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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Oh man! What a year to miss out on Nipigon. I have fished with Irish and can attest to what a great experience that is. Fishing with Moosebunk would also be an honour I am sure. Looks like you guys hit the water pretty close to prime time. If only I could get there next week, bummer. Great report DanC, I see Buttcrackus Island made it in the background a few times.... ha ha ha Cheers, Ron...
  2. You threw me off when you said Cliff. I had to look to see where you are from. I only know him as "Kip". Kip, Bonnie, Brad and Kelly are terrific people. Small world John. And a word of "Thanks" from our family.
  3. It is with deep regret, to announce the loss of my brother inlaw, Bob Spry. He will be missed. Thanks to all who have supported their family in many ways. Thanks to all who have supported me when I was looking for a shoulder to lean on. Rest in peace Bobby.
  4. My perspective: If "Jeff" harvested his limit, he is done fishing for the day. "Jeff" can give his fish away to anyone he wishes, even in the same household, they then no longer become his limit. He can still go out fishing for the rest of the day but he cannot keep any more fish of the same species he has already kept a limit on. "Jeff" can however go out the following day and harvest his limit once again as he is no longer in possession of his daily limit. Illegal no, unethical, that is in the eyes of the beholder. If "Jeff" harvested his limit, brought them in, gave them away to a family member or a friend or a stranger on the street and went back out and harvested another limit or even just one more fish of the same species, he would be considered over his limit. This would be illegal.
  5. Thought you'd like to hear that Brian.... ha ha ha
  6. Here is a link to what the MNR have found to be the cause of the Carp die off in the Kawarthas and other surrounding lakes. There was no mention of the MNR testing a new chemical, nor do they believe it was caused by aliens. You never know though, birds do fly from one lake to the next and with the Trent Severn Locks attaching all the infected lakes... maybe it has something to do with that... http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/en/Business/LetsF...age/239472.html
  7. Did you catch any Ling in that Lake TJ? Sure in my home town and not even pop in to say "HI".
  8. Coloration and rounded fins are just a few of many factors to make a Tiger or "Hybrid" Here is a poster to help you identify your fish a little clearer, hope it helps.
  9. Hey Wendel, It was great meeting you and your wife Saturday night at Tim's fire. Enjoyed the poop chat. Nice to put a face to the name. When Angelo and I were out fishing on the Friday, we were impressed on the size of the walleyes they were getting out there. Certainly a good sign for the lake. Just amazed on the amount of Fish flies (May fly) out there. The larval shells floating on the surface sure did make us think twice about what to use for bait. All the fish have to do is swim around with their mouths open!
  10. Awesome fish Lew. I like when you catch all these muskies, just means there is another one educated. Good on ya bud!
  11. We get our batter from the "Bulk Barn" chain. Simply use beer instead of water and the key is to let it stand for a minimum of 15 minutes before using. Just ask the guys that have been to one of my fish fries. Works awesome on button mushrooms, zucchini as appetizers as well.
  12. RE: Broad-scale Fisheries Monitoring, Fisheries Management Zone 17 Ecological Framework for Fisheries Management During the summer of 2008, the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) crews will be conducting netting operations on a series of lakes in Fisheries Management Zone 17. The lakes scheduled for assessment in 2008 include: White (Dummer) Lake - June 10-1 3 Dalrymple Lake - June 16-20 Cordova Lake - June 23-27 Buckhorn Lake (Upper) - July 2-1 1 Stony and Clear Lake -July 14-23 Lake Scugog - July 27 - August 1 Canal Lake - August 5-8 Buckhorn Lake (Lower) - August 10-1 5 Rylstone Lake - August 19-22 This operation is part of the broad-scale fisheries monitoring program which MNR began implementing across Ontario earlier this spring. (See attached fact sheet). The crews of technicians and biologists will collect and record a variety of information from the fish caught during the netting surveys, including fish species, sex, age, length, weight, and general health. This will be used to determine sport fish abundance, life history characteristics of key species, and the diversity of the fish community. Some fish will also be sampled to assess contaminant levels. The net sets will be clearly marked with MNR buoys, and we are asking recreational users to avoid activities in these areas. Some of the netting operations are overnight gill net sets, and some fish mortality may occur. This is generally low, and most of these fish will be used for contaminant sampling. We are requesting you share this information with your members and other lake users, to help us inform people using the lake during these activities, and take the necessary precautions in the immediate area. We have also attached a Notice regarding this activity, which we will post at public boat launches and various retail stores and outlets located on the lake. If you are aware of other public areas where they may be posted to inform lake users, please feel free to do so. We would be happy to provide you with a report back on our preliminary findings following the netting, if you or your organization are interested. For example, we could provide the number and type of fish caught, general observations, etc., before the data is fully analyzed. Please contact the name below to make these arrangements. We would also be pleased to provide you with the State of the Resource Report, once the final analysis of data collected from across the region has been completed and the report compiled. We deeply appreciate your help and cooperation in monitoring our fish populations and the health of our lakes. Please feel free to contact Dan Taillon at 705-755-2001 (email [email protected]), for preliminary results from your lake, the State of the Resource Report when its available, or if you have any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Jane Ireland Ministry of Natural Resources Peterborough District Manager
