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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. Welcome aboard G-Man. I remember the post with that pic from your dad, that's a real nice fish and it's always nice to catch something bigger then your father that's forsure. Can't wait to see some more fish you get in the future.
  2. Nice looking walleye and thats a big sheephead to.
  3. I have owned a BB and didn't care for it. I just got the Samsung Galaxy S and love it. It's got the same size screen as a Iphone and it's an Android. I like it alot more then my BB and would compare it to the Iphone. When I got it the guy told me either the Samsung or the Iphone are the best out there at the moment. As for music it's got no problems and it can have up to 32 gig memory. The keyboard on it is great to it's actually just like the Iphone and is easy to use. If you into the app the Android is similar to the Iphone there are alot of apps that are meant for Iphone you can get on the Andriods.
  4. Wait a bit longer until it takes it, I wait fot the rod to just start going. They like to taste around and could just be hitting your line with tail or something.
  5. Great report, I hope to one day get out to Alaska and B.C. Those are some remarkable pictures even if it is just a point and shot camera. Thanks for the post I enjoyed it, know the wife will have to listen to me talk about going there once again lol.
  6. Hey great report. Looks like some nice walleye, I know what you mean about fishing with some people like that. At least you didn't get hurt or let it ruin your trip. And congrats to the little one on her first walleye, it's a nice eater thats forsure.
  7. Hey he's a cute little guy and your lucky he sleeps so well, my daughters a year and a half and doesn't sleep well at all. She used to sleep good for about a month lol. Hope your little guy continues his sleeping. Lol I like the Camo Onezy or how ever it's spelt.
  8. Im on my phone right now and it's a samsung galaxy and i have the dot still as well.
  9. Great Report, looks like you guys had a blast. It sure is beautiful up there in the Bancroft area.
  10. I'd learn how to cast with braid and tie a knot before buying a reel that's 200 bucks.
  11. Nice one man, your on a roll this year by the looks of it. Keep it going and keep the pics coming.
  12. Welcome Aboard, I'm sure you will enjoy.
  13. Shad Snacher if you have an answer for everything don't ask, braid is good and easy to use SRT8 is correct and because you don't know how to tie a good knot with braid maybe learning to tie something like a palomar knot would help. Plenty of people use braid and don't have troubles try learning something new rather then just switching. I also use a flouro leader for drop shotting, as SRT8 said it helps catch alot more and it's true. And pros don't all use Nanofil they use what is needed for the type of fishing they are doing, As for the birds nest and that it's not the only the line it's the person using the line.
  14. Great Video. Looks like some good times.
  15. If your using a smaller aluminum that doesnt have wide enough sides to attach the scottys that Mercman is talking about the clamps can be found for them but are a pain another solution for them is get a 2x6 long enough to go across the boat and 2 clamps to each side of the wood, clamp the wood to the boat and attach the rod holders to the wood probably the cheapest and most durable way for a smaller aluminum. If you got any more questions let me know I can try and find a pic for you, I have used them up north with my uncle and not a problem with them and then you can also take it off no problem.
  16. Hey there welcome aboard. There is a ton of great people on here and I'm sure you will get plenty of mixed but great options. The foam blocks will work just fine on the top of the car. You can even use them with an aluminum boat to so you shouldn't have a problem with that. I would take the offer for $50 as it's a good price and is alot better to fish from then an inflatable as you said don't want to get a hole and lose your stuff and have to swim. As for being bigger it shouldn't be to much of a problem you will be fine my father portages all the time in the summer for weeks at a time and he not the smallest guy lol. You shouldn't take to long to get the comfort in the canoe. And as you said it will work for a year or two until you get enough saved to buy another boat.
  17. Awesome fish and great report.
  18. All depends on what type of fishing you are doing but there is better brands then trilene, the only thing I use trilene for is top water with mono. But if your throwing spinners and or crankbaits or jigging try braid.
  19. Gobys havent affected the smallmouth in a negative way Erie is full of them and the fish are eatting them like crazy thats why companies are making baits that look like gobies and they work well. They are an invasive species but they are just another food for smallies.
  20. Great Pic and it's the same out on Erie right now, I am still seeing the odd smallie on the beds, it's a late season that's for sure.
  21. Out on Erie I usually get the most below not to many times do I get hits above them.
  22. Some Nice looking Smallies there maybe I will have to take a trip up there for some smallies and try something other then Erie.
  23. Hey Wayne, Glad to hear Jen is still smiling and keeping a possitive attitude. Glad to hear that her and that doc have the same ideas on the chemo. Best of luck with the recovery and will keep you, Jen and family in our thoughts and prayers.
  24. I caught all mine on corn you can buy sented corn for them and there is more then just corn go to a tackle shop they have carp hooks and other things cheap to.
  25. Welcome aboard. I can't wait to see some post. It's a great bunch here I am sure you will enjoy and meet some fishing buddies.
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