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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Unfortunately the lift is cancelled for Saturday. The water is about 12 inches from under the bridge in the golf course. Once I receive the new set date, I will be sure to post it here. Man I love Mother Nature!
  2. The weather forecast for here is only calling for 5-10 mm of rain tommorrow 1-5 mm on Friday. Sunny and +7 for Saturday. Lets just keep our fingers crossed that the forecast is correct!
  3. The lift ahs been rescheduled for Friday April 10th (Good Friday). Cobourg Fish lift is happening this weekend. Starting time is 8:30 on Friday April 10th, one day only. Looking for volunteers to help with netting fish, sizing and other statistics with MNR biologists. Handling fish in the pens and releasing up above the dam. It's lots of work but fun doing it. If you have Chest waders and a large net, bring them along. There will be volunteer forms which have to be filled out in order to participate. This is a great hands on experience and a great way to spend a morning poaching er I mean catching fish to move above the dam to enhance the fishery. See you there! Directions
  4. Hello everyone. It has been just over a year since my brother in law was diagnosed with ALS. Sadly he passed away in August of last year. In memory of Bob, my Niece has set up a pledge form on the ALS web site and is again looking for donations. Our family is a strong supporter of this walk and hope you can help our family meet our goals. Cheers, Ron... Hey Everyone!! The reason I am writing to you all is because I am taking part in the "WALK for ALS" in Cobourg on May 3rd and I am collecting Pledges. I have set a Goal of $5000 to fundraise and I am hoping all of you can help me reach my goal. As some of you may know my dad passed away from ALS in august 2008. I hope you can help me achieve this goal I have set with even a small donation, every little bit helps. If you would like to pledge me, there is a site on the bottom of this message that will take you straight to my personal page! If you don’t want to pledge me over the internet you can message me and we can meet. Donations of $20 or more do come with a Tax Receipt, which is e-mailed to you directly after your donation is made! Every little bit will be appreciated. Please help me do this for my father and the Millions of others out there suffering from ALS! Thank You All for at least reading this and thank you even more to those who help!!! Waumer Walk for ALS (Bob's Believers) Bye For Now But Not Forever ~*Katrina*~
  5. Was up in Orillia, the Talbot, Beaverton, Pefferlaw and Sibbald Point yesterday. Open water in the narrows. Suckers running the Talbot and Beaverton. Nothing to be found at the Pefferlaw. Boyz still ice fishing at Sibbald. Pretty sure it's their last day on the ice.
  6. Making your way into the world today Takes everything you got Taking a break form all your worries sure would help a lot Wouldn't you like to get away Sometimes you want to go Where everyone knows your name And there always glad you came You wanna be where you can see The troubles are all the same You wanna be where everybody knows your name You wanna go where people know People are all the same You wanna go where everybody knows your name Fishing trip Happy Birthday "Norm" Cheers, Ron...
  7. I hope they call you Cliff. I will be putting up a post for the upcoming Fish lift at Pratts Pond here in Cobourg. It's only a one day event but how often do you get a chance to handle a dozen or more Rainbows in one day. Last year we had approximately 40 volunteers and lifted 120+- rainbow over the dam. This should be happening in the next few weeks. Dave, nice to know your opinion on the survey. Lets us know from our mistakes on what we missed or should I say overlooked. The only concerns to date that I know of are the missing field for question 1. There should have been a field to manually type in a lake name. The other concern I have heard was that there should have been a field about minimum size limit for muskie. Cheers, Ron...
  8. Ron

    Hey Wayne!!

    I donno about this..... Leigha is far too kind to you! ha ha ha Hope you had a great day Bud.
  9. Hey Cliff, There are various programs people can get involved in. I know of a few off hand. There is the Ganaraska fish lift is one and it may be a little too late to get on the volunteer list for the walleye spawning study. This walleye spawning study will be taking place at various dams (locks) and taking count of walleye in the spawning areas. For anyone wishing to volunteer for various projects, please contact: Peterborough Office: [email protected] Aurora District: (905) 713-7400 Bancroft District (613) 332-3940 Let them know you would be interested in volunteering with some of the interesting programs. This is my 26th year helping with various projects, it's my way of putting something back into the fishery.
  10. Hey guys, Thanks so much for filling out the survey. There are more people who can fill it out still. We have until May 19th but who would want to leave it for the last minute. If you answer the survey now, this will ensure our voice as anglers are heard. Trust me, there are different opinions on how the regs should be proposed. I for one would like to see the Kawarthas open for icefishing - pan fish only. The thoughts of taking my grand kids someday (better not be in the near future). for a 15 minute drive as opposed to driving for 2 hours to get them on to some quality Perch fishing.
  11. For anyone who is going to the Sportsman Show and has a question or 2 about the FMZ survey and perhaps how to get involved with volunteer work, Come to the MNR Booth. I will be there around 1:00 for anyone who wants to hook up. Cheers, Ron...
  12. Nice ride Joey. I can see putting a trailer hitch on that puppy and having a place to snooze in on the weekend trips this summer.
