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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Great move Eddy! I'm sure you won't be dissapointed on your move, only too bad you will be so far away form the Ganny now. I think you upgraded mind you! ...Ron
  2. Opening night for Rainbows, looking forward to the day once agian this year. Only another 40 some odd days to go! My daughter with her WGSF! She also caught her first muskie that weekend! Proud to say her muskie photo made the Essox Angler Mag with an article Snady wrote. She is quite the fisher gal, my daughter that is, not Snady, well you know what I mean!
  3. Anchor First Aid kit mini bolt cutters Toilet paper Mooring lines dock bumpers photo copy of vessel permit spare fuses spare key well hidden under floor mat er I mean well hidden some where in the boat. Inboard tank? fire extinguisher ( I think it is type "C") SUN BLOCK All in one tool pouch ( Canadain TIre or Wallmart) Fish markers drift socks compass - GPS
  4. We stumbled on this one by accident. We were fishing on Lingham Lake many years ago, we forgot to leave out bread to make crumbs for our shore lunch. While munching on All dressed potatoe chips, we came up with the idea of crushing up the chips to almost a powder and used them. THE BEST fillets I have ever had! Real simple too. Scramble 2 eggs thouroughly, dust fillets in flour, dip in egg wash and roll in crumbs. No extra seasoning required! You want the true flavour of a walleye fillet? Roll fillet in flour, pan fry in a tblespoon of butter til golden brown, (medium-high heat). Add salt and pepper afterwards. This will not dry the flesh out as much as putting salt on before frying.
  5. We mourn for your loss as well Vance, Though it's no constellation, the memories you have accumulated over time will keep your father very much alive in you heart.
  6. Oh sure, pick on that Ron guy! lol Had a great time Dano. And for everyone else, Wayne has a guest book that everyone fills out, great idea for you cottage owners. Well in Wayne's book, I signed it and made a small blurb... "Wayne caught a fish! Wayne caught a fish!" Well he did better than I did but can guarantee we all had the same amount of fun and giggles.
  7. Great report Wayne! It felt almost as if I was there! Too bad we didn't have any pictures of the "TOW CALLS". There is a lot of interesting water up there for sure, looking forward to the next invite. It is nice to see the different year classes come out of your lake, goes to show it is very healthly. Glad I could prove you don't have to catch a fish to have a great time! You definately have a nice place to call home, especially for the Summer. I had a blast with all of you guys, nice to meet Dano in person and have a sit down with him too. I tell ya one thing though, you guys have got to lighten up, don't take life so seriously! LOL It seemed like this was the "CLASS CLOWN REUNION". That about sums it up.
  8. LETTER FROM A SASKATCHEWAN FARM KID, NOW A RECRUIT AT CFB BORDEN, ONTARIO Dear Ma and Pa, I am well. Hope you are. Tell Brother Walt and Brother Elmer the Canadian Forces beats working for old man Minch by a mile. Tell them to join up quick before all of the places are filled. I was restless at first because you got to stay in bed till nearly 6 a.m. but I am getting so I like to sleep late. Tell Walt and Elmer all you do before breakfast is smooth your cot, and shine some things. No hogs to slop, feed to pitch, mash to mix, wood to split, fire to lay. Practically nothing. Men got to shave but it is not so bad, there's warm water. Breakfast is strong on trimmings like fruit juice, cereal, eggs, bacon, etc. but kind of weak on chops, potatoes, ham, steak, fried eggplant, pie and other regular food, but tell Walt and Elmer you can always sit by the two city boys that live on coffee. Their food plus yours holds you til noon when you get fed again. It's no wonder these city boys can't walk much. We go on "route marches", which the platoon sergeant says are long walks to harden us. If he thinks so, it's not my place to tell him different. A "route march" is about as far as to our mailbox at home. Then the city guys get sore feet and we all ride back in trucks. The country is nice but awful flat. The sergeant is like a school teacher. He nags a lot. The Captain is like the school board. Majors and colonels just ride around and frown. They don't bother you none. This next will kill Walt and Elmer with laughing. I keep getting medals for shooting. I don't know why. The bulls-eye is near as big as a chipmunk head and don't move, and it ain't shooting at you like the Higgett boys at home. All you got to do is lie there all comfortable and hit it. You don't even load your own cartridges. They come in boxes. Then we have what they call hand-to-hand combat training. You get to wrestle with them city boys. I have to be real careful though, they break real easy. It ain't like fighting with that ole bull at home. I'm about the best they got in this except for that Tug Jordan from over in Moose Jaw. I only beat him once. He joined up the same time as me, but I'm only 5'6" and 130 pounds and he's 6'8" and near 300 pounds dry. Be sure to tell Walt and Elmer to hurry and join before other fellers get onto this setup and come stampeding in. Your loving daughter, Gail
  9. OK everyone, Thanks for your interest in my Fish finder and trolling motor, but as i said in my post, I do not know the model numbers, lbs thrust and shaft length. All I do know, is that they are in good shape, I am only replacing them because that is what came on the boat. The Fish finder is a Matrix model, gps ready, I have it hooked up to my Garmin and it is handy. The reason for replacement is I have a Lowrance on the console and want to run the same on the Bow. The Minn Kota is just a touch too short for my liking, in fact I just bought a new foot control for it last Fall. I upgraded to a 75 lb thrust 24 volt with a built in transducer. Both of these are only a couple of years old. So please, don't send me anymore PM's until I get the info on them, thanks.....
  10. http://www.basspro.com/servlet/catalog.CFP...&storeID=11 This is the flyer for the March break at BPS, Vaughn
  11. I got 2 more weekends planned for Ice fishing and then the boat is coming out of storage so I can install a new Lorance and a new Minn Kota on the bow. For anyone interested, I will be having my old stuff up for sale. The graph is a Hummin Bird Matrix and the Bow mount is a Minn Kota Power drive. Just don't ask me the models of these, they are still on the boat in heated storage.
