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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Thanks for the replies guys. Lew you are more than welcome to our meetings any time. We would look forward to seeing your smiling face. There are some great members in our chapter. Oops I lied, they are all great members! If anyone can swing it, we will be having Cupcake er I mean Team Empty Pockets adn Geoff Bobyk (Alis OFC name unkown) showing us how to make home made bucktails and Cow Girls. I asked these 2 guys to do a session at the Spring Fishing and Boat Show and it went off great! With our next meeting it is also just going to be a big gab session too. Afterall, who wants to listen to project updates all the time.
  2. Well some of you may know, we have formed a new chapter of Muskies Canada in Peterborough. We have worked very hard at getting this up and running and are happy with the outcome. If anyone is interested in attending one of our meetings as a guest, please fell free to email or PM me. We have some great chapter executive to make this a fun filled night and a few of them are on this site. Jef Christensen is the Membership Director. Geoff Bobyk is the Treasurer. Mike DeGrace is the Web Director. Tom McCutcheon is the Release Director. The few that are not on this site are: Angelo Didomizio who is the Stores Director Jason Holweg who is a Director at Large Last but not least is Jeremiah Wade who is also a Director at Large. The hardest part to believe is me acting mature enough as the Chapter Chairman! A recap of our meeting Tuesday night. Wow another meeting gone by. Just unreal on how many members and guests are showing up. I believe we had one more new guy join tonight. With 38 people filling the room, it was a unanimous decision to move to a new location. We are just waiting for confirmation of our new location before we advertise it. We will miss Rickys All Day Grille, it was a great facility, too bad we out grew it. I will be sure to post the new location here. Who ever would have thought standing room only at a Muskies Canada meeting??? Special thanks to Glen Hales, awesome presentation of Muskie on the fly rod. I hope this has intrigued a few guys to give it a try. Thanks so much for your presentation. We are one step closer to finalizing a chapter logo, hope to have it nailed down at our next meeting. The KTD sign project is coming along nicely. We hope to put in our first order of signs by next month. One hurdle we are working on is the approval from the municipalities to post the signs. The prize table, well lets just say we need a bigger table too! Thanks to all of you who supported us to get this chapter up and running. I look forward to the day of helping out the next new Chapter! The rest of the meeting???, well we have to save some of it for the RJ.
  3. Beans has pretty much got it. The only thing I would add is to have another rod set up with a beetle spin type lure on another rod. You can use this to search for active fish and then hone in on the school by finesse fishing the area.
  4. Unfortunately the season is closed now. The last day, yesterday, had over 20" of ice. Seems like lots of arm chair experts feel ice isn't safe after a few rain falls. Think about it this way, when you have a rye&coke, ice cubes last for hours, and that is when you only have ice less than 1" thick with alcohol surrounding the the ice at room temperature which is about 20 degs ( 70 deg for you Southerners). So now think about 20 plus inches of ice exposed to teh surface and the water temp is still 33 deg under the ice. How long do you really think the ice will last? Even if you include current where the water is rushing by. It took the Ganny to loose it's ice 3 days to disappear and that was with heavy rain fall and very fast water to make 3 inches of ice disappear.
  5. I think they will have a hard time enforcing this by law if they think they can put it through. They may own the harbour but they don't own the water or ice for this matter. Chances are the MNR have been informed on this and certainly will have a say in the situation.
  6. Photoz your are never happy man, that's too bad. Both of those signs were installed at the same time. They were installed back in the late 80's. They were installed over old signs which were installed back in the 70's.
  7. Looks like you guys had a blast! Like you mentioned, hoping the invite is there for next year again. Too bad my Cat wasn't there, it could have towed you out of that slush pit! ha ha ha
  8. I have spoken with the MNR today. I made mention of this sign once again on how it is deceiving. I also made note of the sign being out of date to show the new season regulations. The sign shows "the last Saturday in April" where as the new regs show the 4th Saturday in April. It doesn't make a difference for this year but it will in other years. Long story short, they will be replacing the sign and removing the sign on the upstream side. I have volunteered to do this for them. Once the sign is made, it will be changed.
