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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. Awesome report and looks like a great family you got there, those are some nice smallies you got there. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Great report Terry. I'm sure that they were happy to have you there fixing all there problems.
  3. Awesome Video. Must be nice getting out with him for a day.
  4. Hey all. Well I got out to Erie for the weekend. My buddy and I started off fishing in Long point friday and with the winds thing just weren't going our way. We were having trouble controlling the boat the wind was so hard. We landed and couple largies but nothing big. Well after awhile the wind wasn't letting off and was more then they called for. So we decided to head to my parents as that was the plan after Long Point, just a bit early. Well we got to my parents and the wind was calming down and changing directions. So we decided to head out to a reef which is a good boot to get to. Well it was our first time getting out there and we are happy we did. We had all the rods ready and started of with the drop shot and it was alot of action. The bass are by far alot bigger out there on average rather then what I'm used to catching in closer to shore. Well we came in after about an hour as the wind started to pick up again and it's not the place you want to get caught out in. We ended up with 18 between the two of us in the time out there. Well we got up sat morning at 5:30am and we at the reef and lines in by 6am. After that it was long before the bass were hitting. The action was great until about a hour or 2 later when about 20 other boats started crowding around as the Dafasco Anglers Derby was going on this weekend. We still did really well only with a few trips in for food and to get more softbaits, we were out until about 7:30 and another storm brought some nasty winds in. We caught well over 30 each on sat and the majority of them in the morning. Got uo again this morning a bit later though the alarm wasn't loud enough I guess and we woke up at 8am. Got out on the water and to the reef again around 9 and it was already packed, we didn't have the baits that were working so good the day before as we ran out of them, so we started draging tube jigs and got a few nice ones each then it started to ran which wasn't going to stop us until that wind picked up and it was nasty by the time we got closer to shore I was glad we did the waves were getting to big to play around with. All in all we had a great weekend of bass fishing and we are planning to get out next weekend again to try and get one of the monsters that are known to be out there. The biggest one we caught was 3.8 lbs and my friend lost one that was well over 4. Heres a couple pics of the average bass we got out there. We didn't get to many pics. We were more interested in getting some more and hoping for the big one.
  5. Happy Birthday Paul, Hope you have a great day and get plenty of tackle lol. Hope your getting out for some fishing to. Chris
  6. Just because he says he will give it a 12 week warranty doesn't mean he will. I have heard lots of things like that and when you call back no answer no returned call. But hey buy it and see, if your lucky it will be fine if not you will wish you listened to everyones thoughts. But as others said never buy a used battery. I know people that have sold things on kijiji and they aren't always honest. Also being cheap generally cost you more in the end. I've seen it alot even with new things. You get what you pay for.
  7. I would buy new its 40 more and a warranty. The battery could be bad you never know. As for the charger im not possitive.
  8. Nice one that's a hog for sure.
  9. Thanks guys and fishgreg thanks I wouldnt have thought of that so I will keep that in mind. I am hoping to get out soon again.
  10. Thanks Joey and Fishgreg. I will be loosening the drag next time we go out. Hopefully I will actually land my first salmon to lol.
  11. Great report some nice eyes you got there. As well a few nice perch.
  12. Nice fish Mike. Looks like you guys had a good evening on the water.
  13. Great report. It's awesome to see how happy they are getting to fish with there dad. Thanks for sharing I can't wait to get out and do some more fishing and I am hoping that the next trip out I land a salmon. But until then I will continue to wish and dream for one. Awesome pics as well.
  14. Way to go G-Man thats a great report and some nice fish. Thanks for sharing and congrats on the Laker. Keep it up and keep the post coming.
  15. Thanks alot guys. I appreciate it. Frankie65 your right I said the same thing when I got him in lol. Thought if this had the girth that my 27 inch just shy of 10lbs it would have been a real nice one but none the less still better then the other. Spincast thanks. I am still fairly new to the salmon/rainbow trolling mostly rainbow lol. But when I get out next with my friend I will keep that in mind and try it out for sure. Thanks again guys. Chris
  16. Well I got out to Lake Ontario today. We got out a little late. But didn't take long to get the lines in as I had everything ready to go. With in 5 mins of having the lines in the water we had one on for a quick second but was gone before we got it out of the rod holder. About a half hour 45 mins went on with out any action then the rod starts going, I jump up grab it and the fights starts. The best fight I have had from a bow and it was awesome took a few good runs and finally got it to the boat and netted him. We measured him quick got a quick pic and back he went to swim another day. My PB bow 11.5 lbs and 33" 3/4 inches So we get the lines back in and then not long after that we get another one well this time it's my friends turn. It was by far the best acrobatic show I have seen yet from a bow none stop jumping and some big leaps he jumped a good 4 feet clear out of the water if not more and then we landed him got a quick pic and back in he went. Then we went for at least an hour and had no action, switched up a few thing and with in a few minutes fish on. I grabbed the rod and start reeling it wasn't a huge one but a decent one get it right up beside the boat and I realized it was my first salmon that I was going to land, so I thought my buddy grabs the net goes to get the fish and the fish bolts down and back up and gone spit the lure out right beside the boat lol. Oh well I'll get one eventually. We went one to get a bunch of hits setting the dipsy but no takers. We did have one hit real hard you could her the rod just smack real hard and it was gone reled in to find it snapped the leader from the dipsy to the lure. After that my buddy went on to get his pb bow and it was a 8.5lbs bow and about 27 inches. After that we had no action at all so called it a day around 1:30pm. All in all it was a good day on the water, sure beats the heck out of sitting on the couch. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoy.
  17. That's awesome that you are getting away for I bit, I know Dialyisis can put a stop to alot of trips so it's great to see that you are getting away. My grandma has been on Dialyisis for about 14 years. She always had trouble getting away and finding a place like that and being able to get in there for her treatment. So congrats on that and hope you enjoy your time.
  18. There amazing my parents watchede one go after a duck off the point in the bay at there place. I have seen them along the shores a fair amount and if you go to ontario power by Port Dover in the late year you can see them a fair amount they always feed down by the warm water outlet. It's really cool seeing them there sometime there a few of them at a time.
  19. That's awesome. Seems they are starting to make a come back we see them the odd time on Lake Erie out by my parents.
  20. Nice looking bass. Not a bad looking pond.
  21. Nice walleye, and nice video.
  22. I know what you mean it's not that light I own the 35 as well but I know the 25 isn't to heavy something to look at. I love pflueger reels, by far my favorite for spinning reels.
  23. Nice bass looks like you got a nice place with bass fishing like that.
  24. Haha that's awesome the sunfish got stuck like that. Nice bass as well. Looks like a good day of fishing.
  25. My Uncle was the president of the United Way in Niagara Falls New York he is now retired. He did do alot of good things but lets just say he isn't far off. Trips all the time to Alaska and othe not so cheap destinations, at least two a year. Kind of makes you sick to think that some one trying to ask for money for help is living so grand.
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