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Everything posted by Ron

  1. Maybe this will help. http://www.lio.ontario.ca/imf-ows/imf.jsp?site=clupa_en
  2. You got that right, There is no company that has customer service like Shimano. Be up front with them. In all honesty, if a fishing rod is going to break, it will happen within the first dozen times you use it. If a rod breaks 5 years down the road, generally it's got boat rash or beaten up and abused. As for the reels, it's a good thing they don't have a "cast counter" on them. I think I put well over 2 years of wear and tear on a reel in one season and still don't have any issues. FYI, I run Sahara's ice fishing, Stradics for bass and walleye, Curados for bass and Muskie along with a Calcutta TE, just to name a few. Cheers, Ron...
  3. I had problems with one of my HDS5 finders, took the drive to Lowrance, discovered they moved to a new location. I finally get to their new office. I forgot my receipt so I was going to have to drive an hour and a half back to Cobourg. I told him to hang onto the unit and I will fax the receipt to him. They take down all my info, including cell phone number. I am not 3 minutes away from their parking lot and the phone rings, "Hello sir, I contacted head office with the serial number and determined yes in fact it is still under warrenty, your new unit is ready for pick up at the front desk". SWEET!!!! Now that is customer service. And people wonder why I stick to certain makes and brands. Cheers, Ron...
  4. Here's looking to sore ribs for you Lew. (I mean that in a good way). Cheers, Ron...
  5. A plane was reported missing after it's scheduled arrival time at Buttonville Airport did not happen. My condolences to the family but at least they have closure. http://www.northumberlandnews.com/news/article/1353064--update-missing-plane-crashed-near-elizabethville
  6. You have to carry/portage it so, leave the booze behind. (No glass or tin permitted on interior camping). Take a water purifier and flavour crystals. ( We use gatoraid grape). Tarp is nice but 6mil poly is lighter per sq ft. very small hatchet, it can split the largest of logs. Be wise about it, instead of trying to split wood by swinging the axe, swing it once to set in the log and then "swing" the log with the axe in it against a rock. Trust me, if you need to split logs, go into the bush another 100 ft and you will find lots of better wood to burn. I got more if you want.
  7. I have had several situations where where like Big Cliff said, ethnic groups have been a problem. Now I am certain Cliff meant more towards the word ethic. 1: We were float fishing off the West pier in Port Hope, a gentleman came in between us and decided to fish on the bottom interrupting everyone's drift. It didn't go over too lightly and eventually this man lost his footing and fell in the lake. What we do now is kindly tell the person to either change techniques or fish else where. If they don't comply, we carry on with our drift and every time someone hooks into their line, we pull their line in cut it off and continue with our fishing. If they were there first, we follow their techniques. No harm done. 2: In the winter months I personally spend much time clearing ice off the rivers in order to enjoy the fishing opportunities. If I am spending 3 - 4 hrs breaking ice only to have a guy come sit in his car and wait until the work is done then get out and fish, I have a problem with that. In fact I spent several hours braking ice, decided to grab a coffee to warm up and give the fish to relax then come back to fish. A group of guys came in the mean time and fished the area I had broken up. I grabbed my rod and they said there wasn't room for me to fish. So in a polite way, I brought it to their attention who opened the hole in the first place. Too bad they said. Well, I had no choice but to break up more ice in the same area. They looked at me in disgust as I was disturbing the fish. That's when the arguing and threats started by both parties. They eventually packed up and left. 3: I was fishing Crappies and a group of anglers in another boat came in literally casting over our lines. After frustration finally set in. I started up the main motor backed up to where we were catching our fish, trimmed up the motor and made it to the point no one was going to catch fish in the area. We left, found a new spot to fish and sure enough the same group of people came in this spot. Now these guys saw the "roster tail" my boat can make. I politely turned my boat towards their boat, gave it a small shot of gas. They understood what was going to happen next and quickly packed up their rods and anchor and promptly left. 4: Fishing in a high current river, to the point you can only back drift with the electric going full tilt. There is lots of room to go around and this group of anglers didn't have the respect of controlling their speed thus almost throwing us out of the boat. Education was key here as I followed suit only they were out of the boat and on shore as I went by. They soon understood what they did wrong and admittedly apologized for their actions. 5: The rest of the time I just look at them, shake my head and look the other way and leave. Most of these instances were with people who could not call prejudice or minority. I run into many people who are unethical, I look back at these few examples and find myself unethical for some of my actions as well.