  13. Just like Henry Ford.... Any color bucktail jig, as long as it is black.
  14. An 86-year-old man went to his doctor for his quarterly check-up... The doctor asked him how he was feeling, and the 86-year-old said ,'Things are great and I've never felt better.' I now have a 20 year-old bride who is pregnant with my child. 'So what do you think about that Doc ?' The doctor considered his question for a minute and then began to tell a story. 'I have an older friend , much like you, who is an avid hunter and never misses a season.' One day he was setting off to go hunting. In a bit of a hurry , he accidentally picked up his walking cane instead of his gun.' 'As he neared a lake , he came across a very large beaver sitting at the water's edge. He realized he'd left his gun at home and so he couldn't shoot the magnificent creature. Out of habit he raised his cane , aimed it at the animal as if it were his favorite hunting rifle and went 'bang, bang'.' 'Miraculously , two shots rang out and the beaver fell over dead. Now, what do you think of that ?' asked the doctor. The 86-year-old said , 'Logic would strongly suggest that somebody else pumped a couple of rounds into that beaver.' The doctor replied , 'My point exactly.'
  15. I was in at BPS a couple of weeks ago. I can't say enough about the great service I received. There is this guy by the name of Roger, you got questions, he's got answers! Anthony (I think that was his name), is an avid muskie angler. He and I had a great conversation, very knowledgeable. As for this Roger dude.....lets just say he looks pretty! ha ha ha Nice chatting wit ya Roger. I hope that young lad did OK on those Crappie jigs I directed him to. His Dad was very interested as well, nice to be able to educate new and interested, willing to learn anglers of the future.
  16. Enjoy the Summer Bud! Just be careful on how you word things for Leah's Birthday this time!
  17. Once again I would like to thank all of you for your generous donations. Through the web site and mail ins, Our family has raised over $3000.00! Thank you very much! The Waumer walk went with out a hitch! The weather man was definitely on our side. You couldn't have asked for a better day. It goes without saying this brings people out in the masses. Not having an accurate tally on participants, I can assure you there were well over 2000 participants on the walk. Julie Wamsley did a spectacular job on organizing, that's for sure! My hat is off to you Julie. Awareness is what this is all about, I think the only function down here larger is our Water Front Festival, which draws a crowd from all around. Julie and Dennis' determination, dedication and personality speaks for itself. Here is a link to some of the photos taken by Pete Fisher, one of our News Paper photographers. (Thanks Pete)... Northumberland Emergency Services Cheers, Ron...
  18. It is so nice to hear your daughter is doing better now. The pain and agony in the past must have made you and your wife worry warts. I am proud to call you a friend and I hope my donation gets her that much closer to her goal! I only hope Jen doesn't get a relapse and has go to through all of this again. ( I never was good with words). Cheers, Ron...
  19. Verno has got your answer. This was always the case with the metal furrle on the older rods, especially the Algonquin fly rods.
  20. Nice looking pooch! Now.... how did that joke go Wayne??? ha ha ha
  21. Wow! The donations have been over whelming! I really want to thank all of you for brightening my nieces last few days! They are just amazed on what a couple of forums can do! My one niece Kari asked me to forward this: I would like to thank everyone for their support in fighting ALS. With your support and help we will find a cure. It means the world to me to fight this disease that is not only taking away my Dad but also my best friend and hero. Words will never tell you how grateful I am. Thank you again and your generosity will never be forgotten. Kari Spry Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all. – Dale Carnegie I personally would like to thank you all too!
  22. Nice work Gerrit! A company you can be proud to work for for sure.
  23. Words to live by Splashopper. Thank you so much for sharing.
  24. You should try what Wayne and I did. I use my X135 out of the boat. I did have a Vexilar but found it annoying staring at the screen all the time. Got rid of it and now use the graph instead. Gives you lots of additional features as well, zone alarm, real time, zoom features better than anything else. (this is for ice fishing). For out in the boat you can change it easily just by removing the bracket to hold the transducer to a suction cup to mount on the boat. Mount it to any boat and have a self sustaining unit. Here are the pics. you can use any unit you'd like this way. It all fits in the box for easy storage and portability.
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