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Everything posted by Live2fish85

  1. I find that they will hit most things that bass hit as I always catch them on Erie going for bass. But I know in Hamilton near the pier or in the bay you can catch them one white crankbaits often. They are a nasty fish but they put up a good fight.
  2. This is my second fathers day and after we see the wifes dad we are going to my parents and I am going to bring the daughter fishin for some perch. She knows how to reel lol so we will see it's just for fun though nice gift to me though.
  3. Thanks. I didn't know that about salmon but I don't mind putting them back either. I will keep that in mind. What causes them to lose the scales like that.
  4. Great Report. Sounds like a great day fishing for the time you were there. Hopefully some pictures from your next outing.
  5. I dropshot with them often out on Erie. They work great.
  6. Thanks guys. All I need now is for me to land a salmon.
  7. Well with all the great weather and my friend being off work we have been taking advantage of it and getting out in the new boat lots. We went out wed night around 4pm headed out of Grimsby with in a half hour of getting to the right FOW we had one on, we ended up losing it and all the rest that night we had a total of 5 fish on. It was a great night though even with out landing any. We got some nice pics of the sun when we were getting ready to head in. So we headed back out last night again and we were on the water by 5pm and where we wanted to be in no time again it wasn't long before we had a fish on I got to take the first one and it was a nice fish got it about 6 feet from the boat and it went crazy and ended up getting off. Well not to long after that we had another one on and my friends turn and he landed a nice Lake Trout. The Lake Trout had a nice little friend come with him to so we got some pics of it. Sorry I could get any good mouth pictures but the Lamprey wasn't that big. Well it went on that day pretty rough for me I didn't end up catching anything again friday but we were getting ready to head in and we decided to stay a little longer it was a good idea to. I had a fish on that was a huge salmon got him right to the boat and he got off lol my usual lately lol. But we continued going and then another awseome hit and my buddy reeled in a nice Salmon. The Salmon was 14.5 lbs and we wanted to get him back in so we didn't take the time to measure him just a quick pic and back in. Well with such a great night of action even me losing all mine, we decided to just leave the boat in the water for the night and just sleep in the car we talked to the gy at the marina and he said that it wasn't a problem so we crashed in the truck and were on the water in no time. Got out and had some troubles with the motor came back in and some guy helped us down at the marina was just a small thing we ended uo both learning something about the new boat lol. So back out and with in a half hour we had our first fish on my buddy got this one and landed it a nice little salmon. Back in he went and we were at it agian well not to much action and then we had a fish on so I finally got another chance to put it in the boat and luckly I did lol. I got a nice little bow. All the fish went back and we had a great day. Even though I lost almost all mine lol it was still a great week of fishing nothing better then being on the water. Heres another few pics of the sun going down on the water. Sorry there weren't much fish pictures but there will hopefully be next time. Chris
  8. Nice fish, looks like an awesome spot you got there.
  9. I own 2 St. Croix Mojo Bass rods. I have the whacky and frog n slop they are both amazing rods I can say that between my shimano rod and st. criox hands down st.croix. You can't beat it for the price.
  10. This probably doesn't help much now but for near future the have been getting them out lowbanks area lots to. Sorry I didn't see this earlier but hope you will get out again soon around 12 to 16 FOW minnows look for some weeds beds starting.
  11. Hey Great report. Those are some real nice salmon. Great pics.
  12. I own the smaller Pflueger President, I love it I have it on my St. Croix and its awesome by far for the money best reel.
  13. Hey great report. I'm trying to talk the wife into going now after your report. That looked like an amazing trip. Some awesome fish.
  14. Great Report those are some great pics. The fish are very nice to.
  15. It's nothing near the same the boating test can save lives the fishing test can't. Have you ever heard misery loves company. Cheer up you'll catch a fish one day maybe after you study for your test.
  16. Hey no I didn't try anything deeper then 40 feet I appreciate the advice I will try this weekend. Sorry everyone for thinking those were salmon lol. I know now and can also tell the difference. Thanks Chris
  17. Yea Zone 20 atantics have to be over 24.8 inches And they all were I knew everything else that we may catch was in season I read my regs it's not a matter of that. I just didn't know how to determine the fish they aren't so easy like Bass and the usual lol. Oh well it did taste good lol. Thanks Everyone Else.
