously worn brakes, bald tires, body panels hanging off, frames and mounts rusted through, vehicles crabbing down the road, driving lights and signal lights out, vehicles modified waaay beyond their capabilities, tire beads over stretched onto rims plus many others. I would say that 1 out of every 8 or 10 cars and trucks and vans that came in for oil changes etc. had some kind of safety issue. This was in Milton, however I'm sure that the town was not unique. Do the math and you will scare the crap out of yourself as to how many potentially dangerous weapons are out there on our roads. Rant over!
  10. When the safety of others is in question those that think this way need to be governed. I see MANY 4x4's in the ditch in the centre of the highway because they think that 4x4 is the magic answer. "Flipping the switch" does not make one invincible no matter how good a driver we think we are. BTW I drive a 4x4 truck so I consider myself similarly.
  11. A few comments on this thread. Yes, snow tires do make a difference, in most Winter weather. Buy quality, not cheap ultra low price point tires. Don't put them on too early or leave them on too long. You can destroy a set of winter tires in a month or two of warm/hot weather driving. Soft compound and tread patterns will not stand up. I know winter tires are not cheap, but, avoid buying used. You have no idea of the history of the tires. Unless you know what to look for they could have been repaired. BTW it is illegal to repair a flat tire with a plug from the outside. When you change from summers/all season to winter, PLEASE make sure that wheels are re-torqued after 100km or so. Most tire stores and dealers will do this at NC and it only takes a few minutes.
  12. Thought that they were penguins for a minute!😀
  13. Haven'l watched any of them for 30+ years. Got tired of the hootin' and hollerin'. Tried again one Sat a few years ago and it was a 30 min infomercial!
  14. Great job, as always Chris!
  15. Loved Alaska. Particularly Ketchikan.
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