  12. WOW! I'm verkelmpt! Things like this really choke me up. Hats off to all the people involved.
  13. I don't understand why it was pulled either. Maybe it could have been locked and people could see who the winners were.
  14. Wow! This is so kewl! Now who do I get get ahold of for mailing address and payable to? ( Boy is my wife gonna hate me)...
  15. "Local con park" would that be Lynde Shores by chance? I was down last week looking for Saw Whet Owls. I have taken my girls down there. it is real kewl on how well trained these Chickadees are!
  16. Well if you got a means of transportation, Peferlaw directly south of Thora(sp) Island. If your heel toeing it, Roaches Point of the "Pump house" in Keswick. These are my favorite haunts this time of year.
  17. You will be seeeing this more and more as the season comes to an end where huts have to be removed. Last year out on the whities grounds there must have been at least 3 huts up in smoke. Some people are just too dang lazy to maintain them from freezing in the ice and the only way as far as their concerned is to put em up in flames. No concern for anyone. Tis a shame.
  18. I/we had a great time at the Fishing for Tyler. The food was great, hats off to the cooking gooroos Kelvin, JR and Big Cliff. If anyone is interested in a smoker, you have got to talk to JR. That did a fantastic job keeping everything piping hot. Maureen, another gang buster day, I'm glad you put the effort to organize such an event. Public awareness for Autism and especially raising money for one particular child that has fallen through the cracks is enough of an incentive all on itself. My hats off to you. It was nice to see the turnout to support a person in need. For everyone who took the time and effort, I thank you. This is not only for the volunteers who helped set up and organize everything, this also goes to the fine fisher people who made the effort to help support such a fine worthy cause. My daughter was ecstatic to have won first place, when she entered her fish, the first thing she wanted to do was to go see the prize table. Stephanie was envisioning everything she could pick, not expecting to be the first to choose! When her name was called for the "Grand Prize Winner", it didn't take her long to grab up the fishing rod combo! Any more rods, and Steph will have just as many as her Dad! LOL The other highlight for her was to see her smiling face on the A channel. Once again, I would like to give thanks to Motv8r for setting up such a great event.
  19. Well that about sums it up in a nut shell! I/we had a great time at the Fishing for Tyler. The food was great, hats off to the cooking gooroos Kelvin, JR and Big Cliff. If anyone is interested in a smoker, you have got to talk to JR. That did a fantastic job keeping everything piping hot. Maureen, another gang buster day, I'm glad you put the effort to organize such an event. Public awareness for Autism and especially raising money for one particular child that has fallen through the cracks is enough of an incentive all on itself. My hats off to you. It was nice to see the turnout to support a person in need. For everyone who took the time and effort, I thank you. This is not only for the volunteers who helped set up and organize everything, this also goes to the fine fisher people who made the effort to help support such a fine worthy cause. My daughter was ecstatic to have won first place, when she entered her fish, the first thing she wanted to do was to go see the prize table. Stephanie was envisioning everything she could pick, not expecting to be the first to choose! When her name was called for the "Grand Prize Winner", it didn't take her long to grab up the fishing rod combo! Any more rods, and Steph will have just as many as her Dad! LOL The other highlight for her was to see her smiling face on the A channel. Once again, I would like to give thanks to Motv8r for setting up such a great event.
  20. I'll be there setting up the Muskies Canada Booth Wednesday night and working the floor on Friday and Saturday. We'll have booth numbers 134-135. Not sure where exactly but was told it is on a corner. We will have tickets available for the Muskie Oddessy there as well. Please feel free to pop in for a visit and bring lots of CASH!... We will have membership forms for renewals as well as for new members. Don't be afraid to ask us questions about the Lake Simcoe Muskie Restoration Project. We have had some trying experiences with this project but every experience is a great learning experience. The Sir Sanford Fleming Collage has also stepped in on this project with us as well. This is a great opportuinty for 1st year graduates to practice what they have studied. There are other MCI projects under way but the Toronto Chapter has undertaken this one. Hopefully there will be a few other members from Kitchener-Waterloo and Hamilton in particular, to help with any questions on what we are all about.
  21. I'll be bringing out the generator, 2 folding tables extension cords and such as well. With my trailer, it can be set up for collecting the donations. This will give you some space on the tables for food and then clear them up for the prizes afterwards. (I'll even bring a space heater we can set up in the trailer for a warm up room too.)
  22. Enjoy you cottage Wayne, don't worry about your boat. It'll be there in another 4 months for the May 24 weekend. Now this is where we start getting the itch on open water. Did you know before you can get out in your new boat, it will be around another 100 days before the ice is out? Just wanted to to know bud. I'll remind you about this once in a while. Afterall, what are friends for????
  23. The 401 East Bound id open now. Traffic is moving through. WEST bound they seem to be diverting traffic to HWY 7. At the moment, traffic is backed up to HWY 45 only. Burnham St. exit is moving fine. You can get back on the 401 in Grafton, no traffic back up to there as of yet.
  24. Yeah, thiings aren't looking too good on the 401 right now. I haven't spoken to anyone yet but heard it will be closed until 7 Am at minimum. They called in additional satff at the Hospital, Air Ambulance could land at the scene becasue of weather conditions. I went out to the barn to feed our horse and drove on the overpass near the accident, all flames are out now but surely will take a long time to do the investigation and road repairs. Anyone heading this way, your best to take hwy 28 North exit in Port Hope and head East on Dale Road (106), North on 45, East on Centerton Rd, then head South on Aird St. This is a longer way to travel but I can gaurantee it will be quicker than taking the #2 through Cobourg to Grafton.
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