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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. Well, I have been out a couple times so far this season for steelhead and have had some good days. I also picked up a float combo and I am loving it more and more every time. As much as I love catching fish there are other things that are as nice to. Like standing in the river and hearing a branch break and looking over to find this, That was the second buck that day that crossed the river close to us that day. The first was alot bigger but we weren't able to get a picture. That being said the fishing on that trib was garbage so we took off to another. We were at the other trib and instantly seen this while walking to the water. I was able to get about 15' from them before they ran about 10' farther haha. Sorry the pics aren't great, they are from my cell and I was trying to be quick. Anyways here are some fish from some of the outings. I hope to one day be the half the fisherman Mr. Borger is haha. Saying that Mike has helped me a ton with certain questions I have had as well as my friend Josh. There help has easily made my hook percentage alot better. So thank you guys. Hope you enjoy.
  2. Awesome fish Mike. That second is a beauty. As well as the first but the length is crazy on that second.
  3. Awesome thanks a ton guys. He has talked with the guys from Advanced and I believe they will be doing the work. Thanks again.
  4. Wow. That was one hell of a report and by the pics I can see you had a awesome trip. Thanks for sharing.
  5. Awesome video Rick. I finally got to watch it. Can't wait to get out fishing with you and G again.
  6. Awesome thanks guys.
  7. Just wondering the best taxidermist around the Hamilton area. My friend wants to have a replica of his mucky done. Any help would be appreciated.
  8. Have fun slugging it through the snow with out a sled not a easy task.
  9. Thanks msp. It truly does keep you on a high, I am still glowing from that.
  10. I agree with the above comments. Don't cheap out. I have a St. Croix Premier 8' with Abu Garcia Revo Toro winch. I love it. I am picking up another combo this off season and I am going to get another St. Croix, either a premier or if I can afford it a legend. I will be matching it with a Curator 301e.
  11. Lol I wish Chad lol. Wasn't overly deep but was well above my knees. I was wearing my guidewear bibs with boots and they filled up quick lol. Good thing though I didn't dip the bag haha. It drops off a lot faster then I thought lol.
  12. Thanks moemoe and Frank. Frank was good seeing you as well. We will have to got out sometime soon again for trout.
  13. Thanks Rich.
  14. Thanks Mike. I appreciate it. I was so exited after that haha. I have never seen a fish that big in person until today haha. I have also been friends with my buddy for almost 25 years and have never seen him act so excited. Couldn't end a day better. Thanks for all the help as well.
  15. Awesome new Richard. Glad to hear things are looking up.
  16. Awesome trip. Those are some nice fish as well. Thanks for sharing.
  17. I thought I would add this as well. Got lucky it wasn't worst, could have been a lot more blood. http://imageshack.us/a/img577/6749/imag0110vv.jpg
  18. Thanks Joey, Andrew and mistaredone. Working hard is ok when it pays off like that lol. Yea the gut is huge we measured 23" and the length was 51'. Wasn't going to put length on here but what the hell.
  19. Thanks Brian. I appreciate the offer and I would love to get out with ya some time, that is one beauty rig you have that is for sure. Nice hose as well haha.
  20. Thanks Mike and thanks Rick. Rick that makes two of us. I can't wait for opener.
  21. Well I am going to keep it short as I am beat lol. Headed up Friday evening and got to the launch around 8pm. Had a fire a few cold ones and crashed in the truck. Up early an on the water with no time wasted till we were trolling. Well a few hours later rod goes and was a thick 36" and back she went. Well the day ended with just that fish and we trolled, casted and tried every lure. The best part of the day was at the parking lot when I got to actually meet Mike P. We seenn him on the water and talked to him while passing a few times and then on shore for lunch we talked with him for a while as he was getting ready to leave. Mike is a super guy. I bought some of his lures last trip up but as we didn't get there until real late he was kind enough to drop them off at the hotel. This time we were shy on some lures of a certain colour and he gave me one of his other lures. He is a great guy and was awesome to finally meet him. Thanks a ton Mike. Well after a few more beers that night we crashed for another early start. Trolled all morning with nothing but two lures that were the colours we didn't have and wanted to try haha. We put them on trolled a few more hours and then finally around noon the rod went off. I was up and shortly after I had my new PB and on the new lure I caught haha. Not huge but good enough for me a nice 42". http://imageshack.us/a/img703/4765/imag0108so.jpg Well about a hour after that on the other lure we caught the rod goes. We could tell this one was a big one and finally in the net it goes. Unhooked quickly a quick measurement and pic and back in she went, this one was talking a bit of time to recover and thanks to a video Roy posted from Mark Thorpe I believe is was we were already in the shore so I hope in the water and supported the fish nicely and she soon after gave real good thrash that soaked me and was off. Here's the beast and my friends PB he will probably not beat for a while. My friend is also 6'5 keep in mind. http://imageshack.us/a/img716/4530/imag0116gx.jpg After that we said can't beat that and called it a day. Can't wait until next year. Brian wish I could have met you as well on shore rather then quick wave and frank would have been nice to see ya again as well. Thanks Chris
  22. If you can afford it, look at the St. Croix Avid. With that discount it will be a bit over 100 but well worth it as well. As said before 7' M fast will be perfect.
  23. Done. Hope you win. I remember you posting about the awesome time you had last time.
  24. No one called the shore fisherman all morons. Just the guys that do the stupid stuff morons.
  25. Terry there is still enough room for the shore fisherman to cast and cover a decent chunk of water when the boat go by, they just choose to cast at the boats to be jerks. We boaters move over as far as we can even if we aren't trolling through there. Yet they still cast at us.
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