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Everything posted by Ron

  1. That was awesome Jamie. Thanks for that. Certainly goes to show just how fast it can happen, even to the best of well seasoned anglers! Hope there was no damage to you or your nerves. As for the muskie, cudos to you for being so concerned of the well being of her too. As for using the boga grip to lift her outa the water, I'll let you away with it this time. Cheers, Ron...
  2. Mike Mike Mike...... Please do not scare off the interested folks who wish to gain more information and give input on the resource we all enjoy. For the record, I've been topless before and it ain't pretty!
  3. This day and age Wayne, you can always go to their next wedding. So come on, have a blast!
  4. I'll be on the road at 4AM, by the time I get down to St. Catherines, I'll be ready for breakfast. Looking forward to seeing you boys down there. Cheers, Ron...
  5. Peterborough Naval Building Port Hope O'Neil CVI
  6. Awesome report Urban! Nothing better than getting kids involved in fishing. My daughter started out ice fishing with me and then she has now graduated up in the ranks. Good thing I taught her everything she knows! (She still knows nothing) ha ha ha... Take lots and lots of pictures over the next 20 yrs, they grow so fast! Cheers, Ron...
  7. Just thought I would bring the meeting schedule forward as well.
  8. Hi fluffmaster, Welcome to the board by the way, I'm sure you will find the information on this forum very usefull. This is one of the few full coloured boards where you can discuss anything be it from fishing to how to repair the input shaft on your lawnmower. (I think that is why this site is so successful) Nice to see that we agree on some issues, debate is always good. As I have said before, (hope I don't sound like a broken record), regardless poaching is poaching. As for the walleye being finished spawning by the 4th Saturday in April, I would find that hard to believe. Last year for an example we caught a couple of walleye in one of our hot spots for Crappie. Both one male and 2 females were ripe and needless to say, we moved off that spot to leave the walleye to carry on with their business. This was on the North Shore of Rice Lake, exact area I won't disclose. Surprisingly, some of zone 17 does have ice fishing, Lake Scugog for an example has a fantastic fishery for walleye and now Crappie through the ice. You very seldom hear of broken fishing regulations. In fact this year the CO that covers this area spent a great deal of time checking for infractions. I'm sure I can find the amount of charges laid and chances are they will be very minimal. As for Ice fishing on the Kawartha's for Pan fish, just think of the opportunities to get new people interested in the Sport. I could only wish I was able to get my daughter ice fishing close to home at a young age. As it was, I would get her interested by driving for a couple hours only for her to loose interest after fishing for a half hour and then load everything up and do the 2 hour drive back home. She lost interest in ice fishing quickly at an early age. It took a few good years for her to get an interest back in the sport of ice fishing, something I hope I will be able to get my grand kids interested some day. After all they will be our future fisher kids keeping our heritage alive. Surprisingly, the local CO in our area is looking forward to the opportunity on ice fishing in this area. He doesn't feel controlling the regulations would be difficult. By opening up the season on Pan fish in the Kawarthas, this will help the walleye population more so than be detrimental to them in 2 ways. 1 - The harvest of Pan fish will decrease the bio mass, meaning this will give the walleye more space. Regardless of which lake, it can only sustain a total weight of fish. If you remove 100 pounds of Pan fish this will in turn give the other species a chance to fill the void. 2 - By harvesting Pan fish, be it Crappies or Bluegill, Pumkinseed, this will in turn decrease the chances of predation on walleye fry. The unfortunate part of ice fishing is the thought of all the garbage being left behind. Yes it does seem to be an issue. I guess it's a good thing that garbage doesn't float in the Summer. I would be afraid to see the bottom of the Lake from all the garbage that is tossed over board in the Summer months. Just how often do you hear of ice huts being abandoned? Out of the amount of ice huts on lakes over all of Ontario, how many huts are left behind? 1?, 10? I have only heard of the one which was posted on this forum this week. In the same token, I also heard of a few docks which were a float in the lake which had broke free from either a resort or someone's private property, too bad there isn't numbers on docks so they can be tracked back to the rightful owners. If you are in the Peterborough area, please attend the meeting tonight, your input and concerns would be welcomed in a public debate. Not only are we looking for people who fish, we are looking for all stake holders to attend. If you can't make it to tonights meeting, there are others coming up. I believe the list of meetings is posted above. Cheers, Ron...
