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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. Yea it is on bottom there. Water is down about 2' in there. I am not sure what caused it. I do know it is docked in another slip all summer and they have been pulling boats out now.
  2. Went down to 50 point today with the kids for a walk and fish a bit. Sucks for the boat owner. http://imageshack.us/a/img17/6907/20121024182958.jpg Hopefully it gets cleaned up soon.
  3. My cousin had clam pop up that broke the first outing. When we put it up the one knuckle thing that the poles sit in just broke in half.
  4. Awesome report. I can't wait took some steelhead with the fly.
  5. I love the combo I picked up this year. I have the 8' St. Croix Premier and a Revo Toro Winch awesome combo. My next one is going to be another Premier and a Curado 301e
  6. Awesome report, I would like to see some pics from Alaska as well haha. Even if they aren't fishing haha. One day I will get to BC and Alaska. Cant wait to see some of the monster you get through the ice again. When do you start getting good ice another month?
  7. It is fishing not catching. You could be using the wrong baits not just location.
  8. I was driving on the north service road today near fifty rd. I noticed two nice turkey walking on the side of the road. I pulled over and took a couple pics, then I thought I should have hit the gas and had a nice dinner haha.
  9. Chris, that looks awesome. I didn't think I liked that before but damn. Without the colour preserver that looks awesome. You sure know how build a rod. I can't stop using mine haha. Is that the thread I have on mine?
  10. I have had one for like 10+ years haha. I love having it, makes some things easier. I have movies on mine and if I am at the doctors it keeps my 2 year old from running around and bugging people. I have had it come in handy for calling an ambulance a few times haha.
  11. Unless it has gone down about 2' since last week maybe. When I was there it was down about 3'.
  12. I have noticed Lake Ontario and Lake Erie are really low. My parents breakwall usually has the water about a foot up it, this year there has been about 10' of beach. The spots I fish on Lake Ontario are down about 2.5' I would say.
  13. Yea trout are still open on the grand though in certain areas.
  14. Are you asking if they are closed on the grand river right now?
  15. I haven't checked out the Costa del mars really enough to say anything on them. The Maui Jim's are great. That being said I like my revos a lot better. I have heard great things on the Costa glasses though.
  16. I should be able to get there.
  17. Chris that is amazing. I think I know what I want for my next rod haha. Just kidding. I am not a big fan of it but then again seeing it finished fully with the rest of the rod could change my mind.
  18. Awesome. That is a beauty fish right there.
  19. Awesome work. Chris is amazing.
  20. Awesome report.
  21. Awesome weekend.
  22. Bills bait and tackle usually does.
  23. I don't know about everyone else but I usually cook my turkey or roast a bit higher to start. Usually a half hour to a hour, depending on the size. I find it helps keep the juices in the meat. Yes the neck is the best part. Luckily my grandfather and I are the only ones that like it. One thing I hate is the gizards lol. I thought I was being sneaky yesterday eating some of the stuffing while carving the bird and I got the heart and I really dont like them haha.
  24. My parents and I cooked a smaller turkey on there gas BBQ, we did it on the rotisserie and it was amazing. Also took a case of beer to be finished but was even better then.
  25. The two times I hit the grand this year for walleye I got a walleye each time. Both came from my bucktail jigs and one was about 15" the other was like 19 or something. Think it was just a matter of the weather changing things up a bit.
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