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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. Ehg, that is what we have lol. Well a plymouth voyager, piece of garbage lol. The cop said they are the most common to get stolen.
  2. I said the same thing Mike. This is a half decent area to but not that decent I guess. I am thinking of moving to Grimsby or the west mountain. I am thinking more Grimsby though just farther for work.
  3. Drifter, I wish that was the case.
  4. Well they found the van. Just it is wrecked. They took it for a B&E the cops figure then wrecked it.
  5. Yea Fish Farmer I know what you are talking about, I feel sick just thinking about it.
  6. Thanks guys. I hope I find the scum bag that stole it. I know our system is a joke here. As stated he will get a slap on the wrist.
  7. Wow. Wake up this morning to find out that our van was stolen. Gotta love these scrum bags, two baby seats in it and they still steal it.
  8. Brian, I am glad they finally got to you, glad you like them as well. Some of the beefy flies have a heavy barbell weight and have a heavier led wrapped around the shank to help get them down. As for the colors, I have caught some pike on the red styles and the chart, the gar pike like the orange ones though. I have no troubles tossing them with my 8wt. Brian if you want this summer I could get you out on Long Point bay and catch a ton of pike, most of them are little guys but still a blast on the fly.
  9. Yes but those drawbacks aren't going to cost us a huge jump in taxes. They will sell most of the power from these turbines to Quebec and the states for less then what we are paying for it to be made.
  10. Yea well we don't have the choice of paying taxes on the dumb things which is going to be ridiculous. Also this isn't doing anything to make things greener as they say. They have to keep to Power plants running as the wind turbines aren't a sufficient energy producer.
  11. Yep I got a pair of Irish Setters, I love them.
  12. Nice work again Dave, some nice fish you keep getting.
  13. I never said that they don't make power. I said they are useless. When do we get the most wind? spring and fall. When do we use the least hydro? Spring and fall. If you know a thing about these windmills the energy can't be stored for long so has to be sold, which goes for cheap. Look at Spain they are full of them and they rarely use them. You can't get rid of the power plants as windmills are useless. So what is the point. As for the Blade Eagles I apologize on my answer lol. I miss read and answered before checking again. Thank you for the read though.
  14. There is only 57 nests in Ontario now one less. I don't agree about them being anything like seagulls. If you think windmills are good do some research. There are useless.
  15. http://haldimandwindconcerns.com/?p=1905#comment-1883
  16. He just has a problem with anyone that spend money on anything fishing.
  17. I have been in both BPS and Sail, I don't like BPS. It has lots of tackle and most of what you need as does Sail. Most of the people working at BPS don't know much. I mean I have asked where certain things are and the people look at you with this lost expression. I haven't had any thing good from BPS. Just found that there workers don't seem to know to much. Sail I haven't had a problem the people seem to know there stuff and where it is. Plus I found Sail had better prices for the most part then BPS. Everytime I have been to Sail as well it is always busy. Always good deals to be had. So to say they are just going up to fast I don't agree. They know what they are doing, I know they are putting some stress on the closer tackle shops.
  18. Sorry to hear Jacques.

  19. Ice cold Blue. That's all my grandpa and I drink lol. My parents drink that lite now haha.
  20. Take care Rick and have a good holiday. I just found out the bad. My grandmother probably won't last tonight.
  21. Yep any Android phone or iPhone has the app for navionics and it's great.
  22. The hippopotamus song haha. It always makes me laugh lol.
  23. You really got a problem with anyone that does enjoy spending money on fishing eh. Seems pretty pathetic that you have to try and make negative remarks towards anyone that spends mo're money on fishing. Lighten up. It's fishing who cares what someone spends.
  24. Kinda of a dumb poll, a good thread though lol. I mean I am sure that most people on this board want Canada to win haha I think when it comes down too it Suban will kick it up and play his heart out. I don't even care that theres no NHL really as long as I can watch this I am happy. I hope Canada wins though.
  25. As much as I like ice fishing, I am content fishing the rivers lol. Nothing like fighting some beauty trout on the pin.
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