  8. http://g.co/maps/5pqdy These are the few I know of.
  9. Sorry guys, got called away on a water leak. Give me a few minutes to set one up.
  10. PM sent. Well give me a minute to fill out the google map.
  11. Nice to see you contributing to the worthy cause Dax. I have a lot of belief and faith in the LSMRP. This is one of the few things I miss cancelling my membership to MCI. Will this put you into the 50 inch club now? Cheers, Ron...
  12. "The Domino effect" takes on A hole new meaning.
  13. Hey Bob, OFAH has been very supportive on this issue. They have attended several meetings with myself as well as Mike Brown to discuss this issue with the Town of Cobourg. Unfortunately, the town has given us the run around. We have gone through the proper protocol and now we are waiting to see what the recommendations are with the Parks and Rec Master Plan study. If our issues don't get resolved at this level, we will be addressing the Town council. The Town has to have legitimate reasons as to why no fishing would be allowed in the harbour. Cheers, Ron...
  14. Thanks to everyone for taking the time to fill out this survey. I do anticipate that the voice of anglers will make a difference on their decision as to allow angling in the harbour in which we all pay taxes on. I look forward to ensure kids are not harassed for enjoying a safe and enjoyable past time. With all the opening seasons coming up in the next few weeks. I doubt I will have time to enjoy the Carp fishing which can be had right now in the harbour. Once again, thanks for everyone's support, it will go a long way. Cheers, Ron...
  15. Hey radar, I have had several meetings with the town of Cobourg, I have been charged twice for fishing in a legal fishing zone in the Cobourg harbour. Believe me, fishing is on their radar. Short of charging the Town of Cobourg for harassment, they know how important fishing is to the youth and adults alike. We have to let the town know fishing is of great value to any community, recreational and revenue related. To everyone: There is only a few more days left to fill out the survey, please take the time to fill it out. Cheers, Ron...
  16. I would do the same. Educate the kids in a good way to let them know there is a season for trout and a reason why the season is there. I was in the same situation today. I was fishing and same thing, these 2 youngsters came along and was trying to snag fish in a open season fishing area. I told them it was wrong what they were trying to do and then proceeded to set them up with some proper tackle. Showed them where to cast and wouldn't you know it, the one young lad hooked into and landed a nice bow around the 6lb mark. He fought it to the shore where they then took pictures and were tickled pink. They then asked me if it would be good to eat or should they "throw it back". I let them use my release tools and and once again taught them how to properly release the trout. They were very thankful. I was happy I took the time to teach these kids how to catch a fish and hopefully 2 more kids are off the streets not getting into other mischief. I am now out a few more spinners, but they are replaceable. Cheers, Ron...
  17. Thanks so much everyone. I hope filling out the survey lets them understand how important fishing is to the youth. Cheers, Ron...
  18. Just want to bring this to the top once again.
  19. Geesh, no wonder it's so cold up there, seems like you are planting this stuff you call ice! If you can get something to kill that stuff off, perhaps it will warm up for you... Some nice pics you got. Cheers, Ron...
  20. Great to hear SBK There is some great words of encouragement here. Nice to have a community like this to fall on. Looking forward to seeing some "SBK's excellent fishing adventures" now! Cheers, Ron...
  21. Hello everyone, There is only 5 more days to fill out this survey. I would like to ensure the kids in this small community still have an oportunity to fish all of the Cobourg Harbour as I did when I was a youngster. Some of my first fishing memories were from the Cobourg Harbour. I hope to one day, be able to take my grand kids to the same places I fished when I was a kid. Cheers, Ron...
  22. Car pooling..... I will pick you up on the way through. Cheers, Ron...
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