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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. I know a few guys that own a couple and they love them say there good rods and great for the money for that price I'm going to convince the wife to let me get one lol.
  2. Great Report. There really ins't anything like fishing with your grandpa. My grandfather taught me most of what I know and I am still fortunate enough to fish with him. I plan on doing plenty of perch days with him this summer. Chris
  3. Great report frozen-fire, You got to love the fight these guys put up I have only done 2 outings for carp and there will be plenty more to come. That's a nice carp to. Chris
  4. Great report Wayne, Glad to hear you guys had a great trip and got out for a nice weekend. Looks like you guys had great weather. Chris
  5. Welcome to the board I joined not to long ago and it's a great site here a great bunch on this site.
  6. Good Report Cliff, sounds like you had a good weekend and a great day fishing. Nothing better then that rain or shine.
  7. Nice Boat.
  8. That's crazy Irishfield lol got to be a but scary having lightning stike your plane they say that almost every commercial plane get stuck once a year sound a bit high but if accurate that's not.
  9. Wow that's an awesome veiw. Nothing like the north that is forsure.
  10. Did anyone see the News today showing the Airplane in London being hit by lightning, A guy caught it on camera lol. That could make for an interesting flight. http://travel.usatoday.com/flights/post/2011/05/lightning-strikes-emirates-a380/170149/1
  11. Nice job Paul. Glad to see you got out and landed some fish in the new boat. Not a bad pike for the first of many to come I'm sure.
  12. If you buy Dynomite sticks (tampons) or any product like that for your wife/girlfriend lol.
  13. I love eating Catfish and if you do grab near there fin or spine you can get stabbed with them and if I'm not mistakin some catfish have a minor poison on there fins. I catch channel cats alot out by lake erie I have my own spot that only a few locals go to and it's a good hole. I caught one the other day and he tasted great. Catfish also isn't really looked at in gross area for eating. I have been to plenty of resturaunts that have catfish on the menu. Just depends where you are looking and eating. Most places with a southern atmosphere have it.
  14. I can't wait they fight good right now I can't imagine what it would do then.
  15. Well this isn't half of what some of you have but what I have so far seems to work for me I am still replacing some from which got stolen last year but slowly I will get there. Also having a baby doesn't always give me the money I would like to buy all the tackle I could lol.
  16. Congrats to you and your wife on the Little Guy. He's a cute one that's for sure. Hope you enjoy it they grow fast. Chris
  17. Nice one man. That's 2 monster carp in just 2 days. My carp I got yesterday was 37.5 inches and was 28.13 lbs so good chance it could have been 30 lbs mine was pushing it.
  18. Thanks everyone. I am going to try and get some more tonight and hopefully a 30+ pounder lol we will see.
  19. No problem I really like your art and wish I could paint like that, I love going to Algonquin and portaging in some lakes and just draw some of the beauty out there.
  20. Happy Birthday Joey, Hope your enjoying your day and out fishing or relaxing somewhere. Chris
  21. Wow I have seen a few of your paintings and they are awesome I love art myself and I draw a ton I have the most respect for painters as I know how hard it is. I can't paint at all lol. Made on good painting in my life and wasn't like that. So hard to work colours together and shade with paint but you truly do a great job with it. Good work hope to see more. I thought you were going to say maybe you have heard of me Im from Canada's group of seven lol. Regarles that is some great work. Chris.
  22. Thanks for that Splashhopper that is very helpfull and informative. Chris
  23. lol thanks guys. Chris
  24. Thanks alot Roy. Best feeling in the world fighting something this size. First time in a awhile I was happy feeling my heart beat that hard lol.
  25. Lol yea I was pretty excited over it I think my neighbors are all wondering whats team 10 lol. By far my biggest fish caught.
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