  13. Ya Tref, If look very close, you will see Lingham Lake juuuuuust North of us. By the way, you're outa Vodka.... Cheers, Ron....
  14. Here ya go Cliff, The intent of that question is to gauge the relative experience of the angler, unfortunately there are 50 or so lakes in FMZ 17 and it would make it too complicated to name all the lakes. Hind site there should have been a field named "other lake" where a person like yourself could have filled in the name of the lake. I hope this answers your question Cliff. So come on guys, what are you waiting for? Participate and let them know what your thoughts are. Cheers, Ron...
  15. Ah looked like a great time Wayne. Just think there wasn't too much noise in the cottage to wake up from, (snoring)..... If I'm still invited, I can see it happening next year.
  16. Thanks Grimace, AS for poaching walleye in those extended seasons, it's no different than now. There will be people regardless who poach. If this was a concern (perhaps the wrong choice of words as it is a concern). They would only have one season opener for all species of fish. Pan fish would no longer open the 4th Saturday in April because people would be out fishing for walleye and bass at that time of year as well. The most important message to come out of this is to ensure the regulations aren't made or changed because of illegal actions a very few commit. I hope this helps.
  17. Hmmm, not sure Cliff. There should have been another field to fill out. "Other" then you manually type in the name of the lake. I'll forward an email to the MNR in regards to this. Cheers, Ron...
  18. The materials have officially been posted to the Environmental Registry – http://www.ebr.gov.on.ca/ERS-WEB-External/. Search for Registry posting number 010-5587. The consultation period will close on May 19, 2009. The supporting materials will be posted to the website very soon, but it may take up to 12 hours. A news release is planned for tomorrow. The website is http://www.ontario.ca/zonecouncils - click on FMZ 17. The survey can be accessed via the MNR website, or directly via http://www.FMZ17survey.ca. I’d encourage folks to access some of the information on the main website prior to completing the survey. Cheers, Ron...
  19. The materials have officially been posted to the Environmental Registry – http://www.ebr.gov.on.ca/ERS-WEB-External/. Search for Registry posting number 010-5587. The consultation period will close on May 19, 2009. The supporting materials will be posted to the website very soon, but it may take up to 12 hours. A news release is planned for tomorrow. The website is http://www.ontario.ca/zonecouncils - click on FMZ 17. The survey can be accessed via the MNR website, or directly via http://www.FMZ17survey.ca. I’d encourage folks to access some of the information on the main website prior to completing the survey.
  20. Thanks for all the responses everyone, I was told there should be something sent to me via email on Tuesday.
  21. Pretty Kewl Mike. Tks Cheers, Ron...
  22. Hey fellow fisherpeople. I can't tell you everything but some information I can pass on. I have sat on the FMZ 17 Advisory Council for over 2 years. This FMZ covers all of the Trent Severn Waterway from Lock 1 in Trenton up to but not including Lake Simcoe. This also covers Crowe Lake, Round Lake and a few others I neglect to remember. We have been working with the MNR along with other stake holders on trying to refine the regulations to ensure there is a fishery for future generations. In the same token we have been working on additional ideas for more angling opportunities within FMZ 17. In the very near future there will be more information available about this advisory council and also some links to information and a survey we strongly suggest anyone who fishes in the Kawarthas to seriously take a look at and ensue your voice is heard. You have to remember, people seem to fill out surveys if they have complaints more than people who are happy with the existing. We have seen it here more often than not if you want examples. Someone has a beef with customer service you hear about the dissatisfaction first then you hear about all the good a retailer has done for other people afterwards. I hope we can break that streak. By taking a few minutes of your time to fill out the survey, we can make sure that the majority of people are heard. I hope to receive the links to this information early next week. and will be sure to post them on this thread. Please check back often. With out passing off confidential information, I can ask you this. Do you like Ice Fishing on Lake Scugog? Do you enjoy a nice feed of 2 lb Walleye? Just how long do you feel like cleaning Crappie? Do you like fishing for Muskie late in the season? This has been a lot of work and hope by having members of this forum fill out the survey, the majority gets heard. Cheers, Ron...
  23. Looking forward to seeing you Lew! Just imagine the cabin fever around the time of May and to be able to talk Muskie with some other dedicated, hard core Muskie Fishermen...... Ahhhh, it's starting to get to me now just thinking of it! I was saying to Cupcake...only another 180+- days before we are off to Nipigon and then fish LoW for muskie. That's at the end of the season and we have to get through the beginning of the season first. It's going to be a long Summer!
  24. Hey Meely Would enjoy your company at our meetings. The only commitment required from you is a key to your cottage. What's involed? There is no commitment to how much you have to get involved. Although there is more satisfaction to the level of involvement you partake in. (How is that for beating around the bush). Attending the meetings is what it's all about. On the water meetings in the Summer, on a Saturday that is. We will be having one on Pigeon in July, possibly another on Lower Buckhorn in August. I just finished writing a little "about us" for another member here, if it's alright with "Pete", I will forward you what I wrote him.
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