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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Thanks to Ken Taggart, our editor of Muskies Canada Relaease Journal, has made this special issue available on line. You can view it at: http://www.muskiescanada.ca/ click on the Breaking News link. It is a PDF file so you will need Adobe reader to view it. You can also listen to a phone conversation with Dale at: http://muskie.outdoorsfirst.com/board/foru...s=5&start=1 Truly a magnificent Muskie that was caught and released. Congrats Dale! Cheers, Ron...
  2. My condolences to Rob and the rest of the Lindner family. I hope the pain is soon forgotten and the great memories are cherished forever. God Bless.
  3. Love the game! I remember the first time I played against my neighbour. He said "You know, I've only lost playing crib once in my life, and even then the guy cheated!" ha ha ha, I'll never forget that from his voice, may he rest in peace.
  4. There's talk about doing a combo trip Dan. Brookies and then Mooskies on LOTW.
  5. "Ice for your Seizure? 1 chip or 2?" ha ha ha... Steve, this is my 25 yr volunteering with various projects with the OMNR. It all started out helping with the Rainbow trout fish lift in Cobourg and at the Fish Ladder on the Ganny in Port Hope. My latest vounteer work is standing on the Advisory Council with FMZ 17 and starting up a new Chapter of Muskies Canada for the Kawarthas. I don't fish often for trout anymore, seems like I have taken on a keen interest on my Muskie now. Some times I get so involved, I loose time to fish itself. At least it's still fishing related, something that is interesting and definitely FUN!~ Cupcake, er ah TEP has moved closer my way. We have gotten out fishing a few times this year, not as much as we would have liked, but still. Probably talk to him every other day at least. Still full of shats and giggles he is.
  6. Great question Nemo. They had done numerous habitat studies on Lake Simcoe and found several area which met the criteria. These are around the whole lake. They are still working on other areas that have potential as well. It is awesome to see these guys in action. I have participated in the harvest of eggs for this project and it was definitely a great experience. Picture this, Cabin Fever for a couple of months, Muskis doesn't open til June, going out and getting slimed by a Muskie for the sake of research in Late April - early May.... ahhhh the good times..... My hats off to you and anyone else who has participated in putting something back into the fishery. A little effort can go a long ways to the future of our populations. I got some of the pictures on my computer showing canabilism, I will see if I can dig them up. I had made arrangements for Muskies Canada members to have a tour of the facilities a number of weeks back. Those who attended thought it was incredible to see how "simple" of a project it was to rear these fish. The facility in my eyes, was set up like a back yard mechanic. Anyone can do this so long as you have an unlimited amount of spare time on your hands. This rearing facility is located at the Sir Sanford Fleming Collage, Frost Campus in Lindsay. All but a few fish are left in the facility now. At my last correspondence, there were only the Muskie left in the facility for Wisconsin. (Still waiting on results in regards to VHS/cross border transportation of live fish.) To be honest, I don't know if the general public are able to have a tour of the facility. Because Muskies Canada are part of the Stake Holders, I know we were able to attend.
  7. Hey guys, I have compiled some pictures I had taken at the Muskie rearing facility in Lindsay. I have to apologize for my terrible video editing. It was a great year for Lake Simcoe again. With this latest stocking event, the total number of Muskie that have been stocked into Lake Simcoe this year is 1814 fish, with the largest fish reaching a length of 24.5cm! Enjoy the lame video... Cheers, Ron...
  8. I often think it is best to not comment until I have the facts, I will hold my comments. You know what you get when people assume........
  9. Happy 40th Lew! Geesh, them early retirement years sure do take a toll on a person's looks. ha ha ha Hope you had a great day bud.
