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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. I hate shift work. Although I the shift style you are working is better I found. You tend to get used to it more then a week or two straight of nights then days then back. This way you just never get used to it and are always tired haha.
  2. Chris those are some beauty fish. You sure have them dialed in.
  3. How much for the pitching picture haha. Love it as well as the rest.
  4. How good is the 597civic in deep water mike, have you used it in anything over a 100'? Sorry OPEN don't mean to hijack the thread.
  5. Wow that makes me sick, I couldn't imagine what the families are going through. Sad news that's for sure.
  6. Yep. I haven't drove million times lol, but I have gone that way plenty of times with no real problem.
  7. That's good news about the trout limit in Zone 20, I have a feeling it could do some damage to the charter boats. I don't know why the bass season wasn't changed in Zone 19 though lol.
  8. Have you ever ate a 10lbs walleye? I guarantee I could cook up a 3lbs walleye and a 10lbs walleye from Lake Erie and you wouldn't notice an difference. I have many times. I haven't had a walleye 10lbs from up north but have had 7lbs north walleye and it didn't taste any worst then a 3lbs walleye.
  9. I have been out on Lake Erie and Lake Ontario in a 12' and 14' tinner and as anything it is a matter of common sense. Don't go out when there is much wind and don't push it. Very sad news that is for sure.
  10. Thanks Jacques. I appreciate it. I look forward to seeing your ice fishing reports.
  11. That was awesome Joey. Some really nice pictures, I love the loon with it's head under water.
  12. Nice work Chris,those are some beauties you got there.
  13. I have done a ton of reading on this as I just started and 2 swivels is the way to go for most applications. As said helps with keeping that float. Also if you tie your knots probably then you shouldn't have to worry.
  14. Thanks Mike.
  15. Thanks. They rarely open people up for heart surgeries any more from what I am told. You are correct as well. I had 2 stints in my leg in the groin, one in the other leg at the groin and one through my neck. Messed up part is that when I had my first surgery of this procedure I woke up and they were removed. They now keep them all in until after surgery and when you wake up. It was a messed up feeling having them removed and feeling them all haha.
  16. Bill you are to kind, thank you very much. Dave thanks as well. I thought I was actually a garbage captain haha. Thanks skip haha. My heart is like a Timex haha crap. Wish ii had a Rolex haha. Thanks Chris, I did get it and have got a bunch done up. I will send a pic your way to see if they look proper. Thanks again.
  17. Thanks guys I appreciate it. Mike it was great meeting you as well. Next summer we will have to get out together. Rick look forward to getting out with you and G soon.
  18. Nice work. Those are some nice fish you got there.
  19. Thanks GoneFishin. Fishing keeps my mind off things, an ny ass off the couch haha. I can only imagine what my heart would be like if I was fat again haha.
  20. Thanks guys. Appreciate it. Surgery was a complete bust haha. Didn't work haha. Oh well just got to keep fishing.
  21. Well the season started off with a bumpy start. Had a heart surgery in Dec which was a complete bust, didn’t work but caused complication which had me laying in a hospital bed for a month. Oh well things happen get on right. Well I was out fishing on Lake Simcoe 3 weeks after getting released, not bad since I was told it will be more time before I am recovered haha. I will say it had its times where I was in a lot of pain. I was high on pain pills the hole time just to get past the pain, oh well it is worth it to be fishing. Things got better though and I was back to normal and fishing lots. I’ll will save the words and give what everyone wants, pictures. Thought this is good for a laugh haha. Minutes before surgery, best thing is the meds they give you haha. Here ya go, Some open water, Hope you enjoy. Chris Hope you enjoy. Chris
  22. Hey there all. I am ordering the Reddington Sonic Pro wading jacket online. I am wondering what people think on the sizing for them. I am not sure if I should get the xl or just the large. Thanks for any help. Chris
  23. That was awesome. Damn I hope to catch some Lakers like that this winter.
  24. Nice fish. Sounds like a great day.
  25. Damn you are lucky. I would love to see that show. As for the painting. That is awesome, you are one hell of an artist.
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