  9. I agree sinker, I haven't fished the Ganny for years. I am just stating what I have been told by MNR officials, sure you are fishing in a sanctuary but because there is a sign on the upstream side, no charges would be laid as it would get thrown our of court because of it.
  10. Now if you open your eyes a little further and walk another 30 or so feet up stream, you will see a sign on the NORTH side of the tracks saying the same thing. Unless of course someone intelligent has taken down the sign. Come on if you're gonna tell a story, tell the WHOLE story. Also isn't the new season the 4th Saturday in April now?
  11. As I have stated before on this topic. Until the Ministry REMOVE the sign on the upstream side of the CNR bridge, it IS LEGAL TO FISH UNDER THE BRIDGE. You can have all the written legislature in the world, a simple error of sign location over rides the LAW. I have asked the sign to be removed for years on the Northerly side of the tracks. MNR contacts have spoken with CO officers for this area and don't find it an issue. As quoted "It's only another 30 or so feet."
  12. So sorry to hear this Jacques, They will always live in our hearts forever. I lost my mother 10 days ago to similar circumstances. Nothing you can prepare yourself for. I don't think it is selfish to say the pain and suffering has ended. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
  13. Nice ride Lew! Does this mean you have to start your Muskie count all over again? Sharp looking and well built, how can you go wrong with that? Perhaps the missus will get out with you more often too!
  14. Ron

    Sad News

    Thank you very much for your kind thoughts, flowers and all the emails. It is a great relief to have friends like you to help in such times. The last few days our family has been going through things our Mom had. It brought back lots of great memories and anyone that knows me certainly knows there was lots of laughter. I think I now know where I got my jouster personality form. Every picture we looked at had a funny story. We frequently brought out the photos and reminisced often, long before Mom was ill. One thing that touched our hearts with Mom was the collection of silly little nicknack's we had gotten for her over the years. To see such a lady holding on to these keep sakes really took hold of us all. I think the most cherished one would be a poem one of my brothers gave to her many moons ago, it was laminated on a plaque and was on top of the cupboard with all the pictures. Mom knew we would like to read this at this time. GOD bless all. Cheers, Ron
  15. This is my favourite one. Hope he ain't afraid of no ghost!
  16. "One of life's most embarrassing moments" Hey, we even made the CHEX news! *edit* You saw it too eh Beans....
  17. So sorry to hear Lew. Our condolences from our family to yours.
  18. You will have to speak with Marc Newall. See if you can't volunteer with the Muskie rearing program. Tell him Ron Reyns sent ya. When do you start your courses? I fish for Muskie up in that neck of the woods often and we could always hook up.
  19. Well, what can one say. Doh! Man was it cold. I was tough enough to brave the elements though. We got there around 12:30 and the open hole on the ice was gleaming back at us. I didn't let it bother me, I figured it be best to acclimatize to the surroundings. So, I decided to just hang around with my swim shorts, boots and hat on. Only wimps wear coats in the winter! Cupcake and myself along with everyones generous contributions, raised $1500.00 on the nose. A great start to our Chapter raising funds for the KTD signs! I wish to thank everyone for contributing. Just remember, (Tom, are you listening?) WE WON"T BE DOING THIS AGAIN! Cheers, Ron...
  20. Good to hear you are back and in fine form Rick. There is nothing worse than withdrawals from the INTERNET. I do hope you are feeling much better.
  21. http://www.coghlans.com/catalogue/productList.php?catID=5 I have used this type for several years. Work great as far as I'm concerned. I lit up both ends in the truck let it stay open for a few minutes while I finish loading up the boat. Stuff em in my breast pockets and when my fingers got numb from casting, My pockets were always toasty.
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