  10. Hearing that Jason Borwick was going to do a presentation for the Sudbury Chapter, I was sure to not let him down by not showing up to support him. (He calls me his groupie, whatever that means) Cupcake and I got up there a little later than expected, for the first time in my life, I actually slept in, putting us 2 hrs behind. Sorry Cupcake, you know the situation and thanks for being so understanding. After a 4.5 hr drive venting to Cupcake, I was a happy man, we could have turned around and gone home right then and called it a successful trip. Thanks for being there buddy, yer swell. Once we got our gear loaded and the boat in the water, we were on our way to see if Jeff can hook up with his first Near North Muskie. I had a good feeling CARMA was on his side. We struggled for a while looking for fish in deeper water, afterall, this is the Fall, the water temps are in their low 40’s and past experiences tell me the fish should be deep, following the numerous bait balls we are marking on the graph. We run into Marc Petrie and Jason Borwick out on the water and they tell us they have had great success casting. Well, we’re no fool, we decide to follow suit, casting the shorelines making a joke about everything we see and do. It was a great time out there. With Jeff running the trolling motor, I was happy to be at the back of the boat, even though I felt he wasn’t covering the water “fast enough”. I made a comment, something like, you always fish an area this slow??? (kind of like a hint to speed the heck up). He says “you can never fish an area slow enough” then bang, he hooks into his first Near North piggy! (Does that shoreline look familiar? hint, http://www.muskiescanada.ca) Man I had to eat my words with Crow that day. We had 3 other follows and then it was off to enjoy the hospitality of the Sudbury meeting. Marc had a great turnout for his guest speaker, 20 some odd people, rather impressed considering there is only 30 +- members for their Chapter! Well done Marc, you run a smooth show bud. It was great to meet and share some laughs with your members, members I have seen at various Outings from last year and from members who use this forum. This is what MCI is all about to me. On Thursday, Cupcake and I head back to see is we can do some more education on these Near North beauties. Did I mention he got his beast on a Sledge? Well, it was my Sledge and he wasn’t willing to give it back. I sulked for most of the morning and had to alternate jerk baits. I finally found one that seemed to work as I had a follow but couldn’t get her to commit. This was enough for Jeff to change up and take my Sledge off. Without him knowing, I snuck up and took it back. Tied the Sledge on and proceeded to cast. On the third retrieve back I had a high 40’s if not a 50 follow right up to the boat, shouting to Cupcake who also saw the bruiser and watched in awe as she followed the loop 3 times only to swim away. Just who educated who? With all this going on, I was laughing my arse off. Just happy to be here and also laughing because Jeff didn’t know I took back my Sledge! We had a couple other follows but no hookups on that stretch of shoreline. Soon after with a bit of a hunger on, we trolled to our next spot of attack. After listening to Sudburys guest speaker, we decided to analyze what we saw our fish on. It was on wind swept shores with broken stone leading to deep water close by. Taking this information we tackle our next spot. Not a big fish but was still nice to be able to put her in the boat. We worked the previous area again only to have several other follows and then had to call it the day. Totals for Wednesday and Thursday: Fish – 11 Jeff – 1 Ron – 1 A mid week fishing trip was the best thing I have enjoyed in a long time!
  11. Firstly, I have to apologize for no pictures, it was teaming down so hard with rain, I was not about to take my camera out. Fishing with Jason Borwick (MNR Biologist) has always been a great way to fill a day. We made plans to fish Muskie for our grand finale on the Kawarthas, after all it closes on the 15th. This is the first time I have enjoyed this lake, it will definitely, not be my last! On the water by 8, we were totally soaked by the end of the day. Good thing we were prepared for the situation at hand. Jason seems to be catching on to this muskie stuff rather well. At our first spot, I am more than half way on my retrieve when I see a follow, Jason yells,”There’s one!” I reply “you saw em too?” “NO” he says, “I got one on!” Great start to the morning, almost a double header! Not a big fish at 35” but still a Muskie! On the same weed line we produce 2 more follows before going to a different location down the Lake. Jason seems to know this lake fairly well, we get out to the middle of a bay and start casting the clumps of lively green weeds . We got a follow and then Jason tells me the weed line is behind the boat. I do a long bomb and on my 2nd jerk, I tangle into my first Sturgeon Lake Muskie, 36” on the nose! With only one more follow and working the area hard we opt to move to another location. Asking Jason where the next location is, says it’s only a short distance away. I suggest we troll as you never know if there is fish between where we are and where we are going. Good choice as it were. Jason hooks into another 37” on a %^%$ Believer! (Man I hate them Believers). Our 3rd and final spot for the day proved to be the “money maker”. This is an area where Jason says he does fairly well early in the season but hasn’t produced in the past while. With Jason tossing a M&G spinner and me with a Sledge, we managed 5 more in the boat! Non of these fish were large fish, (39, 37, 36, 36, 35, 34, 30, 30) but still an awesome way to end the season. What better friends can you have than your fishing friends!
