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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. Nice bass you got there.
  2. Nice fish Brian. Must have been a blast getting that on the pin.
  3. Awesome report Lew. Those are some nice muskie you got there.
  4. Those are something awesome pictures.
  5. I also have a friend that works for Ford and he will tell you how much of a joke his job is and lots of others there. He gets paid great but his job is nothing hard. If the case is that my van parts were made in mexico then whats all the crap about supporting Canada and our companies when they are making stuff in mexico for next to nothing. I would rather buy a toyota or honda knowing they are going to last longer with less problems. It will also support Canadians as they will be in business longer then GM and the others North American made at this rate.
  6. Yea I drive a piece of crap Chrysler and I am supporting them constantly. Tranny change at a 100 000 km, u-joint and many other things. My parents in the other hand owned a CRV and they got 498 000 km and didn't do anything but oil and brakes. I have nothing against the workers for GM, Ford or Chrysler but lets face it, they are mainly union companies whoch means that they do less and when they are pissed at something they don't care if somethings not right. They won't lose there job. I worked for a union and have seen it first hand.
  7. Yep. Was thinking the same thing.
  8. I am not sure I believe my winch says ambassador on it as well.
  9. If you can spend a bit more and you can get the Curado 301e. It is a great reel. I just picked up a Winch. Feels like a great reel can't wait to try it. The C4 comes in left hand as well and is lower price then the record.
  10. VW is not a cheap car what so ever. They are built way better then any GM. As for the TDI. They are amazing. My sister owns a jetta TDI and my parents have a CRV. They do a trip to Quetico every year and the TDI doesn't cost in fuel nearly what the CRV does. I on the other hand have a POS van that cost alot in gas and is ready to die lol. With only 260 000km and the trany replaced once at a 100 000km. GM and Chrysler are garbage. Bunch of over paid usless people. I have friends and family tht work and worked at GM its a joke what they make for there jobs haha.
  11. My buddy and I are doing a trip to St. Clair this weekend. I picked up a New combo for the trip as well. A St. Croix Premier and paired it with the Revo Toro Winch. Can't wait to use it.
  12. That is all your thoughts and nothing more. I don't fish Salmon derbies or take charters I fish out of my boat or friends. I also have no problem with people taking charters or fishing derbies. I don't know why you think you know so much, you always have some different story of how you know someone haha. No one cares about your stories and dumb comments towards charter captains and any derby fisherman. Just because you can't catch fish like others doesn't mean there doing something wrong. Stop acting like a kid.
  13. Snidley you are a goof. Stop talking like you are some god of fishing. Thy are a put and take fish. Maybe you should take a charter so you can catch some fish and feel happy and stop being negative towards any sort of fishing or fisherman/woman. I mean the people paying for the charter are paying for there licenses and have the right to keep fish. No different then anyone else.
  14. That is a good idea Craig. I like my boots and I know they aren't high end or anything and as it is my first pair of stocking foot I just bought them. Next pair I am going to look at some hiking boots as you mentioned. Thanks
  15. I get out easily over 50 times I fish at least two times a week often more. That being said as others have mentioned, there are times where I don't fish for over a week but then I make up for it other times. I usually get up well before the wife and kids and then come back around noon and hang out with them.
  16. I bought a pair of Frogg Toggs last year. I usually don't like the producs but these didn't look bad or really cheap. I paid a 100 for them and they are actually really comfortable and have seemed to hold up well through what I have done with them. They are fairly light to.
  17. Awesome fish man. I am dying to get out there soon.
  18. I caught one by lock 19 a few years ago.
  19. Centre mall is alot better now. They have cleaned it up a ton and put lots of money into there. I think you need to learn the real areas that are nasty. Go check out Jackson Square at mid night.
  20. For the most part Stoney Creek looks nicer but there are nice spot down town and on the mountain. As I said though there is scum all over. Just don't walk alone late at night or be a loud mouth and nothing will likely happen. I would rather walk hamilton at night then certain areas of toronto lol.
  21. I envy you Dave. Alaska is somewhere I have always wanted to go. One day I will make it out west.
  22. It all depends on what lure you are using and how you want to work it. If they tip goes in the water it really doesn't hurt anything. I try to keep it out but if it happens oh well. I mean my rod goes in atleast a foot when I do a figure 8 so they are to scared. If there is a will theres a way haha. I don't think the fish care if you are pulling straight down or side ways. Jerkbaits are meant to be worked to make it look like a injured bait fish if it twitches enough they will take it.
  23. I have been out a few times casting for salmon and they do indeed change colours before entering the mouths. Some males also have a kype before they enter as well. I have seen more dirty looking chinooks of the pier then I have silver. We also had some that were really dark while trolling a few weeks back a good distance from any river mouths. I think it really just depends on the fish.
  24. It may not be the rod as much as the operator lol. 7' is not a problem. I use a 8' for musky and have no problem with jerk baits. Northernpike there is not need to put it through the trunk. Just put it through the passenger door and have the handle at the feet and the tip dangling in the back seat passengers face lol. I don't put them in the trunk as something can roll on it and break it.
  25. You can get moonshine spoons at Bill Bait on the Hamilton mountain. He has a large variety of them. Grimsby tackle has them but they are low I believe.
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