  18. Because I'm new to it I have to take a test now lol. It's open in Zone 20 along with the salmon, browns so take a pill. We are all on here because we enjoy fishing not to be harrassed about something because you think your god of fishing, they wouldn't get anyone buying licenses anymore. they do it this way to continue getting money to have co's out and everything else your way means they get no money. Take a pill and write a letter to the MNR telling them your thoughs and wants. I did know that the fish I caught was legal and I also wasn't keeping anything under 24 inches because the atlantic salmon in zone 20 have to be over 24 inches so I did know what I was doing just wasn't sure of the fish. Thank you everyone else for the reply I appreciate it, I now know how to determine the two from some fellow ofners help. Thanks Chris
  19. Is this a Salmon or Rainbow? Thanks for the help.
  20. Well I finally got out yesterday for some Salmon on Lake Ontario, after our first try last weekend and the boat giving us some problems and making us head in. My buddy got his boat back the other day and we decided yesterday we would go out for some fish. We launched at Bayfront as it was windy and didn't feel like ending up way out in the big Lake O if something was still wrong. We booted around in the bay for a few hours tried for some pike and other things but weren't getting anything finally the wind started to die so we headed for food then for the lake. We got out a few miles from shore to the depth we wanted. We were using dipsy divers around 20 to 25 and after about a half hour FISH ON. This is not only our first time salmon fishing but the first actual fishing trip in the boat my buddy got this winter. I got to bring in the first fish while my buddy netted it, it put up an alright fight was harder to get in the net (for my buddy)lol then to bring to the boat. Well we got it in and it was a nice 5.9 lbs and just over 24 inches. Well we got the line back in and the with in a few minutes we had another one on, I grab the rod out of the holder give it to my frined and he set the hook so hard he snapped the leader lol he didn't know he wasn't supposed to set the hook that hard. So after re-tying and getting the line back down about 10 to 15 mins later BAM fish on this thing hit hard. Well after a good battle and lots of nice jumps my buddy got it to the boat and I netted it. We weighted it and it was 8.11 lbs I dont know forsure but I believe it is a rainbow but regarless still a nice fish. Well again we put the line back out and we were getting some many hits and by the time we grabbed the roads they were gone kind of a bummer but still awesome feeling thinking your getting one lol. So about another half hour goes by and then we got another one on I grab the rod and kind of stumbled, thought for a sec I was going swiming lol this was a good fight lots of jumping and taking the line back out took me awhile but finally got him to the boat and in 1 dip the fish was in the boat. I believe its a chinook but not possitive but it was 27 1/4 inches and 9.10 lbs. All in all it was a great day out on the water we were expecting rain and chance of storms and ended up with nice sunny day and gorgeous night out there. We did have some more hit after my last but were gone quick again, before I could grab the rod. We headed in around 8:30 pm and it was a nice ride in a bit cool with the wind and sun all day but a nice veiw. We kept the 3 that we got and had some on the bbq last night it was awesome, talk about fresh. I can't wait to have some more for dinner tonight. Chris
  21. Nice Report Miller. Looks like a great trip.
  22. I don't think that they need to do a test for the fishing license but I think that there should be more of a test for your boat license. I seen some guys out at lake erie last night that didn't have a clue what he was doing plus my buddy is the same lol but he's learning. I also think that a lot of it is ignorance and people just don't care or think anything will happen to them a few weeks back some moron was going full throttle and didn't know the water we are in a bay where either side of the bay is a rock point that goes out alot farther then the eye and waters really high and he went flying full out and smashed the motor off the point thank god they were all ok but as for the boat it was a write off. The Government won't change the fishing license as it gives them lots of money but The boat exams a different story.
  23. Nice walleye. Sounds like a good weekend.
  24. I have had bad service there, I like going there because most often they have things I need that other tackle shops don't but there service is truly horrible. It's full of a bunch of students that probably don't know there for a hole in the ground. I don't mean every employee there doesn't know anything but I have ask plenty of workers where things are and they look at you first and with a dumb look on there face then, oh I think we are out of them. I continue to look and wow there they are lol. I will continue to go to my local tackle shops and when I'm near vaughan I just stop in and get some things that are hard to find. I agree big time pikehunter.
  25. Good to hear everything is going good Wayne. Hope everything keeps up and before you know you can be fishing with her.
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