  12. Hey Wayne, I had hoped to attend the festivities but Mom just got home Thursday night. With some great help from Cupcake on Wednesday and Thursday, I was able to abuse my friendship and he let me lean on his shoulder for a couple of days. I can't thank him enough for being there for me. I'm hoping to be able to spend some more time on this forum once again. I have stepped down from being the webmaster for MCI and was going to take a break. I am still actively working on the FMZ 17 advisory council and seeing as I had time on my hands stepping down as webmaster, I er should I say we, have formed a new Chapter of MCI in the Kawarthas. More on this latter. Looks like you guys had a blast out there on BoQ! Too bad I missed it.
  13. A woman and a baby were in the doctor's examining room, waiting for the doctor to come in for the baby's first exam. The doctor arrived, and examined the baby, checked his weight, and being a little concerned, asked if the baby was breast-fed or bottle-fed. 'Breast-fed,' she replied. 'Well, strip down to your waist,' the doctor ordered. She did. He pinched her nipples, pressed, kneaded, and rubbed both breasts for a while in a very professional and detailed examination. Motioning to her to get dressed, the doctor said, 'No wonder this baby is underweight. You don't have any milk.' I know,' she said, 'I'm his Grandma, but I'm glad I came.'
  14. Here's another adrenaline rush Wayne. She was caught 2 weeks ago.
  15. This is the factory dealer parts website I was referred to by a dealer. http://www.yamaha-motor.com/outboard/parts/home.aspx I would also guess it to be an 88.
  16. Holy Crap Shawn, I had to fish with that Geoff guy once before fishing for Muskie, I feel your pain man, I feel your pain... grin.... I'm sure you guys had a blast. Geoff, did you use anything else than the Double Cowgirls for them walleyes? ha ha ha ha Cheers, Ron...
  17. One can only assume this can get cleared up fairly fast simply by one side or the other to produce pay stubs. So I would have to say it's up to Whispering Pines to show this evidence.
  18. Holy Crap Terry! You must be having a good day! ha ha ha
  19. Looks like a blast Joey! Too bad the fishes didn't want to come out and play though. Like you said, spending a day fishing with Lew would be worth the admission fee anyways!
  20. We were fishing a stretch on the Rideau River last week, first time on this body of water. We found one spot that held a muskie in the high 40's if not a 50 incher. On the first time she appeared, my buddy was tossing a dbl Cowgirl, unfortunately he didn't pay attention to his bait coming in this one time and just as he went to lift the spinner out, there was the biggest boil I ever did see boat side! It scared the bah jeepers out of both of us. That was the first follow. Next cast with the DC this fish is right on the spinner and even started to commit on the figure 8, but alas, she wandered off to the deep never to be seen again, or so we thought. My buddy changes up to a bull dawg and once again on the first cast this behemoth come in flailing her gills and then she still turns away as if she is toying with us! Because this was my buddy's fish he brought in the first time, I wasn't going to cast the same area until he had a couple of tries to get her in the boat. Well, his time ran out and now I do a cast in the same general area with a sledge, this fish is right on top of it, I mean she was pushing the jerk bait with her nose as I was retrieveing! Still couldn't get a hook into her. We ended up casting spinners, Bulldawg, Sledge, Believer, Manta, Huey and a Suick. Out of more than 50 casts, we had her come to the boat 8 times... that we saw. Lord only knows how many times she came to the boat where we didn't see her! Bottom line we figured this was a very well educated fish and has been there done that and now it's time to get us anglers back! Still made for an exhilarating day I tell ya!
  21. What species are you targeting? I might be able to help you some what...
  22. Firstly, in the above picture I'd be honoured to shake any one of those peoples hands, in fact I have shaken a couple of them, (Roger and George). I see the real heroes in this photo, each and every one of you. And to think I would be willing to drive for an hour and a half getting ROAD RAGE to go to BPS just to chat, I always look out for Roger, it's about 50/50 for the amount of times I see the poor smuck there. Always a lot of laughs. My hats to you my friend. It's nice to see guys like you Roger going the extra mile and help the young kids take interest in this sport. I am still envisioning Jacob with the LED ball cap with all his loot lined up on the bed = PRICELESS!! Thanks for making my day a better one bud. Cheers, Ron...
  23. Play nice boys! I am also one of the proud ones to have attained my mug shot on the 50. Keep at it Terry, all but one is grateful for what you do for us.
  24. *Yawn*..... NOT! This is where one of my brothers and I are suppose to be going next year. Slight change in plans now and it won't be happening until 2012.
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