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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. Hey great report. Looking at these pictures makes me miss living in Peterborough more. It's a very nive little park very open but the trails are nice and it's not far from the lift bridge.
  2. Great Report, some nice fish. I can't wait to get away for some fishing.
  3. Nice pictures thouse are some great fish. Looks like a great weekend.
  4. Hey all, I am just wondering about any campgrounds near Lake Scugog. I am going to be heading up that way in a couple weeks to do some fishing just wondering if you guys could help me with a camp ground. I have been to Emily Provincial Park and didn't care for it. Any help would be great. Thanks Chris
  5. One of the biggest things about hadling a Musky or Pike that are large is to not just hold them by the gill plate letting there tail end hang. You should always hold it under the stomach and the gill plate. Allowing them to hang by the gill will or can kill them it puts way to much weight on there organs and cause lots problems.
  6. Hey great report sounds like you had a blast with the family those are some nice little fish and true as said above by some one else kids will never smile like that just from sitting playing video games. Nothing like the outdoors.
  7. Hey great report, as well pics thoughs are some wicked gar pike and some nice slabs of crappie. Looks like some good fishing for you as well.
  8. Great Video. I envy you having that for your backyard. I grew up with erie but would much rather that. Great Report as well.
  9. One thing I can say is don't go by anything you see on a T.V. show. And as for the walleye just eat it. Tape worms stay in the intestines therefore the meat is still good I have seen them in the odd Erie Walleye, I still eat them and never have got sick from them. The meat is cooked therefore killing anything in the meat. It's not as if your eating it everyday. You can't imagine whats wrong with the things you eat lol. Lots of times when I worked in the butcher shop we would get cows with cancer. It was pretty nasty and we would clean it off and the meat and cut it and on the counter it goes I have had it and it tastes a bit off to. So just eat it don't waste it.
  10. Nice Pike. I can't wait to get out for some pike. Leaving in two weeks.
  11. Great Report. Your sure have a nice place lol. Nothing like fishing in the north let alone living in it.
  12. Great Report. It's awesome seeing that your daughter loves fishing I hope mine does when she a bit older.
  13. Nice one. That's a beast.
  14. I agree with Sinclair you can't go to big with the leader or it will effect the action of the leech. As he said juts make enough and if you get a pike check for any damage and change up.
  15. I appreciate the help and replies now just that damn wait lol. Now I can't wait to get it. I will look for some deals on rods in the main time I know what I'm going to get for that though I'm sure. Chris
  16. Thanks everyone after some PM's back and forth I have decided what I am going to get I am going to wait a bit and save up till I have enough to buy a Curado may as well just get the one I will want next. Saves some money in the end for tackle. Thanks Geoff and everyone else that replied. Thanks Chris
  17. That's some more great work bushart, I really like the pond hockey as it to brings back lots of memories. But the detail in the bll with the tornado is amazing geat job the grass looks awesome and I know it really difficult to draw so painting wouldn't be easier, plus every thing else on it is great. The pond hockey is awesome to really makes me wish I was a kid again like thoughs days no a worry in the world lol. Thanks Chris
  18. Yea I was looking at a place right near Corbel which was right near Lake Nipissing. I would like to get up that way. Nothing like the North. I haven't done a whole lot of pic fishing before so if any one has some tips for this time of year it would be great. Thanks Nipfisher I was thinkinh of around that area as well. Chris
  19. Hey all. I have a question. I'm looking for a lodge to go to where we can get some good fishing, we are thinking around 5 hours to drive? If any one has some ideas as where to go I would appreciate the help we have a boat so aren't looking to rent just some where that has good pike fishing we will even stay in a camp ground. Thanks Chris
  20. That's truely a trip of a life time. Looks like you had some nice meals and great fishing. Nice pictures, I would love to go there.
  21. I am going to check out the Citica and the Pflueger I own to Pflueger spinning reals and I really like the but I will check them out and see what I find thanks for the help everyone. Chris
  22. Hi everyone. I have a question. I am looking at getting a casting reel in around $100. I have been looking at the Shimano Caenan 100 series and the Okuma Citrix or the Pflueger Trion. Does anyone have a choice towards any of these or maybe what is a better reel in your opinions or something I have missed maybe? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Chris
  23. Yea I just purchased a Shimano from Fishinng World and got a rebate as well.
  24. I'm glad to read your comment's thebigfish I seen your comment about you leaving for your guide job and I can't think but to take your advice as you obviously have knowledge. I own a St. Croix Mojo Bass I know it's not a top end St. Croix but I really like it that being said I'm going to forget about going and getting a Carrot Stick and stick to St. Croix. Also thebigfish that resort looks amazing if I was workign right now I wold definitly take a trip up there, for now though I'm stuck fishing here. Which is better then no fishing at all.
  25. I agree Grimsby Tackle is great had a couple problems with Adrian over the years but regardless he knows his stuff and will help you when he can, The new owner is great as well he set me up with what I needed to catch some which would include my first trout this year as I'm still new to it. I also was given some of the mountain of sasauge he had. Can't complain he feeds me sausage and means I can save on dinner and get more tackle lol. Also Bill's Bait has great service I never had a problem at Fishing World and the guys are generally good there for helping if you get the right guy. But I have been into Bill's Bait 3 times in the past week and the service is great there, I really can't say anywhere beats Bill's Bait and Grimsby Tackle for there service. They don't have the biggest selection like BPS or even Fishing World but they have what I need and if I can't get it there then I will head to one of the others. Bill's Bait Grimsby Tackle Fishing World Then the other Walmarts of fishing Chris
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