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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. Nice fish. I don't blame you for bluring the background out either lol. I mean I'd love to know where it was caught but if I was you I would probably do the same thing lol.
  2. I will be at 1 or 2 of these forsure Dave's one of my favourite fisherman to watch and I like how if you email him he returns the email personaly. His laugh is awesome too nothing like that laugh to make you want to get out on the water. Chris
  3. I don't agree that they go out and gill net and take the amounts that they do, they have also come along way allowing them to only use certain size gill nets and only so many. My grandfather did it for years out of Port Dover. But I wouldn't just point fingers a the Canadian side in the states you can keep a fish that is spawning. But I don't agree that Commercial fisheries take the amounts they do. I think they need change things big time so that we can have the fisheries that we do.
  4. I agree with the fellow OFC'ers. There is a law for a reason and I could go out on Erie any day for perch, walleye and bass and bring in my limit in no time and bring friends with me and catch there limit to but I don't because eventually the fish population will not be what it is, pay the fine and next time don't be so greedy. It should be about being out on the water and enjoying the fishing with your family. Catching some dinner is a plus. Chris
  5. I have fished there a few times and had luck for pike it all depends to on the day and time of year as to weather they will be better in the river or lake. But the bass there are weird looking hard to explain kinda looks like a cross from a smallie to a largemouth. They have a huge head and small body I caught quite a few there. But yea I had luck near the river mouths there. Hope that helps and good luck I miss living up there.
  6. I have used Vegetable Oil to remove the goo and sticky stuff from some things. Sounds odd but actually works just as good as goo gone. Hope it helps.
  7. I agree that it's all about what type of fishing you are doing. Topwater, flipping, etc. But a great rod that i have had lots of luck with is my St. Croix Mojo bass whacky style with my Pflueger Presidents. I have pulled in a 10.5 lbs walleye and hundreds of smallies some hitting the 5-6 lbs range. It still is in great condition to. that will work for throwing crankbaits and spoons and as the obvious softbaits for finese and then something for throwing into the thicker stuff. I would say a MH to a H 7' + rod with a 7.1 baitcast reel. That's what I would suggest and as you get more into it pick up things slowly. You can get the St. Croix mojo and pflueger for less then $200. Hope it helps.
  8. Hey there I sold hot tubs and pools for a long time. It depends on what cycle it runs on and a few other things but you can be looking at around any where from 25 cents to $1.50 a day. PM me if you have any other questions if I knew a few more things about the tub I could give you a better estimate of the cost. But I am assuming it's a few years older so it will be closer too a $1.00 a day hope that helps. Again if you have any other questions just message me.
  9. Nice Looking fish Man.
  10. An old man goes to the Wizard to ask him if he can remove a curse he has been living with for the last 40 years. The Wizard says, 'Maybe, but you will have to tell me the exact words that were used to put the curse on you.' The old man says without hesitation, 'I now pronounce you man and wife.'
  11. Gas all the way I own a gas one and I love it. Works like a charm.
  12. I like that video and Riemer is amazing hes the best thing to happen to the Leafs in a while. I was born a Leafs fan. So was my daughter lol wearing a leafs jersey from day one, just not in public lol. But I hope that they make the playoffs. If they do Riemer is the reason.
  13. Thanks that's why I posted it because unfortunately now a days there aren't a lot of people with the respect there used to be. I live in Hamilton now and for the most part people don't even smile or nod, your more likely to see the bird lol. It made my day and I'm off to a good start today going to play hockey now.
  14. I had the same results as foggy I was out last weekend for cats in that area and nothing I would wait another week and you should get some better luck and the water will be lower hopefully.
  15. I was fishing down at 50 Point today. Managed to talk the wife and kid in to going fishing so it was a good start to the day, I was down there fishing for a while tried a bunch nothing was working and a older gentlemen that volunteered there was talking to me and asking how my day was going and I told him no luck and he brought me over to his truck and he pulled out the tackle box and handed me a lure hes had for along time and you can see it's been used and caught plenty told me he had tons of luck with it over the years but he doesn't get out much due to sore knees, and he doesn't get out in the boat much anymore. The rocks make it difficult. But in the end I didn't catch anything lol but I did manage one to follow the lure in and it was the lure he gave me. Even though I caught nothing he made for a great fishing day. Sorry to ramble I just wanted to tell you how fishing always leads to a great day for me. Even getting skunked. Chris
  16. They have been getting a few off the pier in Dover using minnows but like Sandbag said theres still a few weeks before you can bring in a good feast off the pier.
  17. You can get a little zodiac and mount a trolling motor or a electric motor that is probably your best chance. They are a lot easier to move around with out a trailer.
  18. Wow is all I can say, I went down to Lake Erie this weekend for some fishing from shore and at a local creek. When I seen the Grand River I was surprised at how high it was I haven't seen it this high ever I know when the ice moves down river it backs up in Cayuga but this was insane. It looks like it will be awhile before the water level comes down. An all I caught at Lake Erie was something I have never caught there it was a Gizzard Shad about 13 or 13.5 inches I have a picture of it so I will post it when I get time to load the camera. In all my life growing up on Erie I have never caught a Gizzard Shad there. Has any one else caught any on Erie.
  19. Nice Fish. Can't wait to get out to Lake Ontario to get some fishing in soon.
  20. Nice Job.
  21. I plan to catch lots of Smallmouth, Largemouth and walleye on Lake Erie and Musky and pike up north along with whatever else chooses to take my hook. lol
  22. You can catch a bunch in there in there early spring but I was at the lake today and when I went over the Grand River the water is still high the ice has mostly cleared from what I seen but not great conditions for fishing so I'm going to my local spot out there for some fishing. I would say another week or 2 and you will be good. But make sure of the regulations because the Conservations Officer's are down there often and you don't want to get caught fishing out of season. But the catfish will be in soon and there good to catch also at this time of year they are great to eat.
  23. I'm a die hard leafs fan and always have been. I grew up watching them and will probably die watching them lol, due to a heart attack because they are useless lol no just kidding but they won't make the playoffs I have said that since the start of the season. But I think with Burke there in a few years they will be a good team and hopefully make the playoffs, One good thing though is that I don't have to worry about them cutting in to my fishing time lol.
  24. Nice season looks like you did well for yourself. I wish my ice season was that good.
  25. That's a beautiful fish you got in that picture Pigeontroller.
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