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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. Nice Fish looks like a good day out.
  2. I did a Fly in trip to from Temagami they have a bunch of different cabins on small lakes that are just packed we did 2 days and caught over 200 pike it was a great trip. They supply you with 2 boats all the gas and it was beautiful there seen some bears the one day on the other side of the lake I would recommend them for sure. They were great people and it wasn't bad at all on the costs. I would check them out for sure. It's Called Lakeland Airways. Great Fishing Specially Pike.
  3. Man Congrats on that hog that a beaut. What a great idea for a bachelor party. Looks like you had a blast.
  4. That's an awesome job on that. You sure got some skill to make that look like it does.
  5. Where I go I just wait until the ice is out and then start fishing and always do good.
  6. Thats a awesome fish. The colours are amazing. Nice Job.
  7. Nice fish you got this season Miller.
  8. I think thats a awesome little slideshow. I am going to do something with my parents camera. Saltydawg there nothing wrong with his pictures.
  9. Hey Great report bassfighter seeing all the reports of the Niagara River is killing me and seeing the nice fish. I can't wait to get down there. Nice Fish.
  10. I'm sorry to hear about your last few weeks, I hope it's all up hill from here and they say having a positive attitude is one of the best things. It's kept me here, and I'm sure it will do the same for your daughter. It's great to hear that she has such great Doctors to, It really can make a difference. I give my best to your family through these hard times, and I will pray for your daughter. Chris
  11. Looks like A nice meal, Whitefish are a ugly fish but taste amazing.
  12. Yea you can see that he clearly knew what he was doing and it looks as if Chara reacted as soon as he seen the Glass. I hope that this isn't going to end Pacioretty's Career.
  13. I think that the compnay should be shut down for good. Its sicking to know that people really don't care about or lakes and rivers and all the other effects that will be caused by the fish.
  14. Some people are just Mental, sorry to be so bold but it's true. I don't know why someone would want to ruin or Wildlife and Fisheries.
  15. I don't think that you can say he did it because Max pushed Chara, But I will say that Chara knew what he was doing and it was dirty. I just don't think he did it over a push I think Chara did it because he's a big goof and has no respect for people and there careers.
  16. Yea the bike video is neat but really it's no worst then doing downhill biking through the forest. But it is still a great video and a decent run that they have there.
  17. I read above that he was just doing his job. If he wasn't trying to injure him he would have keep with him and took him into the boards but he hit him directly into the Stanion and if he finished the check he would have done it differently he more so pushed him. Im all about big hits but get rid of the clown for a few games.
  18. Even though I hate the Habs I can't see how anyone would think that was clean Chara seen the glass and then hits Max right for it. I can't stand Chara I think he deserves a big suspension. Thats worst then some of these head hits there calling and he knew what he was doing.
  19. LOL wow that's crazy I would like to do that just for the view some of those mountain faces were amazing.
  20. IPhone4 all the way I own a blackberry and I hate it, like said up above they freeze up alot and just seems something is always messing up. Once my contract is up I will be getting a IPhone.
  21. Thats Awesome and a great deal for you. It's nice to see that there are people out there that still have heart and decency. In Hamilton here most people just beat you up and take your stuff. lol
  22. Snidley I don't need to by some expensive Japanese Lure to catch bass I fish bass from first day it opens until it close and for the most part it's how you present it that matters not the colour of the eyes on the lure, if something isn't working, change it up until you find what is working. I don't think that if your throwing a Rapala crankbait and the fish aren't hitting but you throw some expensive Japanese crankbait of similarities to rapala it's going to hit. They aren't going to hit the lure more because it's 20 Dollars.
  23. But Fishing World in Hamilton is a great store the guys in there are always helpful and they always have what I need come bass season, So I will always get things there but I will also take advantage of The Spring Classic starting Saturday.
  24. I think the perfect store would be bass pro shop for there products but get rid of these clowns there that have no care or clue for what they are doing I know there are people there that know there stuff but I asked a kid about the Patriarch reel and he didn't even know what it was and he was in fishing. I think you put a Local tackle store Staff into a Bass Pro Shop it would be great.
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