  9. I wouldn't recommend any lake in the Kawarthas just yet as it isn't open until the 4th Saturday in April. All of zone 17 is closed to fishing with a few exceptions. Sure would be nice to get out on the water in this area though.
  10. The "Go Green" Shopping bags are the perfect size too. Nice thing about them is once you are done using them you can stow them away in the bow of your boat.
  11. Just a reminder for anyone in the Peterborough area that there is a public meeting Monday night at 7PM. The more anglers that attend the better. This is your chance to have input on the proposed fishing regulations. Hope to see you there. Cheers, Ron...
  12. Talk to the hand Mike.... Hey, I listened to your opinion, now you can listen to mine.... ha ha ha
  13. A 50.00 helmet for a 50.00 head is what I always said. (Just a FYI, that is one of the best helmets on the market and yes slightly more than 50.00! ha ha ha) Thanks for all the encouragements guys. So, anyone want to buy a Lund?
  14. Hope we can change that for ya Dave. As for the spinner, looks great! As mentioned though, would be a bonus if it could be rigged up some how with the treble being removable.
  15. I thought this deserved a thread of it's own. Chad has done an excellent job on capturing the Fish lift at Pratt's Pond. Over 180 photos and it was nice to browse through them. Thanks for taking the pictures for us Chad. Cobourg Fish lift images Cheers, Ron...
  16. I was wondering where I lost my Muskie float...
  17. Now I'm all flustered! Forgot to mention I thought it was one of those Halloween Skeletons.
  18. I seen it with my own eyes last night at our MCI meeting. Rapala has a "Sturgeon Rod" out on the market. These were on sale at the Carp show last weekend. The rod is actually rated for 20 - 80 lb test comes with a line counter reel. 8 ft long, lure size 2 - 8 oz. IM7 composite. (please note, this is what I recall from the conversation). All this for $80.00! I don't think you can find a better deal than that. 35 - 40 members at our MCI meeting last night and most of them said this would be a great outfit for just getting into muskie fishing and some others said they would definitely buy to use as a full time trolling outfit.
  19. Here's the whole sequence (click on thumbnails if you want to see larger images)...
  20. Thanks!
  21. My fishing days are numbered, or so my daughter thinks. A bit of background here..... My daughter has been riding horses going on 12 yrs now, we bought our first horse just over 2 yrs ago. The horses name is "Pork Chop", it has good blood lines and just didn't cut it for being a Quarter horse racer. Steph has been working on her for Barrel racing for only 6 months now and on the weekend was her first competition. She was successful at teh races winning both heats with the fastest overall time in her class. She also won the "Dash for Cash" as well. There were about 40 horses entered in the various classes and Steph had the second fastest time overall at just .055 of a second slower. She definitely turned some heads as people were asking who this "kid" was and where does she train? So now her next competition will be near Hamilton where if she does well she could come home with some serious coin. This will be held on opener of the walleye season in the Kawarthas. A small price to pay to see my daughter live her dream. Enjoy the pics... Cheers, Ron...
  22. Looks great just the way it is! I like the idea of setting pictures under glass on the top instead. Awesome work man. I'm sure he will remember what it was for without the 50 on it. Now for one of the pictures, perhaps you can talk real nice to Terry and ask him for a 50 dollar bill with your Dad's picture on it and put that under the glass. Cheers, Ron...
  23. Bomanville zoo is great, especially for the age of your kids. If you find that you go through it too fast and have ore time to spend, you could still take in Jungle and Cat World in Kirby or even better you could spend the day at Peterborough Zoo where I believe admission is free and the kids will have a hoot in the monkey house feeding the Carp that come in looking for the food which you buy for a quarter. Cheers, Ron...
  24. What time did you want to rendezvous at the ol Pine tree up ahead?
  25. I always liked the area of the fork in the Moira. I didn't think other guys knew of the area. Cheers, Ron...
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